Label Polydor UK
Release Date Dec 14, 2010

1 Guns And Horses 3:35
2 Starry Eyed 2:57
3 This Love (Will Be Your Downfall) 3:53
4 Under The Sheets 3:44
5 The Writer 4:11
6 Every Time You Go 3:25
7 Wish I Stayed 3:40
8 Your Biggest Mistake 3:25
9 I'll Hold My Breath 3:45
10 Salt Skin 4:15
11 Lights 3:31
12 Human 4:09
13 Little Dreams 3:19
14 Home 3:25
15 Animal 3:40
16 Believe Me 4:05
17 Your Song (Bonus Track) 3:11

Deluxe expanded edition of her debut album now featuring seven bonus tracks including a cover version of Elton John's 'Your Song'. 2010 debut album from the new sweetheart of British Pop. With her unique blend of Folk influences and Electronica she is already a firm favorite amongst tastemakers and bloggers alike. Lights features 10 tracks, including the singles 'Under The Sheets' and 'Starry Eyed'. Her chief collaborator is Fin Dow-Smith, AKA the Electro-don Starsmith, who produced the majority of the songs on the album and co-wrote four of them. Ellie's songs are built around big proper tunes that lift you up and spin you round, yet there's something off-center about them, something sparkly, filmic, haunting, odd. She mixes heartfelt emotion with other-wordly atmospherics, spins cool Electronica into dreamy warmth. Her insistence on putting her guitar in every song, whether an acoustic cover or a gorgeous song about new love gives her soaring Electro-Folk an earthed rootedness. Polydor.

★發光女聲出道大碟發行首週征服英國金榜冠軍,俏麗動感單曲"Starry Eyed"晉升英國金榜第4名★
★英國每日電信報四星好評,Lady Gaga冠軍單曲"Bad Romance"混音版操盤手Starsmith掌舵製作★

1. Guns and Horses
2. Starry Eyed
3. This Love (Will Be Your Downfall)
4. Under The Sheets
5. The Writer
6. Everytime You Go
7. Wish I Stayed
8. Your Biggest Mistake
9. I`ll Hold My Breath
10. Salt Skin

把簡單的流行民謠融入時髦的電音旋律空間,英國女歌手Ellie Goulding彩繪出folktronica的音樂新世界,她的音樂輕盈、活潑,真情奔放,很容易讓樂迷的心跟著悅耳的旋律一起飛揚,英國衛報形容Ellie的歌聲彷彿是空靈樂派的Cocteau Twins樂團唱起了流行樂的感覺。Ellie在2010年大放異彩,先是獲得BBC新聞網站評選為「2010年流行新聲音」名單的榜首,再獲全英音樂獎「樂評首選大獎」的肯定,緊跟著,她的首張專輯【Lights】於發行首週就站上英國金榜冠軍,這一切對她而言就跟她的音樂帶給樂迷的感覺一樣,只能用驚喜連連來形容。

1986年12月30日出生於英格蘭中西部赫里福郡一個人口不到千人的小村落Lyonshall,15歲時開始練吉他,寫些民謠風格的音樂,隨後在肯特大學唸戲劇系的時候迷上電子音樂,她在英國流行電子樂製作人Frankmusik [*Mika]的協助下完成了"Wish I Stayed",這首歌輕快、恣意的流行電子樂創作建立了Ellie的音樂創作雛形,之後,Ellie與電音製作新銳Starsmith [*Lady Gaga]合作,由於雙方頗有默契,接著就著手進行首張專輯【Lights】的錄製,Ellie為了音樂夢想,放棄學業,遷居倫敦。Ellie在2009年9月與英國音樂名廠Polydor簽下合約,隨後在流行女歌手Little Boots的巡迴演唱會中擔任暖場演出。

Ellie表示:「專輯裡頭的許多歌曲都是我兩年前用吉他彈唱的方式所創作的,記錄了一些成功或失敗的浪漫體驗。」俏麗動感,讓人怦然心動的單曲"Starry Eyed",晉升英國金榜第4名;描述一段黑暗的男女關係的"Under The Sheets"表現了電子節奏的亮麗感與勁道;"Guns And Horses"運用木琴與撥弦聲效帶出鮮跳節拍;"This Love (Will Be Your Downfall)"帶來了心蕩神馳的流行電子樂快感;"The Writer"在輕柔的樂聲之中散發著民謠音樂的動人情感。

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