Label La Face
Release Date Dec 14, 2010

順從原始直覺 找回曠課原味

◎葛萊美製作二人組Tricky Stewart(惠妮休斯頓、瑪麗亞凱莉)和The Dream(Beyonce、Rihanna)聯手打造〈Ride〉,與Ludacris攜手飆進節奏藍調榜Top3

Ciara may not be blowing up on the charts but she is still set to release her fourth studio album "Basic Instinct" on December 14th! Lead single "Ride" is the only song that has charted well on Billboard. It is starting to look good for "Gimmie Dat" though, it's slowly climbing the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Song Chart (Currently #63). Here we have 30 second clips of each track on the album. It actually sounds like a solid effort so I'm looking forward to hearing it in full. Ciara just needs to start promoting the damn thing! Be sure to check out the sampler below, Enjoy!

Basic Instinct (Album Sampler) by Jon_ALi

01. Basic Instinct (U Got Me) 3:29
02. Ride Ft. Ludacris 4:36
03. Gimmie Dat 4:11
04. Heavy Rotation 4:08
05. Girls Get Your Money 3:32
06. Yeah I Know 3:44
07. Speechless 4:08
08. You Can Get It 4:00
09. Turn It Up Ft. Usher 3:08
10. Wants For Dinner 3:31
11. Turn It Up 5:15

自2003年以Crubk & B席捲全球流行歌壇,壓倒群雌登基舞池后位以來,曠課樂派首席女王Ciara,以全新的創作活力,頂著全球超過700萬張銷售量,並在全美擁有近700萬的數位下載人次,並一舉抱回葛萊美、黑人音樂至高榮譽的靈魂列車「最佳新人」等4座獎項的肯定。不斷嘗試將Crunk、R&B和pop完美結合的Ciara,近來展現顛覆傳統與創新求變的強烈企圖心,領導音樂時尚潮流,提供嶄新的視聽感受。

全名為Ciara Princess Harris的Ciara出生於美國德州,在伯樂Jazze Pha的引下,順利在L.A. Reid和Babyface兩位黑人大師合開的唱片公司LaFace Records簽下合約。2004年推出熱翻全球各大舞池的精彩單曲〈Goodies〉,一發行甫佔領全美單曲榜7週冠軍,並開創Crunk & B曠課樂派,緊接發行專輯《愛情甜頭 Goodies》,更一舉獲得多白金唱片。2006年以新女性精神為出發點發行的《曠課升級The Evolution》,更掀起樂風上的革命進化論,空降美國冠軍!2009年嘗試以前衛奇幻的風格打造出《超異能奇航 Fantasy Ride》,充滿未來感的分身女戰士Super C,更請來型男賈斯汀助陣〈Love Sex Magic〉,並圍葛萊美「最佳流行合唱」入圍肯定。

趁勝追擊的第4張概念大碟《Basic Instinct》,靈感取自1992年,莎朗史東和麥克道格拉斯主演的電影《第六感追緝令》,試圖以音樂方式,呈現出女主角集美貌與智慧於一身的迷人身段。製作團隊請來獲葛萊美肯定的雙人拍檔Tricky Stewart(惠妮休斯頓、瑪麗亞凱莉)及The Dream(碧昂絲、蕾哈娜) 聯手打造第一主打〈Ride〉,特別邀請獲得三座葛萊美獎加冕的嘻哈天王Ludacris助陣,融合重口味的南岸Dirty South和Screwed & Chopped混音,重拍的搖擺律動混搭電子合成音律,挑逗性感的登上節奏藍調榜季軍席次;快速碎拍打造的高能量飆速〈Gimmie Dat〉,瞄準New-Jazz的街舞High咖,火辣辣的舞動線條,刺激全身熱舞細胞;快速崛起的加拿大籍製作人T-Minus(T.I.、LeToya Luckett)操刀,請到「新流行樂之王」的Usher獻聲尬舞演唱〈Turn It Up〉,快意流暢的Electro-Pop釋放動感旋律,是首超實力的暢銷熱門必備曲;揉合南美風情的性感雷鬼〈Wants For Dinner〉更掌握了專輯中最精準的節奏;一貫熟稔的掌握快歌外,Ciara更譜出媲美天后Janet Jackson般性感狂野的催情韻味,展現唱功的小品〈I Run It〉更漂亮為專輯壓軸演出。這張《Basic Instinct》要讓你找回性感嫵媚的真自我,煽動內心的無窮慾望,Ciara性感破錶之作,要你深探專屬Ciara的曠課直覺。

01.Basic Instinct (U Got Me) 曠客直覺
02.Ride 飆 (featuring Ludacris)
03.Gimmie Dat 全是我的
04.Heavy Rotation 天旋地轉
05.Girls Get Your Money 金錢萬歲
06.Yeah I Know 瞭若指掌
07.Speechless 啞口無言
08.You Can Get It 都是你
09.Turn It Up 舞力全開 (featuring Usher)

Ciara is taking it back to basics with the upcoming release BASIC INSTINCT. Multi platinum recording artist Ciara is coming with her 4th album after her 2009 release of FANTASY RIDE. Ciara will bring us back to her hometown of Atlanta to remind us of why we love the original A-town homegirl!

Ciara s debut album Goodies sold 3.5 million albums world wide and follow up album The Evolution 1.8 million worldwide. Ciara has sold over 5 million albums worldwide in her career thus far!

BASIC INSTINCT is executive producted by Ciara, Dream and Tricky (Rihanna s Umbrella ). BASIC INSTINCT is filled with infectious rhythms,girl anthems,club bangers, and sexy baselines made for riding in your jeep! With the lead single and insanely hot video for Ride featuring Ludacris, Ciara has reclaimed her spot as one of the sexiest and talented performers in music today.

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