Magazine [w/ DVD, Limited Edition / Type A]

Catalog No. SRCL-7522
Label/Distributor Sony Music Entertainment
Release Date 2011/01/26

Album release from Meisa Kuroki including songs "SHOCK - Unmei -," "5 - FIVE -," "LOL!," and more for 13 songs total (subject to change). Limited edition A includes a bonus DVD featuring all previously released music videos. Features alternate CD cover.

女優・モデルとしても大活躍中の黒木メイサ、待望のフルアルバム! シングル「SHOCK-運命-」(コーラショック CMソング)、「5-FIVE-」、「LOL!」(キットカット CMソング)を含む全13曲収録予定。 初回限定盤Aは、今までのPVを完全収録したDVD付。豪華マガジン仕様。"聴く"だけではなく、"読む""見る"黒木メイサをパッケージ! ※初回限定盤Aと初回限定盤Bではジャケットが異なります。

by Novaforever on December 1, 2010
Source : neowing / Kuroki Meisa Official
Images : Kuroki Meisa Official / natalie

Triple threat actress/model/singer Kuroki Meisa(黒木メイサ) has finally announced the release of her first full length album, “MAGAZINE“, which will be due out January 26th of next year.

The album will collect all of her singles, including “SHOCK-Unmei-,” “5-FIVE-,” and “LOL!“, as well as other new tracks for a total of 13 songs.

As per usual, the album will be released in Limited Edition first print A and B versions, as well as a regular edition. The limited edition will come packaged with a DVD that will contain the music videos for the album tracks, “Like This,” “Bad Girl,” “Criminal,” “SHOCK-Unmei-,” “Are ya Ready?,” “5-FIVE-,” and “LOL!”

The Limited Edition A will come with a special magazine so that fans not only ‘hear’ the new album, but also ‘read’ and ’see’ it as well. The magazine will be 50 pages in length and will contain images from her photo sessions and interviews.

Limited Edition B will include a special booklet highlighting her first solo live at the Ebisu Garden Hall back in October. Additionally, the DVD included with the B version will contain footage from her “LIVE ATTITUDE 2010” show.

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