After School參加了時尚雜誌《ELLE》倡導的「Share Happiness」活動。今年已經是第三屆的「Share Happiness」活動是由時尚雜誌《ELLE》提倡,在每年12月舉行的由明星和著名品牌合作募集資金的慈善活動,旨在幫助困難的市民,並給周邊的人 們傳達幸福。After School成員們也拉著「Share Happiness」的橫幅參加了拍攝。身著露肩服飾的成員們,在橫幅的遮擋下仿佛什麼都沒有穿一樣,十分惹火性感。

在拍攝同時進行的採訪中,成員嘉熙講述了自己的外號「睡眠嘉熙」背後的小故事:「拍攝中不小心睡著了,可是卻因為這個而得到了大家的喜愛,以後我會 更加努力的。」並表示總是會回想起自己十年前的樣子,來提醒自己不要忘本。After School性感照片將在時尚雜誌《ELLE》12月號中公開。

by VITALSIGN on November 24, 2010

After School’s ‘barely-covered’ photoshoot has been heating up the boards, after it was revealed that they dressed down for Elle Korea’s charity campaign, “Share Happiness“.

In the main image of the ladies holding up the campaign banner, it gives the impression that they aren’t wearing anything behind it. In actuality, the ‘erotic’ effect wasn’t intentional; the members of After School wore strapless mini-dresses behind the banner.

Kahi’s individual cut highlights her lovely features with bright blush and Barbie lips, while UEE’s shot shows off her famous ‘honey thighs.’ Nana, who was a model before becoming a member, opted for a wilder look through her hairstyle.

The photoshoot can be viewed in its entirety through the December issue of “Elle”, as well as through their online site, Elle Atzine.

After School and Son Dam Bi for Elle Korea Magazine December Issue ’10


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