
日期:2010年11月27日 星期六 晚上八時 2。入場時間:下午五時(根據具體情況更改) 3。地點:光雲大學文化館大劇場(蘆原區月溪洞) 4。門票發售日:2010年11月8日 星期一 上午九時30分 ~ 11月9日 星期二 下午6時 5。門票銷售相關資料,請點擊"門票"。

目前日程已確認。 SS501朴政玟的經理人公司CNR Media,已為參加歌迷聚會的各位準備2011年朴政玟桌曆和海報日曆、文件夾、貼紙、手機繩作為應援。 另外,在會場內活動進行期間,除了如單車、筆電、MP3、數碼相機等大量獎品,朴政玟還為歌迷們準備了小禮物(?)。 這次的歌迷聚會跟之前的與別不同,其中還會有驚喜。 請大家多多關心及參與。 最後,徵求歌迷們為政玟準備的驚喜禮物、如有意見,請電郵到,並寫下您的姓名、聯絡方式、官方網站ID。 提供獨特想法的人士,會個別聯絡送上特定禮物。


日期: 2010年11月27日(六) 20:00-22:00 集合: 17:00 地點: 光雲大學文館大劇場 (蘆原區月溪洞) 門票費用: 40,000圜


付款戶口: HANA銀行 591-910009-30405 / 戶口: 에넥스엠앤
付款時間: 2010年11月8日上午9時30分 ~ 11月9日下午6時 (請於11月9 日下午6時前完成付款)

電郵主題: (입금확인) 名字/ 官方網站ID / 付款日

<例> (입금확인) /abcdef/ 2010.00.00



申請者 (付款者名字) 官方網站ID 付款日 / 金額 電郵地址 聯絡方法 (家/手電號碼)


*如沒有得到本人(本人姓名, 付款用戶名等)確認,損失均不負責

SS501's 박정민 Park Jung Min to release solo album on November 25th
by VITALSIGN on October 11, 2010

SS501’s Park Jung Min will be releasing his first solo album on November 25th.

His agency, CNR Media, stated on October 12th that he will be be opening his official Korean homepage by the end of this month in preparation of his first solo mini-album. Park Jung Min will also be holding a Korean fan meeting following the album release on the 27th.

“Park Jung Min has been finalizing his contracts in order to enter the Asian market. Since all of his schedules have been revolving around that for now, he has decided that it is now time to return to his fans with a more mature image. He misses his fans more so than anyone else and hopes to gift them with this upcoming album and fan meeting.”

The mini-album is currently in its production stage with composer Shinsadong Tiger.

Park Jung Min signs with Yamaha Music Entertainment
by nanunmaro on September 17, 2010

SS501’s Park Jung Min has signed with Yamaha Music Entertainment and will soon promote his Japan activities.

Before his Japan press conference, CNR Media revealed on September 17th, “Park Jung Min has signed with Yamaha Music Entertainment.”

Park Jung Min’s main website will be subsequently launched and then followed by the release of photos and a DVD. His Japan fanmeeting will take place this December, while his first solo concert will happen in 2011.

For domestic promotions in Korea, the agency plans to release his solo album this November.

CNR Media is a foreign media corporation and will support a wide array of international activities for Park Jung Min.

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