Label Warner
Release Date Nov 24, 2010
Genre........: R&B
* Goodie Mob和Gnarls Barkley兩組團隊核心人物,回歸傳統靈魂樂章的單飛個人大碟!
* 由火速竄起的The Smeezingtons (B.o.B、Flo Rida)團隊操刀「F**k You」,登記英國金榜冠軍+告示牌流行榜Top18位置
* 比利時籍的Neo-Soul派新女伶Selah Sue、獨領風騷至今的長青樂團Earth, Wind & Fire成員Philip Bailey前來精采演出
01. The Lady Killer Theme (Intro) (Produced By Grey Area) 1:37
02. Bright Lights Bigger City (Produced By Ben H. Allen 3:38
Co-Produced By Graham Marsh)
03. Fuck You (Produced By The Smeezingtons) 3:42
04. Wildflower (Produced By Fraser T. Smith) 4:03
05. Bodies (Produced By Salaam Remi) 3:43
06. Love Gun Ft. Lauren Bennett (Produced By Cee Lo Green 3:20
Co-Produced By Salaam Remi)
07. Satisfied (Produced By Fraser T. Smith) 3:26
08. I Want You (Produced By Fraser T. Smith And Jack Splash) 3:36
09. Cry Baby (Produced By Fraser T. Smith) 3:27
10. Fool For You Ft. Philip Bailey (Produced By Jack Splash) 3:40
11. It's OK (Produced By Element Co-Produced By Paul Epworth) 3:46
12. Old Fashioned (Produced By Alan Nglish Co-Produced By 3:25
Salaam Remi)
13. No One's Gonna Love You (Produced By Paul Epworth) 3:29
14. The Lady Killer Theme (Outro) (Produced By Grey Area) 0:58
Elektra recording artist Cee-Lo Green's first solo work in more than six years, sees the endlessly inventive singer/writer/rapper/producer continuing to push hip-hop and soul's creative envelope, this time working with a star-studded cast of producers that includes Salaam Remi (Nas, Amy Winehouse), Jack Splash (Alicia Keys, Missy Elliot, Jamie Foxx), and Fraser T. Smith (Nelly Furtado, James Morrison, Ellie Goulding).
Released last month via Green's official YouTube channel, the blockbuster first single 'F**k You' caused an instant viral commotion, drawing more than 2 million plays in its first five days online. 'F**k You' - co-written and produced by the multi-platinum certified production trio, The Smeezingtons, featuring Green's Elektra labelmate, Bruno Mars - is now bulleting its way up the top 40 on Billboard's 'Hot 100' singles chart. Along with its phenomenal popular success, the single has also received ecstatic critical acclamation from coast to coast. 'One of the greatest songs in the history of humankind,' declared The Dallas Observer's 'DC9 At Night' music blog.
這位黑黑大隻佬Cee Lo Green,身兼Goodie Mob和Gnarls Barkley兩組團隊的核心人物,似乎有著用不完的音樂新創意跟企圖心,能饒舌、能演唱、更是製作/詞曲撰寫一把罩,打從拿手的Hip-Hop/Rap到R&B、Funk、Jazz、Blues、Neo-Soul甚至Rock風格,無不在他精心調配下,端呈出味美又豐盛的道道佳餚。譜入正面且值得深思的辭彙議題,摒除幫派饒舌之逞兇鬥狠色彩,獲得各界一致喝采。
出生喬治亞州,本名Thomas DeCarlo Callaway的Cee Lo,從小就在教堂中開啟對音樂的興趣。18歲時,和好夥伴T-Mo、Big Gipp、Khujo搭建起Goodie Mob,與Outkast同屬南岸饒舌代表,紛紛注入黑潮新樣貌,毫無畏懼東西兩岸幫派饒舌威脅及左右夾攻,除了共創Dirty South/Southern Rap新勢力,更吸納傳統音韻,重回黃金時期的美好,被Vibe選為「最具煽動力的表演團體」。2005年成為虛擬樂團街頭霸王專輯“惡靈古堡”的幕後重要推手,並和入圍葛萊美「非古典音樂類年度最佳製作人」的Danger Mouse,共組抱回葛萊美「最佳都會/另類團體」肯定的Gnarls Barkley。
單槍匹馬的Cee Lo,推出睽違6年之久的第3張個人專輯“The Ladykiller”。率先發行諷刺那些物質主義的拜金女孩單曲「F**k You」(電台播放闔家聆聽版「Forget You」),由火速竄起的The Smeezingtons (B.o.B、Flo Rida)團隊操刀,將時空拉回Motown時期的歡樂景象,勾勒Funky Soul的搖擺聲調,登記英國金榜冠軍+告示牌流行榜Top18位置;踩著明亮快意節拍的「Wildflower」,飛揚的琴韻在靈魂線條裡頭恣意穿梭,耐聽十足;比利時籍的Neo-Soul派新女伶Selah Sue,貢獻其獨特嗓音於「Please」之中;洋溢暢快到底的輕愉旋律,配上合音天使的稱職演繹,勾勒「Satisfied」、「Cry Baby」回歸70年代Old School靈樂的悸動;6座葛萊美獎、同時進入『搖滾名人堂』+『演唱團體名人堂』,獨領風騷至今的長青樂團Earth, Wind & Fire成員Philip Bailey,和Cee Lo共譜「Fool For You」醉人抒情章節;一快一慢的「It’s Ok」、「Old Fashioned」,如同調配一杯濃郁香醇的巧克力般,令人回味無窮、甜在心頭,同時彰顯這位鬼才努力推廣並保留傳統靈魂原味之創作態度!
- Nov 06 Sat 2010 00:51
男子好樣 華納唱片 希洛格林 首專 Cee Lo Green - The Lady killer 少女殺手