Label Reprise
Release Date Sep 28, 2010
Recording information: Ocean Way Recording, Hollywood; Piety Street Studios, New Orleans.
Photographers: Doyle Bramhall; Nigel Carroll; Gregory Malphurs.
Personnel: Eric Clapton (vocals, guitar).
Audio Mixer: Justin Stanley.

*協同默契好伙伴Doyle Bramhall II (Sheryl Crow、B.B. King、Jennifer Warnes)共通製作睽違5年的第19張個人專輯
*追尋原始傳統的藍調、鄉村、爵士之音,翻唱「Autumn Leaves」在內等多首經典歌謠

  包括以個人身份,以及跟隨Yardbirds和Cream樂團,成為音樂史上唯一三次入列至「搖滾名人殿堂」的傳奇大師Eric Clapton,更是嚴苛樂評與粉絲群心目中的吉他之神,除了已相繼入列滾石雜誌「百名偉大」+「不朽的百大藝人」名單、佔據Gibson吉他公司「史上50位頂尖吉他手」第四名位置,更已身擁17座葛萊美獎加冕、與Cream成員齊力拿下「終身成就」獎肯定,在全球寫下破億的驚人銷售,而推廣藍調音樂不遺餘力的Eric,和B.B. King以及J.J. Cale兩位前輩合作的專輯,更是不可或缺的傳世至寶!

18歲自組Roosters樂團,接著加入培育三大吉他神手(Eric Clapton、Jeff Beck與Jimmy Page)並有著「傳奇搖滾樂團」封號的Yardbirds。1965年,轉向藍調先驅John Mayall的Bluesbreakers樂團,翌年則夥同Jack Bruce及Ginger Baker合組經典三人組合Cream,1968年再次打造超級隊伍Blind Faith。進入70年代,不僅組裝Derek & The Dominos,更於1970年正式推出首張個人同名專輯,至今走過40年的歲月,仍持續締造事業上的波波高峰期,不用太多花俏襯樂點飾就能唱出直達人心的感動,搭配神乎其技的彈奏,不時在創作曲目中精彩浮現!

  2006年,和美國草根藍調大師J.J. Cale合作、齊力追尋原始藍調之音的“Road To Escondido”特典,好評一面倒,玩不過癮的Eric,依循那份傳統概念,發行睽違5年之久的全新第19張個人專輯“Clapton”,協同默契好伙伴Doyle Bramhall II (Sheryl Crow、B.B. King、Jennifer Warnes)通力掌舵,真實呈現影響Eric出道至今的藍調本色,更重繹多支耳熟能詳的舊作,加入全新的感動音符。濃烈化不開的Blues情懷灌滿「Travelin` Alone」,跳動搖擺旋律,釋放屬於野性的不羇感;到了「Rockin’ Chair」,卻意外灑下爵士優雅氣息,令人無比陶醉;閒適的「Judgment Day」,點滴滲入Motown式的靈韻和聲,還有口琴伴隨的鄉村調調;有趣的如同迪士尼動畫配樂之「My Very Good Friend The Milkman」,會讓人聽到嘴角上揚,Eric獨特的尾句抖音甚是吸引人;鋼琴和吉他溫柔互鳴的「Diamonds Made From Rain」、以及法國歌改編的傳頌金曲「Autumn Leaves」,都是Eric引領粉絲群復習回味老樂章的迷人之處,同樣是搖滾客們手上必備的研習寶典!
Eric Clapton's first new solo studio album in five years, Clapton is a collection of blues covers and originals featuring cameos from a variety of heavy-hitters -- including EC's old Blind Faith colleague Steve Winwood, J.J. Cale, Sheryl Crow, Allen Toussaint and Wynton Marsalis

Billboard (p.40) - "Clapton's playing is characteristically tasteful throughout, and his vocal performances are among the most flexible and confident of his career."
Mojo (Publisher) (p.88) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "Older age has given Clapton's voice greater gravitas, and a brace of songs from the Fats Waller songbook give it further chance to shine."
Record Collector (magazine) (p.80) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "Clapton brings a slowburn tenderness to Irving Berlin's `How Deep Is The Ocean,' his whispered delivery beautifully cradled by a reserved string section."
Uncut (magazine) (p.96) - 3 stars out of 5 -- "[I]t's actually a close-knit kind of jam session. Undoubtedly, it's where his heart is."

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