Label Red Ink /Sony
Release Date Oct 25, 2010
◎聯合公園主唱Chester Bennington另組搖滾團體Dead By Sunrise、備受推崇的澳洲前衛團體Karnivool、曼菲斯的重量級組織Saliva、芬蘭國寶金屬部隊Lordi、日本第一搖滾天團Dir En Grey全員出動
1. Never - Saving Abel (previously unreleased)
2. Condemned - Dead by Sunrise
3. Waking Up the Devil - Hinder
4. Goliath - Karnivool
5. Promises - Nitzer Ebb
6. Love Is Dead - Kopek
7. Badass - Saliva (previously unreleased)
8. World Belongs to Me, The - My Darkest Days
9. Turn It On - Default
10. Fire Fly - I Exist
11. What Goes Round Comes Around - Boom Boom Satelites
12. Scream - Adelitas Way
13. Hoodoo Woman - Krokus
14. This Is Heavy Metal - Lordi
15. Ram the Crush - Wagdug Futuristic Unity
16. Hageshisa To, Kono Mune No Naka De Karamitsuita Shakunetsu No Yami - Dir en Grey (previously unreleased)
超越《十三號星期五》、《半夜鬼上床》等經典系列,榮登金氏世界紀錄「最賣座恐怖片電影系列」冠軍的《奪魂鋸》,經歷6集驚嚇,最終回《奪魂鋸3 D》首度以3D效果呈現,讓你身歷其境,感受無比血腥的視覺刺激,體驗腎上腺素飆升的快感!更多推陳出新的殘酷虐殺手法,挑戰人們感官極限。劇情描述:掙脫前幾集「拼圖殺人狂」魔掌的生還者,他們被Bobby Dagen利用,然而Mark Hoffman脫離補獸器之後仍繼續殺人事業,再度展開毛骨悚然的遊戲,第一集的Lawrence Gordon醫生也歸隊演出。此回各種嚇人狠招全部出招,終結版完整爆漿!
搭配刺激的驚悚劇情,整合搖滾/重金屬團隊過癮的狂暴野性,《奪魂鋸3D》原聲帶提供聽覺上極致的爽快感!美國新銳Post-Grunge樂團Saving Abel以〈Never〉散發高功率的強勁震撼力度;聯合公園主唱Chester Bennington另組搖滾團體Dead By Sunrise,自首張專輯《Out Of Ashes》挑選極端暴戾的〈Condemned〉;兼併80年代Hard Rock與90年代Post-Grunge元素的百萬銷售新貴Hinder,用〈Waking Up The Devil〉喚醒搖滾狂魔;來自澳洲備受矚目的前衛搖滾團體Karnivool,狂暴的吉他音牆堆疊揭開〈Goliath〉序幕,紮實的演繹技巧和主唱真假音轉換,令人無法抵搖滾熱浪波波襲來;來自曼菲斯的重量級組織Saliva,貢獻不羈之作〈Badass〉;加拿大籍天團Nickelback靈魂支柱Chad Kroeger力捧Post-Grunge搖滾新貴My Darkest Days,獻聲〈The World Belongs To Me〉;Chad Kroeger發掘的Default,飆唱〈Turn It On〉粗暴氣焰;在歐洲最大歌唱盛會Eurovision Song Contest上,替芬蘭拿下有史以來第一座冠軍獎盃的Lordi,則貢獻出〈This Is Heavy Metal〉的傳統搖滾能量;來自日本大阪的搖滾第一天團Dir En Grey,以〈Hageshisa To, Kono Mune No Naka De Karamitsuita Shakunetsu No Yami〉的日文搖滾,發揮他們的不凡實力!
導演:《奪魂鋸 VI》凱文葛蘭特(Kevin Greutert)
演員:《奪魂鋸》托賓貝爾(Tobin Bell)、柯達斯曼迪洛(Costas Mandylor)
Saw 3D, the seventh and supposedly final installment in the popular torture/horror franchise, opens with a man cauterizing his severed foot with a hot pipe. The soundtrack, as has been the case throughout the series, is populated with songs that more or less pair well with the aforementioned image, offering up demonic blasts of heavy metal dressed in all of the genre's myriad disguises.
There are plenty of familiar names like Hinder and My Darkest Days and veteran outfits such as Nitzer Ebb and Krokus, but the Saw franchise has always provided a couple of slots for newcomers and underground heroes like Karnivool and Dir en Grey, both of which provide the soundtrack with two of its strongest cuts. ~ James Christopher Monger
- Oct 30 Sat 2010 04:54
Sony Music 索尼音樂 奪魂鋸 Saw 3D OST