"Rock'n'Roll Circus Tour FINAL ~7days Special~"
Ayumi Hamasaki brings her 12th album "Love songs" in three versions on December 22, 2010. This album includes 8 new songs as well as "Moon / blossom," "crossroad," and "L.."
Jacket A version comes with the bonus DVD including music video for total of 8 songs as well as making-of features for all of them.
Furthermore, 100 lucky winners selected in a drawing within customers who preorder the album will receive a present from Ayu! Details will be forthcoming shortly!
Ayumi Hamasaki announces new album, produces AAA ウラタナオヤ Urata Naoya's solo single
by hellcat on October 28, 2010
Source: ayumi hamasaki official website
Having recently released her 11th studio album, “Rock’n'Roll Circus” this past April as well as a trilogy of singles afterwards, Ayumi Hamasaki is giving her fans yet another reason to jump for joy – her 12th studio album, “Love songs“, will be hitting stores on December 22nd, just in time for Christmas!
“Love songs” will include 6 previously-released A-sides, plus 9 new songs, bringing the total to 15 tracks.
The album will arrive in 3 different formats:
first press details: slipcase
and ‘microSD+USB+DVD+Photobook’(AVZD-38219).
price:US$ 102.34(8800yen Tax incl.)
Format Collectible 珍藏版
Availability Pre-Order Sold Out ?!
Ayu will be the first Japanese artist to release exceptional high quality versions of her songs on a USB stick; it’s said that the sound quality of the USB tracks will be 278 times greater than that of a regular CD. Additionally, the DVD will include 3 newly-shot PVs, including one for”Last angel” from her latest single, “L“.
That’s not all though – on the very same day, Urata Naoya, leader of Avex pop group ‘AAA‘, will be releasing a solo single featuring Hamasaki. “Dream ON“ will be in stores alongside “Love songs” and is available in 2 editions, CD-only and CD+DVD. The entire single, including lyrics, PV, and CD art, were produced by Ayumi.
浜崎あゆみからのクリスマス・プレゼント! 12thオリジナルALBUM!! 大ヒットSINGLE「MOON / blossom」「crossroad」「L」に、新曲8曲 (予定)を加えた充実の一枚。 DVDには、新たに撮り下ろした3曲を含む8曲に及ぶvideo clipと、それらのメイキングを収録。
<”Love songs” 部分Partial tracklist: >
•MOON•blossom•crossroad•Virgin Road•Sweet Season•Last angel
+ 9 new tracks (15 track total)
•MOON (video clip)•blossom (video clip -director’s cut-)•crossroad (video clip)•Virgin Road (video clip)•Sweet Season (video clip)•Last angel (video clip)
+ 2 new PVs and making-of clips for all PVs (15 track total)
<”Love songs” microSD+USB+DVD+Photobook Version: >
•MOON•blossom•crossroad•Virgin Road•Sweet Season•Last angel
+ 9 new tracks (15 track total)
•MOON (video clip)•blossom (video clip -director’s cut-)•crossroad (video clip)•Virgin Road (video clip)•Sweet Season (video clip)•Last angel (video clip)
+ 2 new PVs (8 track total)
Includes full album in 48KHz, 24bit, wav.file format + all DVD content, including making-of clips
LP-size, exclusive photobook (12 pages)
※本商品は人気商品のため、お一人様1枚までとさせて頂きます。ご了承下さい。浜崎あゆみからのクリスマス・プレゼント! 12thオリジナルALBUM!! 日本人アーティスト初となる、CDよりも「278倍」高音質な音源データ (48KHz、24bit、wav.file)を収録したUSBと、microSD (SD-VIDEOフォーマット)、DVD、フォトブックの限定セット!! アナログLPサイズの3つ折りパッケージにmicroSDとUSB、DVD、LPサイズフォトブック、歌詞ブックレットが全て同梱。 【microSD収録内容】SINGLE「MOON / blossom」「crossroad」「L」に新曲8曲 (予定)、新たに撮り下ろした3曲を含む8曲に及ぶvideo clip ※メイキング映像は収録されません。【USB収録内容】SINGLE「MOON / blossom」「crossroad」「L」に新曲8曲 (予定) 【DVD収録内容】新たに撮り下ろした3曲を含む8曲に及ぶvideo clip
CM - Softbank (BGM: Tada no ame)
浜崎あゆみ 宮史郎 室井佑月 ♪ただの雨