Label Parlophone (UK)
Orig Year 1973
Discs 2
Release Date Oct 19, 2010
Additional Info Blue; Remastered; Digipak

1967-1970 CD DISC 1:
1. Strawberry Fields Forever
2. Penny Lane
3. Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
4. With A Little Help From My Friends
5. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
6. Day In The Life, A
7. All You Need Is Love
8. I Am The Walrus
9. Hello Goodbye
10. Fool On The Hill
11. Magical Mystery Tour
12. Lady Madonna
13. Hey Jude
14. Revolution

1967-1970 Songs DISC 2:
1. Back in the U.S.S.R.
2. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
3. Ob La Di Ob La Da
4. Get Back
5. Don't Let Me Down
6. Ballad of John and Yoko
7. Old Brown Shoe
8. Here Comes The Sun
9. Come Together
10. Something
11. Octopus's Garden
12. Let It Be
13. Across The Universe
14. Long And Winding Road

The companion piece to the 1962-1966 singles compilation, this set (often called "the blue album," as opposed to its chronological predecessor "the red album"), brings together the Beatles best known songs from 1967 through 1970. The Beatles were fiercely, relentlessly experimental during these years, and the swirling, visionary soundscapes of "Strawberry Fields Forever," which opens the collection, sets the tone with its effects-heavy production and backward tape loops. John Lennon's psychedelic songwriting, which emphasized crystalline melodies and surreal wordplay, can be heard on tracks like "Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds" and "Across the Universe."

Paul McCartney's fascination with English music hall and novelty numbers is clear on "Penny Lane" and "Ob-la-Di, Ob-la-Da," and the set also has some of his finest ballads, including the mega-hits "Let It Be" and "Hey Jude." George Harrison emerged as a fine songwriting talent during these years with "Something" and "Here Comes the Sun." Yet despite evidence of their diverging individual directions, the Beatles still rock as a band on cuts like "Revolution." (The set includes the single versions of "Revolution," "Lady Madonna," and "Hey Jude"). The Beatles set the tenor of the late-'60s with this spectacular soundtrack, and it remains--even after years of overplaying--original, beautiful music.Q (10/00, p.154) - Included in Q's "Best Best Of... Albums Of All Time"
Q (10/93, p.118) - 4 Stars - Excellent - "...Musically, joy certainly is unconfined....[THE RED and BLUE ALBUMS] vividly trace the story of [the Beatles'] development..."
Melody Maker (10/9/93, p.41) - "...[a] timeless wonder...."
NME (Magazine) (9/18/93, p.35) - (10) - Classic.

◎ 建構近代流行搖滾樂雛形的傳奇樂團
◎ 享譽全球的Abbey Road Studios錄音室工程技師團隊2010年全新數位化母帶重製技術製作
◎ 典藏〈Let It Be〉、〈Hey Jude〉、〈Come Together〉、〈Something〉、〈The Long And Winding Road〉…等膾炙人口的冠軍曲以及George Harrison與Eric Clapton攜手的吉他搖滾經典作〈While My Guitar Gently Weeps〉
◎ 內附1973年首度發行時的原始內頁英文介紹文字與首度曝光的珍貴照片

《The Beatles 1967-1970》在1973年發行時,勇奪全美流行專輯榜冠軍,同時也登上英國排行榜亞軍,此套在2010年重新發行的雙CD精選輯彙整了披頭四在1967年到1970年的暢銷曲,此套精選輯呈現了披頭四跳脫流行搖滾領域,碰觸不同類型音樂元素,在人聲與樂器聲之間營造奇特的聽覺感受,進行多采多姿的流行搖滾實驗成果,這些成果包括:〈All You Need Is Love〉、〈Hello Goodbye〉、〈Hey Jude〉、〈Get Back〉等四首蟬聯英/美排行榜冠軍單曲以及〈Something〉、〈Come Together〉、〈Let It Be〉、〈The Long And Winding Road〉等四首全美排行榜冠軍單曲跟〈Penny Lane〉、〈Lady Madonna〉、〈The Ballad Of John And Yoko〉等三首英國排行榜冠軍單曲,還有George Harrison與Eric Clapton攜手嶄露吉他動人情感的細緻之作〈While My Guitar Gently Weeps〉,營造出白日夢感覺的迷幻搖滾曲〈Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds〉,集結了前衛搖滾,迷幻搖滾與交響樂的作品〈A Day In The Life〉,Ringo Starr擔任主唱,充滿靈魂樂味道的唱腔的寂寞搖滾曲〈With A Little Help From My Friends〉,迷幻搖滾大作〈Strawberry Fields Forever〉,兼具詩情畫意感覺與迷幻氛圍的民謠搖滾作品〈Across The Universe〉,把玩重搖滾與迷幻搖滾的奇趣搖滾歌〈Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band〉…等。


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