Label Columbia
Discs 2
Release Date Oct 19, 2010
Disc 1/2
1. Man On The Street (Fragment) 1:07
2. Hard Times In New York Town 1:57
3. Poor Boy Blues 3:01
4. Ballad For A Friend 2:23
5. Rambling, Gambling Willie 3:38
6. Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues 3:42
7. Standing On The Highway 2:32
8. Man On The Street 1:30
9. Blowin' In The Wind 2:38
10. Long Ago, Far Away 2:29
11. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall 6:50
12. Tomorrow Is A Long Time 3:46
13. The Death Of Emmett Till 4:32
14. Let Me Die In My Footsteps 1:37
15. Ballad Of Hollis Brown 4:08
16. Quit Your Low Down Ways 2:50
17. Baby, I'm In The Mood For You 1:36
18. Bound To Lose, Bound To Win 1:19
19. All Over You 3:52
20. I'd Hate To Be You On That Dreadful Day 2:00
21. Long Time Gone 3:46
22. Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues 3:17
23. Masters Of War 4:23
24. Oxford Town 2:33
25. Farewell 3:58
Disc 2/2
1. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right 3:38
2. Walkin' Down The Line 3:23
3. I Shall Be Free 4:30
4. Bob Dylan's Blues 1:58
5. Bob Dylan's Dream 3:53
6. Boots Of Spanish Leather 5:49
7. Girl From The North County 3:09
8. Seven Curses 3:13
9. Hero Blues 1:36
10. Whatcha Gonna Do? 3:36
11. Gypsy Lou 3:45
12. Ain't Gonna Grieve 1:28
13. John Brown 4:20
14. Only A Hobo 2:25
15. When The Ship Comes In 2:56
16. The Times They Are A-Changin' 3:03
17. Paths Of Victory 4:11
18. Guess I'm Doing Fine 4:08
19. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down 1:56
20. Mama, You Been On My Mind 2:14
21. Mr. Tambourine Man 5:55
22. I'll Keep It With Mine 3:34
The ninth volume of Bob Dylan's ongoing Bootleg Series covers the demo recordings he made for the publishing houses Leeds Music and M. Witmark & Sons between 1962 and 1964. Heavily bootlegged and sometimes excerpted on previous entries in the Bootleg Series, these recordings feature Dylan supported by nothing more than his guitar and harmonica (or in a few instances, piano), singing songs that appeared on his earliest albums plus many songs that never did, including "Seven Curses," "Guess I'm Doing Fine," "Baby, I'm In The Mood For You," "Tomorrow Is A Long Time" and "Mama You Been On My Mind." These are significant historical recordings and they've been given typically excellent treatment, including liner notes by Colin Escott. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine
包括「終身成就」在內共11座葛萊美獎+奧斯卡和金球獎各1座+普立茲特別榮譽肯定的民謠之父Bob Dylan,直接成為「搖滾名人殿堂」、「納許維爾創作名人殿堂」、「創作名人殿堂」的終身會員,被視作20世紀最鉅影響力的指標性人物!跨越多個世代以及不同社會階層,成為民權運動的代言人,對政府抗議、關懷社會諸多議題,包覆哲學的詩歌,廣為吸納美國傳統民謠、搖滾、鄉村和藍調音樂,甚至包括爵士和搖擺樂元素,寫下不朽的曠世成就!
2007年曾執導過華麗搖滾音樂大戲「絲絨金礦Velvet Goldmine」的Todd Haynes,企圖脫離傳記片依循之軌道,將Bob生平故事搬上銀幕的《巴布狄倫的七段航程I’m Not There》,成為各界關注焦點。他的自傳《Like A Rolling Stone: Bob Dylan At The Crossroads》被紐約時報評為「年度十大最佳書籍」之一,充滿文學性的內容,提名諾貝爾文學獎。出道即將進入50個年頭的Bob,創作力相當旺盛,持續推出創作大碟,並且金唱片或白金銷售輕鬆入袋,06+09年的專輯《Modern Times》、《Together Through Life》全部拱上冠軍寶座,實證薑還是老的辣!
這張名為《The Witmark Demos》的精選系列第九集,回頭找尋Bob於1962-1964年間未曾發表的作品,包括多支DEMO、以及〈Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right〉、〈Walkin’ Down The Line〉、〈When The Ship Comes In〉、〈The Times They Are A-Changin’〉先前系列中曝光之曲目,蒐集最簡約的民謠質樸味覺,最愛相伴的空心吉他、鋼琴、口琴等樂器,少不了的濃烈迴盪歌謠裡頭。一刀未剪的真情流露、原汁原味的經典重現、毫無修飾的誠懇演繹,全部出自Bob之手的創作,除了〈Baby,Let Me Follow You Down〉,為翻唱50年代末期走紅的傳統Folk/Blues小品。一口氣整理出47首珍貴的音樂軌跡,穿插Bob真性情的話語,無論是唱錯或忘詞,就是要完整呈現!內頁附上Bob年輕時的照片、創作手稿、歷史導讀本,提供更具收藏的價值。
- Oct 28 Thu 2010 22:12
Sony Music 索尼音樂 巴布狄倫 Bob Dylan - Witmark Demos: 1962-1964 (The Bootleg Series, Vol. 9) 民謠傳說-巴布狄倫私藏錄音第九集