Catalog No. KIZM-69 (A盤)
Label/Distributor King Records
Release Date 2010/10/27
External Bonus a photo
レコチョク会社 是日本經營電子書、手機鈴聲下載等等項目的公司。

小嶋陽菜 大島優子
高橋みなみ 北原里英 板野友美 前田敦子 柏木由紀 松井玲奈 高城亜樹 河西智美
峯岸みなみ 指原莉乃

Maxi-single release from AKB48 including three new songs and three instrumentals. This time 選抜Senbatsu Members (selected members who sing the A-side song) are chosen by rock-scissors-paper! Includes a bonus DVD with music videos of new songs (subject to change). * Type A, K and B include different third track.

AKB48のニュー・マキシシングル!! なんと今作は、ファン投票ではなく「じゃんけん」で決定! CDには、新曲3曲 + inst3曲を収録。DVDには、新曲3曲のMUSIC CLIPを収録予定。※ のM1・M2楽曲はCD・DVD共に共通楽曲となります。

AKB48’s upcoming single, “Beginner“, has been a hot topic on the internet due to the nature of its PV.

The original PV contains quite a bit of 爭議的controversial scenes, such as Kojima Haruna’s face being chopped into half, Oshima Yuko getting stabbed by black thick needle looking thing, and Maeda Atsuko chopping her own arm off. Though it was shown at “AKB48 19th Single Senbatsu Janken Taikai” on September 21st, and also at “AKB48 Tokyo Autumn Festival” on October 10th, they released a different “dance version” PV which was a much different PV than the original.

On October 15th, King Records made an official announcement about the music clip,

“The music clip version of ‘Beginner’ that will be included on the release of AKB48’s new single (scheduled to be released October 27th) will be different from the original music clip version of ‘Beginner’ that was shown at ‘AKB48 19th single Senbatsu Janken Taikai’ on September 21st, and also at ‘AKB48 Tokyo Autumn Festival’ on October 10th. Also, some parts that were shown in TV spots were from the original version, but those will also not be included with the single. The original music clip version will only be distributed through Recochoku starting on October 27th at midnight. The music clip does contain some controversial scenes, so please read the notice carefully, and download it at your own discretion.”

Check out the video that has been released as the “dance version” below, along with the CM, which shows parts of the “original version”.




繼連續一上市旋即突破50萬張冠軍單曲〈馬尾巴和髮圈〉〈HEAVY ROTATION〉、締造女性團體前所未有的創舉之後,王牌製作人秋元康一手打造、日本當紅女子天團AKB48再度推出全新單曲




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