EMI Recordings
Release Date Oct 4, 2010
Genre: Grime,Hip-Hop,House

根據最新揭曉的全英排行榜單UK midweek chart,2010全英樂壇黑色超新星「天霸泰尼Tinie Tempah」,新輯第三支主打〈Written In The Stars〉的單曲銷售,正以兩倍之多領先第二名的Labrinth新曲〈Let The Sun Shine〉。排行分析預料,Tinie Tempah〈Written In The Stars〉即有可能以「空降」之姿,勇奪下週全英單曲榜冠軍!(GT)

Switching it up a bit, here we have British rapper Tinie Tempah who is about to release his debut album "Disc-Overy" on October 4th (UK)!

 He quickly caught my attention after his debut singles "Pass Out" (#1) and "Frisky" (#2) were both able to top the UK charts. He also is showing no signs of stopping with current single "Written in the Stars" currently holding the #1 position on iTunes (UK). His combination of electro and hip-pop is clearly taking over in the UK and I won't be surprised if he eventually makes his way to the states. Be sure to check him out if you haven't already, Enjoy!!

◎ 流竄著奈及利亞血液、以英倫文化滋養靈魂,混搭出2010樂壇黑色超新星Tinie Tempah
◎ 英國樂壇最強黑勢力終於誕生,專輯尚未推出,連續三首單曲強佔英國金榜冠亞軍位置
◎ 收錄首發冠軍單曲〈Pass Out〉、亞軍單曲〈Frisky〉與最新冠軍單曲〈Written In The Stars〉
◎ 天命真女Kelly Rowland、全英音樂獎得主Ellie Goulding,話題獻聲助陣
◎ 【初回限量版】收錄獨家海報

01.Intro [02:31]
02.Simply Unstoppable [03:33]
03.Pass Out [04:28]
04.Illusion [03:16]
05.Just A Little Feat Range [03:02]
06.Snap [03:05]
07.Written In The Stars Feat Eric Turner [03:40]

08.Frisky Feat Labrinth [04:55]
09.Miami 2 Ibiza Feat Swedish House Mafia [03:25]
10.Obsession [03:42]
11.Invincible Feat Kelly Rowland [03:22]
12.Wonderman Feat Ellie Goulding [03:39]
13.Let Go Feat Emeli Sande [04:18]

The album is a highly accomplished piece of work featuring an array of production that encompasses gritty grime, tempo-shifting drum and bass, and dark and brooding pop. Already renowned for his daring musical choices, Pass Out is the single that not only put Tinie on the map, but also altered the path of UK urban music in 2010. Disc-Overy continues this adventurous attitude. "If you've heard Pass Out and Frisky and think you know what to expect, you're wrong," Tinie points out of the assorted array of production. An incredibly confident debut, Disc-Overy certifies Tinie's absolute ability to achieve worldwide success. With Tinie already on the US radar thanks to remixes with Diddy and Snoop, Disc-Overy reasserts his global appeal by offering inventive production and a range of rhymes that are in turn frank and funny. The diverse and imaginative album features collaborations with Ellie Goulding, Kelly Rowland and Emile Sande with production from Labrinth (Pass Out, Frisky), newcomer Ishi, Al Shux (Jay-Z's Empire State Of Mind) and Naughty Boy (Chipmunk, Wiley), as well as renowned dance producers Swedish House Mafia.

「天霸泰尼Tinie Tempah」的本名為Patrick Chukwuem Okogwu Jr.,來自英國倫敦、誕生於1988年的他,今年才20出頭而已,卻已經用他的音樂魔力寫出一頁令人讚嘆的黑色奇蹟。流竄著奈及利亞血液、以英倫文化滋養靈魂,混搭出這位2010樂壇的黑色超新星。當年So Solid Crew用他們的音樂為UK Garage打開嶄新的扉頁,年僅12歲的Tinie Tempah卻早已下定決心,除了音樂他甚麼都不想做,很清楚自己就是要走音樂這條路。在Dizzee Rascal、Wiley、Lethal B…等前輩的耳濡目染之下,在求學期間的他,大量地接觸各種舞韻節奏,並不斷地練習著說唱技巧,Tinie Tempah決定讓自己成為一位出色的MC。因為家人的影響,Tinie Tempah也喜愛各類型的音樂,無論是Dolly Parton、Gregory Issacs、Busta Rhymes、Regina Spektor、Calvin Harris、Kanye West、Duran Duran他都十分喜愛。終於在2005年,Tinie Tempah錄製了一首單曲〈Wifey〉,並拍攝音樂錄影帶,這首歌迅速在網路上竄紅,甚至讓他在英國的地下音樂頻道Channel U上,連續強佔冠軍位置長達10週。Tinie Tempah也漸漸開始在地下樂界闖出名號,並開始錄製自己的Mixtape,也獲得了與Alex Zane、Busta Rhymes…等知名前輩合作的機會。就在2009年,Tinie Tempah獲得主流廠牌Parlophone的賞識,將其簽入旗下,並開始著手規劃這位英國樂壇黑色超新星的首張個人專輯。

Tinie Tempah首張專輯《Disc-Overy》往返於瑞典及英國兩地製作,耗時期長達11個月,這張作品映射出Tinie Tempah的個人魅力,以獨特觀點來看這世界,讓他用自己的語言,來與同世代的樂迷一同尋求生命方向、實現夢想。這位透過網絡爆紅的饒舌歌手首張專輯《Disc-Overy》在尚未推出,就連續以單曲〈Pass Out〉、〈Frisky〉與〈Written In The Sky〉,強佔英國金榜冠、亞軍等相關單曲排行,創下令人折服的傲人紀錄。這次作品找來Labrinth(Professor Green、Gorillaz)、Ishi、Al Shux(Jay-Z、Alicia Keys)、Naughty Boy、Swedish House Mafia(Axwell、Steve Angello、Sebastian Ingrosso)…等眾多知名製作人,共同量身打造出12首排行熱歌。首發單曲〈Pass Out〉勇奪全英單曲冠軍,更在Youtube上面締造出1100萬人次的驚人點閱,這首態度十足的電子嘻哈,連BBC的Radio 1都將其選為「Record Of The Week」;音樂元素豐富的〈Illusion〉,奇異幻想的不同層次相互連結,是專輯內十分出色的作品;舞池必殺曲〈Just A Little〉,曲調朗朗上口,專心地表達愛慕之情;第二波單曲〈Frisky〉製作人共同現身,英國頭號電子媒體Digital Spy立即獻上四星好評,這首單曲果然不負眾望,攻佔英國金榜亞軍;第三波強勢單曲〈Written in the Stars〉,以中版節奏灑上星光點點,在歌手Eric Turner的助陣之下,讓整首歌曲瀰漫著十足的穿透力,即將攻佔全英排行作品;琴音溫柔地拉開序幕,天命真女Kelly Rowland悄然來到,共同編織〈Invincible〉,這首抒情單曲過耳不忘,絕對會為Tinie Tempah再添一首冠軍紀錄;絃樂悠揚,全英音樂獎得主Ellie Goulding以獨有的個人嗓音注入歌曲〈Wonderman〉,看似衝突的兩種元素,卻撞擊出一首讓人大呼爽快的全新樂種。


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    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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