Record Label Hungry Audio
01. Age Of Denial [ 04:45 ]
02. With You [ 05:04 ]
03. A Little High [ 06:04 ]
04. Falling Down [ 05:54 ]
05. S.O.S. [ 04:10 ]
06. Innocence [ 03:40 ]
07. Red Horizon [ 03:31 ]
08. Can?t See The Light [ 06:25 ]
09. Sleep Heavy Tonight [ 05:29 ]
10. Sennen?s Day Out [ 01:29 ]
11. Broken Promise [ 06:17 ]
12. Out Of Our Depth [ 01:56 ]
13. Destroy Us (Bonus Track) [ 04:34 ]
14. Bizarre Love Triangle (Bonus T [ 04:17 ]
Sennen’s take on modern day ambient rock has earned them several big playing plaudits, from Ulrich Schnauss to fellow Norwich musical innovators Ride. Age of Denial is the bands third allbum and proves to be an eye-opening experience.
Early tracks like ‘With You’ and ‘Falling Down’ are snippets of East Anglian shoe-gaze at its best. Both are dreamy and deep and enough to justify impressive support slots with Ulrich Schnauss and Editors. ‘SOS’ again touches the bands love of ambient indie, and comes across as a mellower A Place to Bury Strangers jamming with Spaceman 3.
It’s only really ‘A Little High’s twee pop that goes someway to explaining the Teenage Fan Club’s reference on the bands press release.
Age of Denial’s best quality is it just keeps giving, and each track flows neatly into each other ensuring its an invigorating listen throughout, with ‘Cant See the light’ being its leading touch. A slow builder with stuck down a hole vocals and progressive drumming, then the distortion kicks in, before gathering pace culminating in a mesh of guitars fighting guitars over feedback. By the end you are just left with the task of cleaning yourself off.
If you are like me its probably at this point you are shaking yourself thinking this is fantastic, but why the hell have I never heard of them! This is after all their third consistently good album, with the answer being very (not) close to home. The press release informs that the band commence on a UK tour in March in support of the album. This tour consists of 3 shows, London, Norwich and Leicester.
So if you live North of Leicester and want to experience Sennen’s raucous Shoe-gaze to its maximum potential then go and buy yourself some big speakers, some very, very big speakers.
後搖爆發力遇上完美旋律及無瑕嗓音,NME盛讚:「如同由Simon & Garfunkel領軍主唱的Mogwai」
傳奇製作人Pat Collier(Primal Scream, House Of Love)領航監製,揉合Ride、My Bloody Valentine與Spiritualized動人神采
收錄全美熱門影集【噬血真愛True Blood】選用單曲〈S.O.S.〉等12首後搖滾佳作
【台灣限定盤】超值再加收!話題翻唱〈Bizarre Love Triangle〉與〈Destroy Us〉兩首bonus track
如果你是Explosions In The Sky或Mogwai的樂迷,那你肯定知道如何在Post Rock的混亂失序中,享受那伴隨爆炸而來的煙霧與火光。或許你也曾暗自想像,那般狂躁霸氣的音樂若加上動人的主唱,將會是怎樣的一個模樣?「千年樂團Sennen」的出現,除了為此提供一個具體的答案,也讓英格蘭的諾里奇Norwich因為出產一組優質樂隊,而受到各界矚目。由於團名取自Ride歌曲名稱,又受邀與The Early Years、Editors、The Telescopes、Explosions In The Sky及Ride前團員Mark Gardener一同巡迴演出,讓Rich Kelleway(吉他手)、Larry Holmes(主唱/吉他)、Tim Kelleway (貝斯手)及James Brown(鼓手)四名團員,被外界認為是延續Shoegazing命脈的中流砥柱。然而Sennen豐富多元的音樂性格,卻非單一樂風足以涵蓋,2005年樂隊發行首張大碟《Widows》,即獲Drowned In Sound選入該年度最棒的50張專輯名單之中。2008年樂隊發表第二張專輯《Where The Light gets In》,除了動用絃樂,也突破了Shoegazing的基本框架。在本張全新專輯《否認年代Age Of Denial》發行前,為免樂迷不耐久候,樂隊趁隙推出一張六曲EP《Destroy Us》,結果獲得出乎意料之外的熱烈迴響。當中他們重新翻唱New Order的經典歌曲〈Bizarre Love Triangle〉,不同於Frente!清新低迴的翻唱版本,他們以輕快的吟唱與由緩入疾的飆奏,打造出一種截然不同的爽朗情懷,在被美國青少年影集【One Tree Hill】採用後,一舉打開他們在當地的知名度。
本張深受New Order影響的專輯作品《Age Of Denial》,一如上張大碟,同樣請到傳奇製作人Pat Collier(Primal Scream, House Of Love)跨刀監製,除了依舊可見Ride、My Bloody Valentine與Spiritualized對他們的影響,還大膽融入諸多不同的音樂元素。專輯同名歌曲〈Age of Denial〉有著Kasabian般的迷幻激昂能量;〈Falling Down〉則讓人見識到他們低迴內斂的另一面;〈S.O.S.〉彌漫著Love and Rockets式的幽幽歌德味,已獲美國熱門影集【噬血真愛True Blood】在第三季中選用為背景襯樂,將引領廣大觀眾深入探索吸血鬼與狼人不為人知的秘密;〈Innocence〉無疑是近年來最悅耳動聽的英式搖滾歌曲;〈Can’t See The Light〉再次在噪音與旋律之間取得絕佳的平衡;純音樂作品〈Sennen’s Day Out〉以近乎環境音樂的細微聲響帶出〈Broken Promise〉的輕吟淺唱,聽者情緒隨著樂器與人聲逐漸沸騰,最後甚至讓人彷彿飄浮在雲霧之中。
而在【台灣限定盤】中,獨家再加收2009年《Destroy Us》EP裡的兩首作品:同名好評單曲〈Destroy Us〉與話題度破表的翻唱歌曲〈Bizarre Love Triangle〉。不論你是早已久仰Sennen大名卻相見恨晚,還是初聞乍見驚為天人,本張限定盤的問市,都是一次讓人心醉神迷的動人邂逅。
- Sep 19 Sun 2010 21:55
EMI Neuheiten 千年樂團 Sennen - Age Of Denial 否認年代