Label: Pledis Entertainment
Release Date: 2010/9/16

01 dB Rider (New Ver.)
02 dB Rider (Inst.)

跳舞女王孫丹菲就會帶著後續曲 dB Rider 在 Music Bank 回歸

“dB Rider,” originally a track from her third mini-album, “the queen,” was upgraded to a new version for Son Dambi’s radical change of turning into a cat woman for her follow-up concept. It is known that “dB Rider” received great reactions from respondents ever since it was recorded, and it got to the point where they almost decided to use the track as their title song.

孫丹菲將以第三張專輯《the queen》的收錄曲《dB Rider》的REMIX版本作為後續曲進行活動。

流行舞曲《dB Rider》新版本中,孫丹菲180度大變身為高傲的『貓女』。《dB Rider》在錄音時是作為主打歌候選曲進行的錄音,是一首能讓人聯想到《美女三劍客》的有著強烈中毒性的歌曲。《dB Rider》MV將於17日在孫丹菲的官方網站公開,當天孫丹菲還將出演KBS《MUSIC BANK》,以及接下來18日的MBC《Show!音樂中心》、19日的SBS《人氣歌謠》等音樂節目,正式開始後續曲宣傳活動。

迎來了出道1200天和生日的孫丹菲,25日將舉行首場 FANMEETING『The Message From DB』。當天孫丹菲將和朋友們一起給大家帶來在電視中都看不到的特別表演。

Son Dambi to celebrate her 28th birthday with fans
by HYPERMANIAC on September 9, 2010

Son Dambi will be holding her first ever fan meeting in celebration of her 28th birthday, and of the 1,200th day since her debut on the afternoon of the 25th at Seokang University.

The fan meeting will be done in a mini-concert style and Son Dambi is personally participating in the actual production process. A representative of her agency revealed, “She’s extremely excited to be able to spend such a meaningful day with her fans. Any time she’s not working on preparing for her follow up track, she’s working on the fan meet preparations.”

Son Dambi also expressed, “I hope to be able to spend a warming time with the fans that have trusted and supported me from the start.”

Son Dambi is currently spending busy days preparing for her follow up comeback set for the 16th.

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