Singer Tim would make a comeback after a 2 year 中斷 hiatus with his 5th album. We also mentioned that his title track, “Lovers Declaration” would be a duet with former Fin.K.L member Sung Yuri. Well, the waiting is over because it has been released!
美籍南韩人 黃永民 Hwang Young Min
2003 KMA(Korea Music Award)最佳新人男歌手獎
성유리成宥利1998年作為韓國紅極一時的女子組合 핑클 Fin.K.L (Fine Killing Liberty)成員之一出道,團隊成員還有李孝利、玉珠鉉和李真,創下了不少輝煌的成績,有“國民妖精”之稱。2002年成員各自單飛,成宥利開始向演藝界發展,出演了多部電視劇作品,也取得了不俗的成績;在2009年正式挑戰大銀幕(姊姊),開啟了自己的大銀幕之路。
Sung Yuri teams up with Tim for a duet track
by sayykimchi on August 15, 2010
Actress and former member of the 1st generation idol group, Fin.K.L, Sung Yuri will be reuniting with the microphone after 5 long years.
Sung Yuri will be collaborating with singer Tim for the track, Lovers Declaration (연인 선언). Both of their sweet and charming voices will mingle in this duet track, and serve as some major ear-candy.
These two celebrities have been absent from the kpop scene for quite some time now, so their duet track will definitely be a treat for their long-awaited fans.