Label :JYP Entertainment
LOEN Entertainment
Genre :Dance/Hip Hop/Rap
Release Date : 2010/9/13

01 산이 소개하기
02 맛좋은산 (Feat. Min of miss A)

03 LoveSick
04 B.U.B.U. (Feat. Junsu of 2PM)
05 원하잖아 (Feat. JOO)
06 놀자 (Feat. Yenny of Wonder Girls)
07 맛좋은산 (Feat. Min) (Inst.)

JYP娛樂精心打造的第一個說唱歌手San E在即將出道前夕公開了搞笑照片吸引眾目光。 San E透過官網公開了荒唐宣傳視頻和照片,9日其他JYP公司旗下的歌手們也紛紛效仿上傳照片。本次公開的照片中,San E以搞怪方式演繹了Wonder Girls, 2AM, 2PM, miss A 4個團體。變身為2AM 조권趙權的San E模仿他在各綜藝節目中所扮演的女模特,並擺出幸福POSE,如同趙權上身般惟妙惟肖。

Wonder Girls也未能逃出San E的魔掌,San E身著《Nobody》打歌服,畫著當時一樣的妝容,誇張的表情和動作給人留下深刻的印象。 2PM和miss A也被San E看中,模仿옥택연 玉澤演和miss A的粉色頭髮,最後卻因動作不夠舒展而自己大笑不停。 JYP娛樂有關工作人員稱:『San E作為JYP第一個說唱型歌手,是一個可以帶給任何人歡樂,幽默且剛強的新人』。

After countless teasers from the JYP Family, rapper SAN E has finally debuted with his first mini album “Everybody Ready?”
Although technically a rookie in the mainstream industry, SAN E has several notable achievements under his belt. He first got his name out as a featured rapper in Wonder Girls‘ remix for “Anybody”. SAN E’s skills were also recognized prior to his debut, as he won a hip hop award at the “7th Korean Mainstream Music Awards”.

All seven songs on the album were produced by SAN E himself, and feature several JYP artists.

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

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