Label Octone
Release Date Sep 21, 2010
每四年等一張 最性感的搖滾專輯
睽違三年全新大碟 精彩收錄主唱名模女友客串MV之首支單曲「Misery」M
重新詮釋鋼琴天后艾莉西亞凱斯成名曲“If I Ain’t Got You”與皇后合唱團US冠軍+UK亞軍經典作“Crazy Little Thing Called Love”M
坐擁兩張多白金唱片(2002年『Songs About Jane』以及2007年『It Won’t Be Soon Before Long』)、多首暢銷排行金曲(“This Love”、“She Will Be Loved”、“Harder To Breathe”、“Makes Me Wonder”),榮獲三座葛萊美獎、專輯全球賣破1,500萬張的搖滾樂團Maroon 5,在睽違三年後終於獻上融合了搖滾、流行、放克及節奏藍調等飽滿音樂元素的全新專輯【Hands All Over】,完整展現Maroon 5與眾不同的音樂魔力,證明了他們不僅能創造出膾炙人口的暢銷曲,更是經得起時間考驗,本世紀新生代搖滾樂團中的佼佼者!
魔力紅的創作首腦--主唱Adam Levine,在樂團為上張專輯『It Won’t Be Soon Before Long』的巡演結束後不久,就開始著手為新專輯創作。幾個月後,魔力紅接到人稱「錄音室巫師」,曾經打造AC/DC、Foreigner以及Bryan Adams等頂尖歌手的製作人Robert John “Mutt” Lange來電,主動表示他極有興趣參與製作新專輯。事實上,Adam人生的初次演出,就跟Lange有關。當年只有10歲的Adam參加一場朋友的生日派對,他選唱了Def Leppard的經典名曲“Pour Some Sugar On Me”,也就是Lange的代表作之一。Adam回憶道:「那時候我只是抓起麥克風就上場了,唱完之後我才發現,我要以此為畢生的志業,因為唯有表演這件事能讓我全力以赴。」
魔力紅全員移居Lange位於瑞士的錄音室,心無旁騖地完成專輯錄製工作,看著絕美的湖光山色,這樣的生活也造就了新專輯【Hands All Over】的調性,它聽起來就像一場充滿驚喜的旅遊體驗。前所未有的重搖滾專輯同名曲“Hands All Over”,明顯點出他們被Lange激發出來的巨大改變;充滿放克曲風快意節奏的主打單曲“Misery”,更情商Adam的名模女友在音樂錄影帶中跨刀,話題十足。至於專輯另一首別具風格的歌曲,是由鄉村巨星Lady Antebellum在音樂及歌聲上獻計的“Out Of Goodbyes”。專輯內其它佳作還包括律動感極強的“Don’t Know Nothing”、讓人心跳加速的“Stutter”等。另外,此版本共超值收錄18首歌曲,其中包括翻唱艾莉西亞凱斯的成名曲“If I Ain’t Got You”以及皇后合唱團的冠軍經典“Crazy Little Thing Called Love”,由Adam的獨特嗓音來詮釋別有一番風味。
「把每張專輯都視為第一張專輯,這是我們的共識。我們不以既有的成就自滿而過於安逸,而是要永遠保持在嘗試無限可能的最佳狀況。」隨著新專輯【Hands All Over】的發行,魔力紅大玩音樂的無比膽識與本事,盡情施展搖滾的紅色魔力,只要聽過,絕對會讓你愛不釋手!
1. Misery 悲慘世界
2. Give A Little More 再多一點
3. Stutter 結巴
4. Don't Know Nothing 不知道
5. Never Gonna Leave This Bed 不想起床
6. I Can't Lie 無法說謊
7. Hands All Over 愛不釋手
8. How 如何
9. Get Back In My Life 找回人生
10. Just A Feeling 只是一種感覺
11. Runaway 逃
12. Out Of Goodbyes (feat. Lady Antebellum) 別說再見 (懷舊女郎跨刀對唱)
13. Last Chance 最後機會
14. No Curtain Call 不願謝幕
15. Never Gonna Leave This Bed [Acoustic] 不想起床[不插電版]
16. Misery [Acoustic] 悲慘世界[不插電版]
17. If I Ain’t Got You [Live] 如果沒有你[現場演唱版] (翻唱鋼琴天后艾莉西亞凱斯成名曲)
18. Crazy Little Thing Called Love [Acoustic] 愛是瘋狂的小東西[不插電版] (翻唱皇后合唱團US冠軍+UK亞軍經典)
1. Misery 3:36
2. Give a Little More 3:00
3. Stutter 3:16
4. Don't Know Nothing 3:19
5. Never Gonna Leave This Bed 3:16
6. I Can't Lie 3:31
7. Hands All Over 3:12
8. How 3:36
9. Get Back in My Life 3:37
10.Just a Feeling 3:46
11.Runaway 3:01
12.Out of Goodbyes (with Lady Antebellum) 3:16
13.Last Chance 3:09
14.No Curtain Call 3:44
15.Never Gonna Leave This Bed (Acoustic) 3:22
16.Misery (Acoustic) 3:46
17.If I Ain't Got You (Live) 4:01
In 2008, Maroon 5 released a remix album with the help of several different DJs and producers. The group then spent most of the following two years working with a different producer -- famous rock/country-pop architect Robert John "Mutt" Lange -- on Hands All Over, which marked the band's third studio offering of rhythmic, soulful pop songs.
Maroon 5's third studio album recorded in 2009 in Switzerland, where the band joined forces with record producer Robert "Mutt" Lange.
Maroon 5 is back with its third studio album entitled Hands All Over, produced by Robert John "Mutt" Lange (AC/DC, Foreigner, The Cars).
The album, a killer hybrid of rock, pop, funk, and R&B, showcases the band's considerable strengths: buoyant, unforgettable melodies, sleek, stylish grooves, charged lyrics about turbulent relationships, and crisp, dynamic performances. Band member Jesse Carmichael comments on the new album, "Mutt really helped us play to the best of our ability. And it drove us to be bigger and better than ever.
Everything he does is huge." Huge is a great way to describe Hands All Over, starting with the hard-rocking title track that is heavier than anything Maroon 5 has ever done. Says Valentine, "It doesn't sound like anything we've ever done." Another stylistic departure for the band is "Out of Goodbyes," a stunning country ballad that features musical and vocal contributions from Nashville chart-toppers Lady Antebellum. "We've always loved country music", Levine says, "and they brought that necessary twang to it with the lap steels, ambient guitar, and Hilary Scott's pretty voice. Other highlights include the deeply groovy "Don't Know Much About That," the propulsive "Stutter" ("a great showcase for Adam's voice," notes Valentine), and "Misery," which will thrill long-time Maroon 5 fans with its funky guitars and high-stepping melody. Be sure to get your hands all over this unbelievable album.