His debut solo effort "Flamingo" will be available in the US on September 14th & September 6th in the UK!
Genre: Alternative Rock
Label: Island
Street Date: 2010/9/3 (AUS)
Brandon Flowers - Crossfire [Single]: BUY HERE
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Album Sampler
1. Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas 歡迎光臨華麗賭城
2. Only The Young 青春無敵
3. Hard Enough 太難
4. Jilted Lovers & Broken Hearts 被甩的情人和破碎的心
5. Playing With Fire 玩火
6. Was It Something I Said? 我說錯話了嗎?
7. Magdalena 美達莉納
8. Crossfire 身陷困境
9. On The Floor 地上
10. Swallow It 狼吞虎嚥
1. Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas
2. Only The Young
3. Hard Enough
4. Jilted Lovers & Broken Hearts
5. Playing With Fire
6. Was It Something I Said?
7. Magdalena
8. Crossfire
9. On The Floor
10. Swallow It
Bouns Tracks:
11. The Clock Was Tickin’
12. Jacksonville
13. I Came Here To Get Over You
14. Right Behind You
Flamingo作為專輯名是因為這條路(Flamingo Road)某種程度上是他人生之路的縮寫,他的第一份工作便是這裡的一個高爾夫球場。10首歌都是在Day & Age巡演時所作。
熱銷1500萬張專輯的The Killers/殺手樂團主唱首張個人創作大碟
葛萊美獎製作群Daniel Lanois [U2]、Brendan O'Brien [AC/DC]、Stuart Price [Madonna]等名家攜手打造
儘管犯罪事件不斷、治安惡名昭彰、情色觀光氾濫雪上加霜,The Killers/殺手樂團的主唱Brandon Flowers/布蘭登依舊以他成長的家鄉--賭城拉斯維加斯為榮,他用個人首張大碟【Flamingo】為這個城市辯護,吐露他與罪惡之都不離不棄的連結之情。
首張個人專輯選擇了賭城鬧區的街道「Flamingo」為名,Brandon就是在這條街的Sam's Town賭城飯店一帶長大的。「我覺得我有責任好好介紹我的出身地,捍衛這個城市。很多人痛恨它,但我愛得無法自拔;身邊好多人都巴不得離它越遠越好,可是我卻對這個城市有種真實的連結,它就活在我的身體裡。」
【Flamingo】專輯裡的歌曲,是Brandon利用The Killers在為第三張專輯『Day And Age』進行長達一年半的巡迴演唱期間所寫下的,創作的靈感來源是一首在『Day and Age』製作期間錄製的歌曲,叫“O, Sad American Night”(後來並未收在專輯裡)。Brandon原本想把這些歌用在The Killers的新專輯中,只不過,自從The Killers以暢銷曲"Somebody Told Me"走紅樂壇後,連續6年不曾停歇,團員們覺得該是喘口氣的時候,於是,Brandon索性把這些歌作為個人專輯的素材。
沒有樂團其他成員一起玩音樂,Brandon首度體驗到必須獨自赤裸表達情感的新奇感受。Brandon在【Flamingo】專輯中與Daniel Lanois [U2]、Brendan O'Brien [AC/DC]、Stuart Price [Madonna]等多位樂壇製作巨匠合作,曲風從精製的流行樂曲到淒楚的電音輓歌,還有帶著藍調況味的搖滾,在專輯的十首歌中,你還可以聽見否定、背信、恕罪、靈性以及信仰的限度... 等各種主題。像是以賭博暗喻人生宛如一場詭譎賭注的"Jilted Lovers & Broken Hearts",就是一首有著舞曲節拍脈動流竄的強悍搖滾大作;MV請來奧斯卡影后莎莉賽隆演出的首支單曲"Crossfire",將睿智的概念轉化成了一陣腎上腺素的狂飆;Brandon在"Playing With Fire"這首歌曲中以宛如傳奇男歌手Roy Orbison的假音唱法營造獨特的不安氛圍;Brandon同時也請來有著「賭城女兒」綽號的獨立搖滾團Rilo Kiley主唱Jenny Lewis合唱了"Hard Enough"。
【Flamingo】有光鮮亮麗的一面,也有暗潮洶湧的地方,真實呈現了拉斯維加斯的多樣象徵,Brandon表示,他不願只是坐享The Killers樂團所帶來的榮耀,他期待樂迷能在這張專輯聽見他延伸音樂創作視野所做的努力。
The Killers frontman Brandon Flowers is getting ready to release his debut solo album "Flamingo" on September 14th!! Current single "Crossfire" has already peaked to #6 on the (US) Billboard Alternative Songs chart and #11 on the Rock Songs chart. Here we have the album sampler which contains clips of each track on the album. The effort is shaping out nicely and includes production credits from Stuart Price, Daniel Lanois, and Brendan O'Brien. Looking forward too hearing more so be sure to check it out, Enjoy!
Debut solo album Flamingo (September 14) from The Killers frontman Brandon Flowers is, as it probably should be, an elegant exercise in dueling dichotomies. The indie bard vs. the arena prog-pragmatist. The taut, wiry and nimble pop melodies vs. the bombast of big-themed, air-pumping anthems. Much like his home town of Las Vegas, the satin penthouse glam vs. the grit and mayhem of the street. As a dying breed of charismatic stage focal points, performers who actually know how to perform, play to and with an audience, Flowers oozes a retro-rockstar ambition -- Bowie, Bono, Ferry, Springsteen at his most Born to Run drama -- with feigned nonchalance coupled with an in-your-face defiance. It is, after all, a show.
The eagerly anticipated Flamingo, named for a Vegas road along the last garish bastions of stained decadence, promises garish neon and giddy abandon. We practically demand something daring, something to hit us...and hard. We get pedal steel and galloping rock riffs. Massive "look at me" melodies and nuanced twists. We get the single-spot intensity of the emotional "Magdalena". The rowdy, elbowing rocker "Jilted Lovers and Broken Hearts". The preening, campy Ziggy Stardust-ian "Swallow It." And then there's "Crossfire", candidate for the finest rock song of the year, a track that manages to summon teary, spine chilling nostalgia with a exhilarating hope for the future of big music played on a big stage. Perhaps not at celeb appeal radio, where blipped booty beats and crass playground sing-a-longs rule, but somewhere. Just maybe.
- Sep 04 Sat 2010 01:11
UMG Neuheiten The Killers 殺手樂團主唱 布蘭登首張個人專輯 Brandon Flowers - Flamingo (Deluxe Edition) 火鶴大街