Vertigo Records
Universal Music
The End Records(U.S)
Released: 2010/8/31
Style: Sympho Metal

01 - Anteroom Of Death (Feat. Van Canto)
02 - Until My Last Breath
03 - I Feel Immortal
04 - In For A Kill
05 - Underneath
06 - Little Lies
07 - Rivers Of Lust
08 - Dark Star (Feat. Phil Labonte)
09 - Falling Awake (Feat. Joe Satriani)
10 - The Archive Of Lost Dreams
11 - Crimson Deep (Feat. Will Calhoun)
12 - We Are
13 - Naiad
14 - Still Of The Night

★前芬蘭首席Symphonic Power/Melodic Metal大團Nightwish經典女主唱全新力作★
★Living Colour貝斯手Doug Wimbish+曾和Gamma Ray、Yngwie Malmsteen等明星合作的鼓手Mike Terrana+滾石雜誌「最佳鼓手」Will Calhoun+ Apocalyptica提琴手Max Lilja…等A咖樂手助陣★
★Shadows Fall樂團靈魂支柱Philip Labonte、電吉他巫師Joe Satriani站台演出★

交融古典美學與金屬野性的芬蘭首席Symphonic Power/Melodic Metal大團Nightwish前任女主唱、金屬界第一美聲歌姬Tarja,不僅擁有穿透力極強的寬廣音域,相碰撞出傳統和現代聲頻,更能寫出一首首史詩般的歌曲,呈現一齣華麗且冷酷的音樂饗宴。Tarja單飛展開個人音樂生涯,仍贏得歐洲各地如雷掌聲,摘下第一金屬女伶的后冠!

6歲學習鋼琴,Tarja進入國中以後,努力在歌唱上增進實力。自1997-2004年間,引導Nightwish發行六張作品,全在芬蘭開出銷售佳績,後續將這股勢力擴散到鄰近歐洲各國,甚至於英國搶下一席之地。經過長達9年的洗禮,正式離開培育她成為國際紅星的Nightwish舞台,2006年推出處女秀『Henkäys Ikuisuudesta』,跳脫一般創作模式,以聖誕應景特輯當暖身,白金銷售輕鬆入袋。經過一年潛心寫歌,正式推出錄音室大碟『My Winter Storm』,拿下瑞典榜冠軍,更征服美國流行市場,獲頒瑞典3白金+芬蘭1白金+德國金唱片的佳績。

醞釀3年之久出版全新細碟【What Lies Beneath】,由Tarja負責所有詞曲撰寫/製作/鋼琴演奏的重責大任,美籍放克金屬大團Living Colour貝斯手Doug Wimbish+曾和Gamma Ray、Yngwie Malmsteen等明星合作過的鼓手Mike Terrana+入列滾石雜誌「最佳鼓手」名單與兩座葛萊美獎肯定的Will Calhoun+前芬蘭古典金屬超級樂團Apocalyptica的提琴手Max Lilja…等A咖樂手助陣伴奏。開場透著歌德氣息的“Anteroom Of Death”,狂亂交錯落差極大的戲劇性場景,德籍Acappella/Power Metal團隊Van Canto巧妙助陣其中;透露拿手的弦律/交響金屬之“Until My Last Breath”,編織一幅磅礡又淒美的圖像;勾勒討喜動聽線條之“I Feel Immortal”,細膩拿捏最到位的情感詮釋;新世代美式金屬新浪潮的亮眼新貴Shadows Fall+Metalcore強勢樂團靈魂支柱Philip Labonte,精彩於“Dark Star”發聲獻藝;還有15度葛萊美獎「最佳搖滾演奏藝人」提名、「電吉他巫師」Joe Satriani,散射出神入化精湛琴技在“Falling Awake”之中,撼動人心的橋段絕不能錯過!

The End Records is proud to announce the U.S. release of Finnish superstar Tarja Turunen's sophomore effort, What Lies Beneath, on August 31, 2010. The first single, "Falling Awake" (featuring Jason Hook from Five Finger Death Punch) will be released August 17 as a limited edition 7" through The Omega Order and available August 24 at all digital outlets .

The track is backed with "The Good Die Young" - a song from The Scorpions most recent album that features Tarja's vocals. The video for "Falling Awake" was just released and can be viewed below.

Featuring US exclusive artwork and bonus track, the new album from the multi-platinum singer was recorded and produced by Tarja and mixed by Tim Palmer (Pearl Jam, The Cure, Robert Plant), Colin Richardson (Slipknot, Machine Head, Bullet For My Valentine) and Slamm Andrews (Scores of Angels & Demon, Pirates of The Caribbean, Gladiator).

Special guests on What Lies Beneath include Phil Labonte (All That Remains), Joe Satriani, Jason Hook (5 Finger Death Punch), Will Calhoun (Living Colour), Slovak National Symphony Orchestra and Choir and more. A limited edition deluxe version of What Lies Beneath is in the works with details to be announced soon.

Tarja, best known as the original vocalist of Nightwish, is the most successful female singer ever to come out of Finland, effortlessly fusing metal, classical and pop-rock. What Lies Beneath is the follow up to her debut album My Winter Storm which was released in 2008 and was certified platinum in Finland. The video for the single, "I Walk Alone," currently has over 6 million views:


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