
LABEL: Jive/La Face
Release Date Aug 24, 2010

1. Love Em All 3:48
2. DJ Got Us Falling In Love (Feat. Pitbull) 3:40
3. Hot Tottie (Feat. Jay-Z) 4:59
4. Lay You Down 4:03
5. Lingerie 4:13
6. There Goes My Baby 4:43
7. Get In My Car (Feat. Bun B) 4:09
8. Somebody To Love (Remix) (Feat. Justin Bieber) 3:28
9. Stranger 4:48

Versus is a companion release to Raymond v. Raymond. Its contents are identical to the second disc of the deluxe edition version of Raymond v. Raymond, released months earlier -- a fan-friendly, smart move on the part of the LaFace label. These nine cuts are heavy on guest appearances, including Jay-Z and Ciara ("Hot Toddy"), Justin Bieber (a remix of "Somebody to Love"), Pitbull ("DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love"), and Bun B ("Get in My Car").

Recording information: Al Burna's Crib, Miami, FL; Conway Studios, Los Angeles, CA; Lotzah Matzah Studios, New York, NY; Maratone Studios, Stockholm, Sweden; Midnight Blue Studios, Miami, FL; Music House Studio, Atlanta, GA; No Excuses Studio, Santa Monica, CA; Short Bus Studios; Star Studios, Doraville, GA; Studio At The Palms, Las Vegas, NV.

Photographer: Walid Azami.Entertainment Weekly (p.125) - "'Love 'Em All' describes an egalitarian sexual appetite, while 'Lingerie' offers prime faux-Prince boudoir funk." -- Grade: A-

This is the Bonus CD to the Deluxe Edition, Its being sold seperately so save bandwidth and enjoy this with our previous release Of Raymond V Raymond, And nuke some ohter gay group if they decide to rip both the original cd with the new one, peep Scan!!!! Fuck all you lil Bitches!!!!

With the phenomenal success of the #1 album Raymond V. Raymond and #1 singles Hey Daddy (Daddy s Home) , OMG featuring WILL.I.AM . Lil Freak featuring Nicki Minaj and There Goes My Baby Usher keeps the hits coming with a 9 track release of new music title Versus. Leading with smash DJ Got Us Fallin In Love produced by Max Martin and Hot Tottie produced by Powlow the Don, the bonus release brings a fresh element to Raymond V. Raymond story highlighted by new hits!

In addition to the 9 song disc, a new configuration, Raymond V. Raymond (Deluxe Edition) features the original Raymond V. Raymond release bundle with Versus in a two brilliant jewelcase.

◎滾石雜誌冊封「流行樂之王」、告示牌雜誌「十年金曲至尊天王〈Top Hot 100 Artist of Decade〉」,首位橫跨1990、2000、2010三個年代,皆創英美冠軍單曲紀錄天王至尊!
◎CD2超值加收全新9首曲目,包括拉丁霸主Pitbull合唱夜店國歌〈DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love〉、嘻哈天皇Jay-Z〈Hot Tottie〉、寶貝男孩Justin Bieber〈Somebody To Love〉及拉丁情人安立奎〈Dirty Dancer〉等巨星雲集超強騷動!

1. Monstar 曠世巨星
2. Hey Daddy (Daddy's Home) 親親老爹
3. There Goes My Baby 我的北鼻
4. Lil' Freak (Feat. Nicki Minaj) 小妖怪
5. She Don't Know (Feat. Ludacris) 她不知道
6. OMG (Feat. Will.I.Am) 喔麥尬
7. Mars Vs Venus 男女大車拼
8. Pro Lover 情場老手
9. Foolin' Around 偷吃
10. Papers 離婚協議書
11. So Many Girls 看不完的辣妹
12. Guilty (Feat. T.I.) 有罪
13. Okay 沒問題
14. Making Love (Into The Night) 夜夜笙歌

1. Love 'Em All 愛無赦
2. DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love (Feat. Pitbull) DJ讓我們相愛
3. Hot Tottie (Feat. Jay-Z) 性感辣妹
4. Lay You Down 擁你入懷
5. Lingerie 惹火內衣
6. Get In My Car (Feat. Bun B) 進來車裡
7. Somebody To Love (Remix) (Feat. Justin Bieber) 我愛的人
8. Stranger 陌生人
9. Dirty Dancer (Feat.Enrique Iglesias) 變態舞者

根據告示牌最新資料顯示,亞瑟小子寫下第一位橫跨1990、2000、2010三個年代,皆留下英美兩地冠軍單曲紀錄的歌手!衝破全球4500萬張專輯銷售,拿下5座葛萊美+4座全美音樂+4座世界音樂+8座靈魂列車+19座Billboard等獎項加冕。除了歌唱和創作功力極獲肯定,高超炫目的舞技更是令人讚不絕口,還跨界登上大螢幕和百老匯舞台過過戲癮,同時簽下爆紅的寶貝男孩Justin Bieber,以及成為NBA「克里夫蘭騎士隊」幕後金主之一,晉升全方位藝人,一再超越自我的呈現最顛峰狀態!

2010年7月4號訪華開唱的亞瑟小子,讓台灣粉絲群見識到那舞光十射的迷人魅力,超震撼的實力演出至今仍難以忘懷!從1994年青澀出道的首張同名專輯《Usher亞瑟小子》、1997年化身街頭男孩《My Way走自己的路》、2001年搖身一變性感王子《8701》、2004年夯翻夜店舞池《Confessions愛的告白》、2008年成熟自信再出擊《Here I Stand王者天下》,總和5張錄音室專輯,創造〈U Remind Me〉、〈Yeah〉、〈Burn〉、〈Love In This Club〉等8首全美冠軍金曲,奠定亞瑟小子的天王地位。第6張錄音室大碟《Raymond V Raymond頂尖對決》,展現充滿活力、冒險犯難、尖銳犀利的內涵與氣韻,其中〈OMG〉不僅光榮登頂英美排行榜,更是跟隨保羅麥卡尼、麥可傑克森之後,第三位擁有連續五張專輯皆締造排行冠軍單曲的風光紀錄!

《Raymond V Raymond頂尖對決》仍在全球引發熱潮效應之際,趁勝追擊推出豪華慶功改版,除了包括〈Hey Daddy(Daddy’s Home)〉、〈OMG〉、〈There Goes My Baby〉等攻榜曲目在內的14支舊作外,超值加收全新9首曲目。

第一波主打〈DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love〉,交付當紅炸子雞Max Martin(布蘭妮、里歐娜)操刀,串聯R&B/Electro-Pop元素,絕對能夠熱翻各夜店舞池,加上拉丁饒舌新霸主Pitbull齊聲帶High氣氛,已快速攀上US第八名位置;接續瞄準流行區塊的〈Hot Tottie〉,由克莉絲汀、小野貓的金曲幕後推手Polow Da Don執掌,精采邀來東岸饒舌第一把交椅的嘻哈天皇Jay-Z連袂出席,相互撞擊嘻哈饒舌和電子舞曲的高度能量,是支能引起各方騷動的超強作品;動聽的成人抒情小品〈Lay You Down〉,以真假音的漂亮轉換堆疊演繹,突顯最實力的唱功;收在小賈斯汀專輯中的〈Somebody To Love〉,特別呈獻和恩師對唱的混音版本,歡樂直奔全美NO.15席次。讓走在流行樂前端的亞瑟小子,再度領導新世代樂種的酷炫潮流、挑戰黑人樂派的嶄新概念。

Usher - Essential Mixes

Label Sony UK
Release Date Oct 05, 2010

11 track collection of mixes: You Make Me Wanna (Timbaland remix), My Way (JD's remix ft. JD), Nice & Slow (B-Rock's Basement mix), U Got It Bad (Soulpowe remix), Moving Mountains (Pokerface remix), U Don't Have to Call (Proud Boy's Boogie vocal), Burn (Full Phatt Main mix), Caught Up (Bimbo Jones radio edit), Trading Places (Monk & Prof mix), Moving Mountians (FP remix), Caught Up (Delinquent 'Whistle Crew' Re-Fix).

Usher – “DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love Again” [HYPER CRUSH REMIX]
Hyper Crush have released another remix and this time we see their take on Usher’s “DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love Again” which features Pitbull.
Dj Got Us Fallin In Love Again (HYPER CRUSH REMIX) by Hyper Crush

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