Jackie Chan Says: "It Was A Translation Error!"

(08/28/2010) The following is a screen capture from Jackie Chan's twitter account:





Five tweets. What can you say about it? Read the media ...

(Manila Bulletin) Netizens scorn網友鄙視 Jackie Chan for act of friendship to RP
By Jecelyn V. Macahindog. August 27, 2010.

Some netizens have criticized international action star Jackie Chan's sympathetic messages to Filipinos about the hostage-taking in Manila last Aug. 23. Recall that the hostage drama resulted in the death of eight Hong Kong nationals.

Upon hearing the “terrible news,” Chan, a Hong Kong national as well, expressed his grief through his verified Twitter account (@EyeOfJackieChan).

His tweets read:

"I come back to hk & I hear terrible news about what happened in filippines (sic). A lot of things don’t happen to your own country you don’t pay attention."

“This kind of things always happen around the world (sic). It happened to hk’s people, the whole hk is talking about it. It’s really sad.”

“HK is a nation built by a lot of different people..don’t worry! We do not hate!”

“I remember the day before in korea we talked about how people should love each other. We already have so many natural disasters..typhoon, tsunami, everything. Humans should be united and not kill or hate each other.”

Chan’s sentiments were lauded by presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda, who was grateful for Chan “extending his hand of friendship” to the Filipinos.

However, the same drew flak from Chan's people. On Facebook, some netizens set up groups under the heading “Jackie Chan doesn’t represent Hong Kong ” and “Jackie Chan doesn’t represent me,” the Associated Press reported. “Shut up! Hong Kong people don’t need you. You side with outsiders and not your own. You will face karmic retribution for your disrespect for the victims,” an Iris Yau posted. “He just doesn’t understand the pain of Hong Kong people,” another user, a Violet Wing, added. “Jackie Chan’s comment on the massacre in Manila is extremely abhorrent. The Hong Kong people does not agree with him and he certainly does not represent the 7 million people in Hong Kong ,” read another.

The Manila Bulletin cited four of the five tweets and skipped the middle one: "If they killed the guy sooner, they will say why not negotiate first? If they negotiate first, they ask why not kill the guy sooner? So sad." That was the one that was upsetting many Chinese because it appeared to support what the Manila police was doing.

Here are some Chinese-language media reports:

成龍發文力挺菲警惹眾怒 網友抵制其代言商品

(Information Times (mainland China))

資訊時報8月27日報導 (記者 李俊彥) 8月23日,香港遊客在菲律賓被槍手槍殺,事件過去四日,悲傷、憤怒依然充斥著港人的心。但日前,香港影星成龍在twitter上發表言論稱“香港是多元種族的社會,別擔心,我們沒有憎恨”,獲得了菲律賓官方的贊許,但招來大批網友的罵聲。此舉被指有向菲律賓伸出“友誼之手”、力撐菲賓律員警之嫌,網上刮起了一股抵制“成龍”風。







成龍的言論激起香港民憤,社交網站facebook隨即有“成龍指菲警遲救人沒錯?成龍你不代表我”群組成立,短短數小時已逾1000人加入。各討論區也有成龍言論的專題,對成龍扮“代表”極不滿,指他沒有資格代表香港人。在微博上,有網友甚至發起抵制購買成龍代言商品的行動。短短一日,已經有上百名網友跟帖參與。Jackie Chan's words drew the rage of Hong Kong netizens. The Facebook group "Jackie Chan said that the Filipino police did not do anything wrong during the rescue? Jackie Chan, you don't represent me" drew more than 1,000 subscribers within hours of its establishment.


成龍此番言論是有香港金牌編劇之稱的蕭若元首先發佈微博消息的,有媒體致電蕭若元,蕭指成龍一向詞不達意,對事件瞭解不深便不要多講,他有需要聘請一名公關人員代發言。蕭若元指出成龍這3句話中的最大錯處是,他沒有為遇害者哀悼,沒有譴責菲律賓警方無能,他的說話是想平衡一件事,但他根本不瞭解情況。It was the renowned scriptwriter Stephen Siu who first noted what Jackie Chan wrote. When interviewed by the media, Siu pointed out that Chan always says awkward things. If he does not know something well enough, he really shouldn't say too much about it. Chan really needs to hire a public relations spokesperson. Siu said that Chan's three major mistakes in the tweets were: (1) he did not express his sorrow for the victims; (2) he did not deplore the incompetence of the Filipino police; (3) he tried to take a balance position but he was ignorant of the circumstances.

成龍說:“這樣的事總是在世界上發生,它發生在香港人身上,全香港都在討論這件事,真的很令人難過。”這句話該如何解讀,蕭若元說也想問問成龍,究竟他是為事件在香港人身上發生而難過?還是“這樣的事總是在世界上發生”,香港人大驚小怪,“全港都在討論”所以“令人難過”?Siu looked at “This kind of things always happen around the world (sic). It happened to hk’s people, the whole hk is talking about it. It’s really sad.” He wants to ask Chan whether he was "sad" he was sorry that it happened to Hong Kong people, or because this sort of thing happens all around the world and the Hong Kong people over-reacted to it?



微博熱議 Here are some microblog posts:


如果他或他的親人在那車上,他會如何說?"If he or his family members were on that bus, what would he say?"


成龍大哥,我相信你為人,你只是表達方式錯了。還是要多讀書進修!"Brother Jackie, I trust your character. But you said the wrong things. You should study more and improve yourself!"


我倒不覺得成龍是支持菲律賓,只能說是幫著打圓場吧。不過言多必失是要付出代價的,沒有憎恨是不可能的,不要加個“們”字。“我沒有憎恨”表明個人態度,“我們沒有憎恨”則有幫人開脫之嫌呀。至於劫持者本來就應該在危險級數升級時第一時間擊斃。談判可以,但不能成為無法解救人質的藉口,當斷則斷。"I don't think that Jackie Chan supports the Philippines. He can only be said to help them finish up. But the more you say, the more likely you make mistakes and you have to pay a price. It is impossible not to feel some hatred. Do not say "we." Say "I do not hate" to state your personal views." "We do not hate" looks like you are helping them wriggle out the situation. As for the kidnapper, he ought to have been shot dead the first moment when the danger escalated. You can negotiate, but it cannot be the excuse for failing to rescue the hostages. You need to be decisive when you have to."


2010年8月27日 郭繾澂
(Ming Pao (Hong Kong))




第一點,成龍說得沒錯,香港是個多元化社會,但沒有任何根據指香港沒有憎恨。Firstly, with respect to Hong Kong being a diversified society, Jackie Chan is right. But there is no basis for saying that there is no hatred in Hong Kong.

香港人見到不義的事情,不管是發生在港人身上,還是在遠方,還是會引起憎恨的,我們多元化社會只是不會仇視任何民族,但對有悖於理或公義之事,還是有強烈不滿情緒。Whenever Hong Kong people see unjust and unfair things happen to Hong Kong people or even to others who are faraway, they will hate it. In our diversified society, we don't any any race or people. But we still feel strongly against anything that goes against reason or justice.

第二點,成龍指菲警遲和早擊斃挾持者也會被批評,很明顯可以解讀成維護菲警,看不出有其他隱晦及詞不達意的含義。Secondly, Jackie Chan pointed out the Filipino police would be criticized whether they killed the kidnapper early on or later on. Clearly, this can be interpreted as support for the police. There is nothing ambiguous or inarticulate about that. Broadly speaking, he said that it is tough to be the Filipino police because they will be condemned no matter what.


筆者心想,成龍一定沒有像其他港人一樣坐在電視機前憂心忡忡地看完多小時的直播,有的話,稍有營救常識的,都看得出當中的犯錯。不只憤怒的港人指出行動之錯,連國際專家也意見一致。I wondered if Jackie Chan watched the extensive live television coverage like so many other Hong Kong people. If he did and he had even minimal knowledge about hostage rescue, he could see the numerous mistakes. Not only did the angry Hong Kong people saw them, but international experts share the same opinion.

第三點,這些事的確在世界各地常發生,不等於麻木不仁,視作平常。即使不是港人被殺,同樣事件發生在其他國籍人士身上,有血性的港人,一樣會義憤填膺。Thirdly, just because these incidents frequently happen around the world does not mean that you become blasé and indifferent. Any warm-blooded Hong Kong person will feel outraged if the same thing happened to non-Hong Kong people.

絕大部分港人沒有仇視菲律賓人,在一片哀傷未息之時,成龍這雙友誼之手,為何急不及待伸出去?The vast majority of the people of Hong Kong do not hate Filipinos. At a time when the sorrow and pain have not subsided, why was Jackie Chan so anxious to reach out his hands of friendship?

身為香港人一分子,可否先體諒一下心靈創傷的港人,才去做你的「友誼大使」!As a person of Hong Kong, could he please show some sympathy for the very hurt Hong Kong people first before acting as "Friendly Ambassador"?

Jackie Chan Apologizes, Claims Statement Of Support For Filipino Police Was Translation Error. August 28, 2010.


Jackie Chan's statement

If they killed the guy sooner, they will say why not negotiate first? If they negotiate first, they ask why not kill the guy sooner? So sad

this kind of things always happen around the world. It happened to hk's people, the whole hk is talking about it. Its really sad.

First of all, I want to send my deepest condolences to the families of the victims in the Philippines. Perhaps I had been unclear i what I want to say, but the content that my American assistant translated onto twitter for me did not fully express my original meaning. I feel that it is a heartbreaking tragedy for Hong Kong people to be held hostage and killed while touring in the Philippines. I am Chinese and a 100% Hong Kong person. I feel deep pain for those Hong Kong persons who lose their lives in this tragedy and I express my sympathy to those families who have lost loved ones. I hope the injured persons will recover soon.

I only said that I will not hate Filipinos on account of this tragedy. There are more than one hundred thousand Filipinos working in Hong Kong. There are quite a few Hong Kong persons working in the Philippines too. If we all hate each other, it will do great damage to both Hong Kong and the Philippines.

Did the incompetence of the Filipino police caused this tragedy? This certainly has to be looked into, but let's leave it to the experts to do that.

I express my sincerest apologies if what I originally said on the Internet was incomplete and caused misunderstanding and discontent among people.

Jackie Chan








  8月26日,謝霆鋒助手“Adrian表哥”在微博上留言,發佈了謝霆鋒及張柏芝將為悼念遇難香港同胞舉行“黑衣行動”的消息,並呼籲粉絲支援:“霆鋒有事叫我在這裡跟所有粉絲們說:在 29日生日當天,不可以送禮物和蛋糕給他,不要來片場,不可以慶祝,因為這兩天哀悼在菲律賓遇難的中國香港同胞們,請大家穿著黑色衣服來為遇難者默哀,希望其他生還者堅強活下去!”同時參與“黑衣行動”的還有英皇歌手鄭希怡及關智斌。

香港演藝界繼續默哀 向死難者致哀

  昨晚(8月27日)在紅館舉行的《香港夏日流行音樂節之獅子山下》於開場前,所有參選歌手包括Big Four、草蜢、容祖兒及鄭伊健於表演前,帶領全場觀眾默哀一分鐘悼念不幸離逝的死難者。










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