(明報專訊)2010年8月25日 星期三 05:10
Do Not Turn Your Anger Into Racism
08/25/2010 Leung Kai-chi in Ming Pao
A family went abroad to travel. On the day when they were due to return, they met with an unexpected disaster. It was a family tragedy that some members are dead while others survive. The inadequacy of the local social system caused mistakes to be made during the crisis handling, so that unnecessary casualties resulted. Then that is a social tragedy. If anger overwhelms reason and vulgar insults override humanitarian concern, the result is racial hostility. That would be a tragedy for civilization. During the Manila hostage crisis, we have seen the first two tragedies taking place already.
At a time when everybody in the city is angry, we need to be wary about whether the third tragedy will take place.
Like many other Hong Kong people, I felt grim when I heard the rumor that "all the hostages have been killed." When I saw on the live television broadcast that some hostages were still alive and exiting the bus, I applauded and cheered too. The crisis has united the people of Hong Kong. But this unity should not be the beginning of xenophobia.
A crisis is a moment in which the moral bottom line of a society is tested. An example is the USA after the 9/11 incident.
After that attack, many Arabs living in the United States became the targets of Americans who wanted to vent their rage. As a result, many of these Arabs were afraid to go outside. According to the statistics, the number of hate crimes directed against Arabs multiplied. Even Sikhs were attacked because Americans thought that they were Muslims too. Even today, many Americans don't understand that the Al Qaeda organization is not the same as Islam. These Americans don't trust any Muslims and therefore they oppose the construction of an Islamic community centre in downtown Manhattan. Does Hong Kong look like it will follow the USA? Over the past two days, it was not hard to find worrying signs of insults and rowdiness at the various Internet forums and social networking sites.
The vilest position is to generalize the incompetence of the Manila police to the people of the Philippines as a whole and then apply persons attacks because all Filipinos are like that. This is blatant racism. This ignores the fact that the differences among the people of any nation are always greater than the differences between peoples from different nations. Every place will have good and bad people, so any generalization about a people is always a sign of ignorance. If foreigners were to say that all Chinese people are evil and vile because of the tainted infant formula and tofu construction projects, most Hong Kong people will object. Isn't it the same mistake to think all Filipinos are flawed because the Manila police had some miscues?
Another irrational position is to state that we will never buy anything made in the Philippines in the future or that we will never ever go on leisure travel in the Philippines.
First of all, those Filipinos who make various products or provide various services are not bound to be the scapegoats for the actions of a few Filipinos. Furthermore, these boycott actions could not directly punish those persons or organizations who deserve to be punished. Instead, they may create even greater social problems because the income losses will bring even greater poverty. A couple of years ago, certain American and European organizations initiated boycott campaigns against the 2008 Beijing Olympics over the human rights problems in China. But many Hong Kong people came out at the time and asked that the entire Chinese people should not be blamed and also that people should not only look at the political problems in China while ignoring all the social and economic progress. If you don't want others to do something to you, why would you do that something to others? So how can we come out and call for boycotts?
We understand that people can be outraged for the moment. But Hong Kong already has many systemic measures that are unfair to Filipinos, and this could possibly worsen after this incident. The dead are gone. We can choose to live better tomorrow, or we can also embrace the past tragedies to manufacture more future tragedies. This choice should be easy to make.
- Aug 25 Wed 2010 23:39
hk Do Not Turn Your Anger Into Racism 梁啟智﹕別讓怨憤變成種族主義 Manila bus massacre