Label J
Release Date Aug 10, 2010
國際/亞洲/台灣 預定9月同步發行, 也將於9月來亞洲宣傳。

1. 31 Minutes To Take Off 0:53
2. Please Dont Go 3:16
3. Bow Chicka Wow Wow 3:16
4. Cooler Than Me 3:33

5. Déjà Vu 3:04
6. Do You Wanna 2:31
7. Cheated 3:19
8. Gone In September 3:38
9. Save Your Goodbye 3:35
10. Synthesizer 4:10
11. Delta 1406 3:04
12. Falling 3:38

Singer-songwriter-producer Mike Posner just released his debut album "31 Minutes to Takeoff" on 12 Aug.!! With the success of first single "Cooler Than Me" his album quickly shot up to the top of the iTunes album chart. Posner will now release album favorite "Please Don't Go" as his official second single. Here we have a iTunes Bonus track titled "Another Love Song" which was penned and produced by Posner. Be sure to check it out the album if you haven't already, Enjoy!!


2010.10.22《軒尼詩炫音之樂 Hennessy Artistry》台北場表演
臉書搜尋Hennessy Artistry Taiwan

◎被譽為「賈斯汀接班人」、唱片教父Clive Davis+嘻哈天皇Jay-Z力薦年度新彗星
◎型男復仇主題歌〈Cooler Than Me〉YouTube點閱率酷破8百萬人次,數位下載衝破160萬次銷售,卡位全美流行榜No.6、舞曲榜冠軍
◎美聲天團Boyz II Men、全方位才子Cisco Adler、校園龐克團Blink-182酷鼓手Travis Barker全力護航

知名學府杜克大學甫畢業,就已是2010年最哈燒的矚目彗星,能歌、能撰寫、能製作,還擁有殺光女孩們以及媒體相機底片的帥氣外型,贏得唱片界龍頭大佬Clive Davis的喜愛、東岸饒舌第一把交椅的嘻哈天皇Jay-Z讚賞、成為Alicia Keys+Leona Lewis的師弟,被譽為「賈斯汀接班人」的Mike Posner,羨煞不少極欲出頭的後起新秀!

出生在底特律的Mike,從小受到深愛音樂的父母薰陶,打從Motown靈魂到節奏藍調、嘻哈至饒舌、搖滾到另類金屬、爵士至民謠等領域,無所不包!國小四年級開始學習打鼓,13歲已會利用電腦編寫節拍、填詞創作。漸漸的興趣投注在黑人Hip-Hop/Rap區塊,喜歡關在房間做Mixtape,玩上音樂一整天。大學時期念的是社會學和企業管理,卻不務正業的利用假期時段,到廣播電台WHTD、還有位於紐約的嘻哈獨立廠牌Definitive Jux當實習生,並藉此機會向主流公司推薦自己的作品,卻全遭無情回絕。雖然碰壁,Mike卻沒放棄希望,藉由網路散佈自己作品,累積廣大粉絲群支持。在白金製作大師DJ Don Cannon(50 Cent、Ludacris)協助下,2009年陸續發行《A Matter Of Time》和《One Foot Out The Door》兩張EP,受到J Records青睞,簽下一份美夢成真的合約大禮!

非常有想法的Mike,希望能呈現一張與眾不同的專輯,同時可以拉近人們之間的距離,請到多位值得關切的新生代製作群齊力操盤處男之航《31 Minutes To Takeoff》。一鳴驚人的主打歌〈Cooler Than Me〉,過癮拼貼Electro-Pop/Nu-Disco/Hip-Hop等元素,暗諷那些拜金主義、目中無人的嬌縱女孩,狂賣超越百萬銷售門檻,登記告示牌流行榜第六名位置;再接再厲的攻勢〈Please Don’t Go〉,交付快速竄起的年輕鬼才Benny Blanco(Britney Spears、Ke$ha)掌舵,濃厚電子合成聲響不斷向外擴散,令人不由自主的隨樂搖擺;B.o.B和Flo Rida冠軍歌曲的幕後推手The Smeezingtons三人小組撐腰〈Bow Chicka Wow Wow〉,鋪滿順暢動人旋律,輕易能打動愛聽情歌的朋友;美聲代表團隊Boyz II Men幫腔〈Deja Vu〉,組員Wanya Morris協同Mike下海製作,不僅載入迷人的多部和聲堆疊,更充滿流行到底的節拍,是支耐聽的優選小品;串聯強烈Soul Funk的〈Do U Wanna?〉、碰撞吉他搖滾和Electro-Hop的〈Gone In September〉,分別有全方位才子Cisco Adler,以及校園龐克團Blink-182酷鼓手Travis Barker站台,讓專輯增添更為豐富和精采的跳躍音符!

When singer/songwriter/producer Mike Posner released his debut album, the B.A. in sociology he earned while attending Duke had only been hanging on the wall for a couple weeks, but thanks to the Internet, he was already a star.

Anyone familiar with his genre-blending but mostly pop hit "Cooler Than Me" will find 31 Minutes to Takeoff a nice and comfy follow-up with just two surprises. First, there's Posner's occasional and irresponsible wickedness, best illustrated by the Jason Mraz-meets-Flo Rida number "Cheated," where he calls out his ex-"whore" by using her full name. The better surprise is his heavy dose of talent that doesn't necessarily dazzle but does charm, and is deep enough to keep things interesting for a whole album. A-list producers like Benny Blanco (the hip-hop-meets-trance "Please Don't Go"), the Smeezingtons (the swaggering, porn guitar come-on called "Bow Chicka Wow Wow"), and Cisco Adler (the soulful highlight "Do U Wanna?") bring on the polish, but Posner gets plenty of co-producer credits and the balance is always half dorm room, half major label. Add Boyz II Men sounding just fine on "Déjà vu " and a bunch of bedroom room numbers that come off as Robin Thicke for the collegiate set and Posner's entertaining debut is right in line with his reported Duke grade point average of B+. ~ David JeffriesEntertainment Weekly - "[With] entertaining entries in the new-jack seduction pantheon....'Do U Wanna' reaches back further, with Stax horns and a shuffling, Donny Hathaway-worthy groove.' -- Grade: B

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