01. 空港
02. 破相
03. 飛
04. 綠野仙蹤
05. 星圖
Donning a hauntingly beautiful "scarface" makeup, Hong Kong pop diva Joey Yung has shot a 3D music video for the heartbreaking ballad "Disfigured" from her 2010 new Cantonese EP. Besides the main plug by famous composer Keith Chan, Joey's new release also features another Wyman Wong-penned song "The Wizard of Oz" (composed by Hanjin Tan), which is chosen to be the latest CM song for an electronics chain store. Rounding out the track list are the EP's titular number "Airport" (also the theme song for Joey's upcoming concerts), "Fly", and the Siu Hak-written "Star Map".
容祖兒2010年全新廣東EP《空港》,特別為新歌“破相”拍攝3D立體版MV。為了配合詞人黃偉文譜上歌詞,Joey 今次采用蒼白及特技化妝,加添刻骨銘心的愛情與傷痛的感覺。另一曲“綠野仙蹤”的歌詞同為黃偉文手筆,陳奐仁作曲,輕快的調子成為她代言的大型電器商的廣告歌,最適合不過。