Norah Jones to release collaborations[kəlæbə'ræʃən] album “Featuring” Ryan Adams, Belle & Sebastian, Sean Bones, Ray Charles, Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Sasha Dobson, El Madmo, Herbie Hancock, Foo Fighters, Charlie Hunter, Talib Kweli, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Little Willies, Gillian Welch, David Rawlings, Q-Tip, M. Ward and Outkast!

Norah Jones is about to 趕流行jump on the duets bandwagon, which we think every artist should do at least once is their career. The list of artists are impressive but we think she could have done better. Maybe, Fiona Apple, Natalie Merchant or Melody Gardot. Nonetheless, we are looking forward to it.