Label:Universal Music

2.Hip Song
5.Love Song(English Ver.)

3.Hip Song(M! Countdown)
4.挽留妳的歌(M! Countdown)

收錄comeback 之作”Hip Song”以及排行情歌”挽留妳的歌” 英文版

DVD收錄”挽留妳的歌”音樂錄影帶及幕後花絮;全球獨家DVD加收”Hip Song”, “Love Song” Live 演出經典現場

過去一年半,他的名字登上好萊塢大螢幕,並且成為當紅男孩團體的幕後推手,Rain、在亞洲樂迷千呼萬喚期盼下,以君臨天下之姿、帶著全新音樂作品”Back To The Basic”重返流行樂壇!從清純無邪的鄰家男孩瞬間成為全世界矚目的巨星,靜默的神態中散發出性感野性的陽剛魅力,他是眾所熟知韓劇「浪慢滿屋」的李英宰,也是好萊塢電影「忍者刺客」的RAZIO。但對於Rain而言,音樂是他的最愛的舞台,並藉由這張回歸自我的專輯中完整展現:期待值MAX的首支單曲「挽留妳的歌」音樂錄影帶邀請了女星한예슬韓藝瑟演出,悲傷的顫抖歌聲,如泣如訴地觸動所有人的淚水,展現了抒情的Rain;而「Hip Song」以一貫自信加上無人匹敵的Hip Dance!給你動感的Rain。亞洲限定盤特別珍藏「挽留妳的歌」英文版「Love Song」,DVD收錄「挽留妳的歌」音樂錄影帶外,全球獨家加收Rain在M! Countdown節目中精彩演出「Hip Song」及「Love Song」的歷史時刻!

Album: Back To The Basic
Label: J.Tune Entertainment
Release Date: 2010/4/2

01. 널 붙잡을 노래 (Love Song)

The MV showed love and bed scenes between Rain and the female lead, actress Han Ye Seul. Check out the lovely MV below.

Following the release of two MV teasers and a 50-second audio teaser, Rain’s Love Song from his upcoming mini-album BACK TO THE BASIC has now been revealed in full!

Through his special comeback album, Rain wanted to remind fans that, even during his indefinite hiatus, he still had the same passion for music that he did when he debuted as a rookie. As expected, the main track reveals Rain’s amazing singing abilities that have not wavered since eight years ago. The soft piano melody blends in flawlessly with Rain’s soothing voice, formulating yet another timeless song by Rain that is sure to be played over and over again on your music playlist.

The beautiful lyrics that entail this love song are also said to have been written by Rain himself. Singing, dancing, modeling, producing, acting, wrestling… Is there anything Rain can’t do? He’s really making it harder for guys by raising the standards impossibly high.

Anyway, take a listen to the song for yourself and you be the judge.

April’s forecast looks like a month of heavy shower so be prepared to get wet! Ladies, in particular, should take extra precaution, if you know what I mean.

Stay tuned for the release of the full MV.

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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