Director: Tanit Jitnukul
Starring: Paradorn Srichaphan, Puri Hiranpruk, Chatchai Plengpanich, Verayut Nancha
Release Date in Thailand: 25 March 2010
Set in the Ayutthaya period, Bangrajan 2 is the sequel to Bangrajan, the epic tale of one village stand against insurmountable odds and the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom of the country. Influenced by the legendary Bangrajan warriors, another village are encouraged to fight back for their own land by waging war against the troops of General Suki, a great Burmese commander.
由Pranakorn Film投拍的泰國古裝動作片《烈血暹士2》講述了一群保衛村子抵抗外來入侵的勇士們的故事,基本上泰國古裝動作片歷來并沒有特別出彩的作品,除了《拳霸2》取得很好的票房收益之外,其他的片子票房和口碑都不太理想。但是這一次電影公司請來在泰國具有超高人氣的網球運動員斯里查潘主演影片,想以他的高人氣來吸引體育迷這個群體,策略相當成功。從之前釋出的預告片來看,斯里查潘表現尚可,但是特效因資金不足技術落後依然慘不忍睹,不過片中眾多泰男大露肌肉,加之動作場面頗為火爆,喜歡泰式猛男的或泰式動作片的朋友可以關注一下本片。