나인뮤지스 Nine Muses - Let's Have A Party


2.No PlayBoy
3.No PlayBoy (Instrumental Ver.)

Nine Muses to make cameo in ‘Marry Me’
by maestro-J on August 10, 2010

On August 9th, upcoming girl group Nine Muses, along with fellow Star Empire family group ZE:A, finished shooting for the KBS drama Marry Me. Both groups are due to make cameos on the show.

Similar to real life, the two groups took on the role of trainees who look to debut through a music company lead by Choi Hyun Wook (played by Ryu Tae Joon).

Through the drama, the girls of Nine Muses showcased their dancing skills, as they even revealed parts of the choreography of their debut single, No Playboy.

Nine Muses’ agency Star Empire stated, “During the girls’ busy days preparing for their debut, an opportunity came for them and ZE:A to get a chance to cameo for a drama, so we took it. [Through this drama] you will see new charms of the girls.”

You will be able to watch Nine Muses and ZE:A cameo on Marry Me’s 18th episode (August 15th broadcast).

Stay tuned for Nine Muses’ debut single title track, No Playboy, as well as their debut stage on M! Countdown, all on the 12th!

Meanwhile, Nine Muses’ debut single title track No Playboy, which is composed by JYP and Rainstone, will be released on the 12th. Stay tuned!

“模特團”新人女子9人組Nine Muses終於公開了專輯照片,演繹現代版希臘神話女神。

意喻著古代希臘神話中,宙斯女兒們中最擅長藝術的9名女神組成的團體Nine Muses,8月4日上午通過官方歌迷網站(http://cafe.daum.net/9muses)首次公開了專輯照片。照片中,Nine Muses成員身著蕾絲材料的服裝,變身成為了現代版的希臘神話中的9個女神。經紀公司表示:“想通過這次的專輯圖片展示9名成員的女神造型,至於通過照片無法表現的Nine Muses多樣化的魅力,將在12號的出道舞臺上展現給大家”。

據悉Nine Muses於8月5日公開MV的預告視頻,12日以朴振榮和Rainstone共同創作的歌曲《no playboy》正式出道。

南韓新人組合Nine Muses成員世螺出道前參加海選的視頻近日曝光成為眾人熱議的焦點。

Nine Muses官網上傳的這則視頻中世螺正在賣力演唱Stacie Orrico的《Stuck》,驚人的爆發力和不俗的歌唱技巧更是吸引眾人目光。視頻曝光後立即被各大網絡轉載,世螺的人氣也不斷上升中。不少網友稱讚她的聲音具有爆發力對於新人組合Nine Muses的出道也充滿期待,還有不少人認為歌曲的原唱獨具個人特色而世螺卻唱出了自己的魅力。

Nine Muses的9名成員大多由超模出身,舞台經驗豐富,而作為主唱的世螺透過這次的視頻不僅驗證了自己的美貌,也讓大家了解到她不俗的實力。Nine Muses於8月透過各大網站公開新歌曲音源正式宣布出道。

Nine Muses releases more concept photos
by maestro-J on August 5, 2010

Following the release of their MV teaser, as well as their first set of concept photos, Nine Muses has released another set of concept photos for their upcoming debut!

The concept photos showcase the members’ average height of 172 cm, as well as their luxurious slim bodies. The girls are seen wearing black lace skirt suits showing a sexy image, different than the goddess images they showed earlier.

Upcoming girl group, Nine Muses, released their music video teaser for their debut song No Playboy.
나인뮤지스 (Nine Muses) No Playboy

Nine Muses unveils debut concept photos
by maestro-J on August 3, 2010

Just yesterday, things got hot with the news about upcoming nine-member girl group Nine Muses debuting with a song composed by JYP and Rainstone.

Today, things got hotter as the nine girls unveiled their debut concept photos!

The group’s name “Nine Muses” comes from ancient Greece where amongst god 宙斯Zeus’ daughters, there were nine of them who were Muses that were in charge of art.

Just like their name, the girls are posed like nine goddesses with their white and beige dress seen in the concept photos.

Nine Muses’ agency Star Empire Entertainment stated, “We wanted to show the nine girls’ goddess images through this jacket photo. The rest of their various charms that could not be revealed through the photos will be unleashed through their debut stage on the 12th.”

Nine Muses will be revealing their MV teaser on the 5th, and will release their debut single No Playboy on the 12th, on the same day of their debut stage. Stay tuned!

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