Idol boy group ZE:A is starting their promotion tour around Asia.
Korean idols ZE:A [Star Empire Entertainment]
These boys will leave for Bangkok, Thailand in the end of this month. They will hold a showcase there on the 26th. They will stop by Taiwan, the Philippines, Singapore and more in this tour.
Their company Star Empire said,
“Their cable show ZE:A was aired throughout Asia. That’s how they gained fans everywhere. We had no idea we’d be doing overseas promotions this fast.”
If you guys live in any of those places, try to check them out!
ZE:A to star in snack food commercial in Thailand
Korean idols ZE:A, who are currently on tour in Asia, will be shooting a television commercial for a Thai snack this week, according to their agency Star Empire Entertainment on Tuesday.
A PR official from Star Empire told 10Asia over the phone that the boys will be shooting the commercial for United Foods Public Company Ltd.'s YOYO Jelly on July 28.
United Foods established in 1975, has been the leading Thai manufacturer and exporter of confectionery products. They are best known for their candies, jellies, biscuit sticks, wafers and chocolates.
“The members of ZE:A have been working hard in preparing for the commercial, as well as their showcase to be held at the Siam Paragon the following day,” the rep explained, adding that the boys have received offers from various countries in Asia for fan meetings and commercials.
The group flew into Thailand yesterday and will be in the country till the end of the month to promote themselves in several nations in Asia including Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore which is part of the government-based Korea Creative Content Agency's program to support idol stars' careers overseas.
The nine-member boy band splashed onto the local music scene last January with their mini-album "Nativity" featuring their title track "Mazeltov." They released a follow-up record in April titled "Leap for Detonation" and third single album "Level Up" earlier this month.
【ZE:A 帝國之子】8/11起訪台6天 擔任台灣觀光親善大使 全台趴趴走
最新單曲「離別降臨」7/26(一) MTV台全球首播
8/3(二)發行〈帝國精選 台灣獨占寫真/影音限定A, B盤〉
團員為了出道 樣樣自己來 被警察趕、下跪求情也心甘
【ZE:A 帝國之子】人氣夯!繼確定受邀參加8/15(二)高雄『2010 7ELEVEn國際鬥夢祭』壓軸演出之後,現在也確定擔任交通部觀光局的台灣觀光親善大使,預計8/11(三)起訪台6天期間要南北趴趴走,品嚐台灣美食、體驗台灣美景。9位大男孩變身成充滿熱情、有活力的賽車手,最新單曲「離別降臨」將於後天7/26(一) MTV台全球首播;首張〈帝國精選 台灣獨占寫真/影音限定A, B盤〉也將會於8/3正式推出。【ZE:A 帝國之子】在正式出道之前,在韓國國內50個大城市舉辦「驚喜演唱會」募集人氣,場地洽詢、搭設舞台樣樣都得自己來,但因完全沒有經驗,第一場就慘遭滑鐵盧被警方驅趕;為了洽談場地,團員們甚至不惜下跪求情!出道前的心酸血淚,全都在7/24(六)起,每週六、日晚上10於MTV台獨家播出的『帝國之子出道記』裡!
即將在8/15(二)高雄『2010 7ELEVEn國際鬥夢祭』壓軸演出的【ZE:A帝國之子】,此行來台還有份重要的任務,榮獲擔任台灣觀光親善大使的九個大男生,要全台灣南北跑透透,體驗台灣道地的美食、欣賞台灣好山好水,並與台灣觀光大使”飛輪海”攜手一起將台灣之美推廣全亞洲!(爆帥小隊)俊英日前接受《fans粉絲誌》的專訪時透露,來台最想做的事情就是觀光!由於是第一次來台灣,期待能吃遍道地小吃,好好逛逛台灣。負責這次新單曲造型的(時尚王子)時完想要好好逛街,希望可以掌握台灣的時尚走向。(全型全才 老么)桐俊則是想看看台灣美麗的夜景以及著名的夜市。精彩的專訪內容請鎖定八月號的《fans粉絲誌》。
日前才在韓國推出全新數位單曲「離別降臨」的【ZE:A 帝國之子】,全新的賽車手造型讓人眼睛為之一亮,充滿活力動感的“Kick Dance拳擊舞”更是團員維持身材的妙方。特別值得一提的是,「離別降臨」在韓國並未有實體專輯銷售,只有特別收錄在台灣於8/3(二)發行的〈帝國精選 台灣獨占寫真/影音限定A, B盤〉裡,凡購買專輯可獲得限量A, B兩款不同海報。「離別降臨」最新MV也將從後天7/26(一)起於MTV台全球首播。
2009年10月起,【ZE:A 帝國之子】這9個對唱歌與舞蹈懷抱著偉大夢想的少年,為了執行出道任務,而必須在韓國境內50個大城市舉辦「驚喜演唱會」並募集到10萬名歌迷才能出道。行程中不論借場地、搭舞台等大小事都得由團員們自己處理。在經紀公司社長一天只給10萬韓幣(約台幣3300)的生活費下,9個男生要自己處理一切事宜,吃泡麵搭帳棚睡在馬路旁,只為了要正式出道,這笑中帶淚的完整『帝國之子出道記』將會從7/24(六)起,每週六、日晚上10點於MTV台強力放送!
此行九位大男生來台通告滿滿滿,全台灣南北跑透透,韓方經紀公司在看來台通告表一籮筐時,非常爽快全部都答應,並且拍胸脯保證,【ZE:A 帝國之子】團員各個年輕有活力,只要準備好吃的東西,通告到再晚也不怕。在團員們四處詢問朋友之下,知道台灣有好吃的鹹麵包、剉冰,希望這次來台可以品嚐到。而【ZE:A 帝國之子】訪台的第一個通告將參加知名社群網站-痞客邦娛樂丸的網路見面會活動,透過網路可以跟台灣的網友們一起聊天玩遊戲,此外也會當評審來選網友們所製作的部落格貼紙,9位團員也呼籲大家要記得一起來參加網路見面會活動。