Label Mercury(美版)
Release Date Jun 01, 2010
01. Dynamite 3:23
02. Break Your Heart (Feat. Ludacris) 3:06
03. Dirty Picture (Feat. Ke$ha) 3:39
04. Take Me Back 3:12
05. I’ll Never Love Again 3:49
06. I Can Be 3:46
07. No Other One 3:37
08. Come On Girl (Feat. Luciana) 3:33
09. Falling In Love 3:32
10. Higher 3:10
11. Feel Again (Bonus Track) 3:39
★超級製作人Dallas Austin讚譽為「新一代娃娃臉(叱吒80-90年代的全方位鬼才)」的英籍冠軍才子★
★三座葛萊美加持的喜感嘻哈天王Ludacris幫腔“Break Your Heart”,風光寫下英國三週冠軍+美國跳升53個名次直接攻頂紀錄、新世代跑趴女皇Ke$ha協助“Dirty Picture”率先搶灘英榜NO.6★
自英倫攻陷美國領土的節奏藍調全方位才子Taio Cruz,已成為偶像潮男Justin Timberlake、流行天后Britney Spears、美聲歌姬Leona Lewis、性感女神Kylie Minogue、R&B天王Usher、新世代跑趴女皇Ke$ha等當紅一線明星幕後暢銷曲金手。今天,Taio Cruz帶著自己的創作“Break Your Heart”登陸英美兩地冠軍寶座,站上屬於自己的音樂舞台!
出生英國倫敦,本名Adetayo Ayowale Onile-Ere的Taio Cruz,求學時期抓住機會就往音樂教室跑,利用鋼琴彈奏自己偶像的歌曲,幻想能夠成為超級巨星,站上最夢幻的Madison Square Garden舞台!令前輩們驚豔不已的創作功力,贏得超級製作人Dallas Austin讚譽:「新一代的娃娃臉(叱吒80-90年代的全方位鬼才)」,隨後與葛萊美獎肯定的Rich Harrison以及Jazze Pha共事,締造一連串轟動排行的佳作。不僅擔任Rokstarr Entertainment Division娛樂公司總監,更是第一位簽入Justin Timberlake音樂廠牌旗下的藝人。2008年發行首張專輯『Departure』,快速拿下金唱片銷售認證,一口氣締造5首排行Top30單曲。
乘勝追擊推出第二枚大碟【Rokstarr】,由Taio和當紅炸子雞Fraser T. Smith(碧昂絲、Craig David、Jennifer Hudson)共同操盤,率先搶下UK第14名席次。第一波風光佔據英國3週冠軍+美國跳升53個名次直接攻頂的“Break Your Heart”,攫取最夯的Electro-Pop元素,同時串連R&B和Hip-House舞韻,請到身擁3座葛萊美的喜感嘻哈天王Ludacris加料幫腔,開出無比耀眼佳績;超人氣怪怪女Ke$ha協助再次登榜作品“Dirty Picture”,依舊灌入強壓的電子氣流,全面攻佔各地夜店舞池,英國奪得NO.6位置;原為協助英籍嘻哈新秀Tinchy Stryder登記Top3的“Take Me Back”,此回Taio重新獨唱演繹灌錄;朗朗上口的“No Other One”、影歌雙棲的噴火女郎Luciana發燙共鳴之“Come On Girl”,將拿手的Dance-Pop激流繼續奔馳翻轉;“Falling In Love”、“Feel Again”則建造屬於Pop Rock的音階;除了滿溢的快節奏包圍外,動聽的都會情歌“I'll Never Love Again”、勵志正面小品“I Can Be”,更是討好你雙耳的優選!
Label Island(英版)
Release Date Oct 13, 2009
1. Break Your Heart
2. Dirty Picture
3. No Other One
4. Forever Love
5. Take Me Back - (featuring Taio Cruz)
6. Best Girl
7. I'll Never Love Again
8. Only You
9. Falling in Love
10. Keep Going
11. Feel Again
12. The 11th Hour
UK singer/songwriter Taio Cruz will be releasing his album "Rockstarr" to the US on June 1st!! He has already scored his first #1 with "Break Your Heart" and he hopes to continue his success. It has been said that his second single will be the already UK hit "Dirty Picture" featuring Ke$ha. A new track was premiered titled "Dynamite" that will appear on the US release on the album.
Cruz also tweeted that the upbeat dance/pop track was a new single. I'm thinking it's his new single for the UK re-release but will have to wait and see.
The US edition will include new single "Dynamite" a solo version of "Take Me Back" and new track "Higher." This version also includes two tracks from his UK debut "Departure." I'm sure with the success of "Break Your Heart" he should do fine.
Taio Cruz (pronounced /ˌtaɪ.oʊ ˈkruːz/ TYE-oh KREWZ; born Adetayo Ayowale Onile-Ere; 23 April 1983) is a British singer-songwriter, occasional rapper, and music producer.
In 2008, after years of writing he released his debut Album Departure. Written, arranged and produced himself, it achieved modest success in the UK and earned him a MOBO Award nomination. In October 2009, he released his follow up album Rokstarr in the UK, which failed to perform as well as his debut, but included his UK and US number one single "Break Your Heart". In March 2010 he released "Break Your Heart" as his debut US single.