
Chinese provincial television stations which have shown this video in their news programmes

嫌客購物少 港導遊不知悔

The Viral Internet Video That Hit All The Local TV Stations (07/16/2010)


女導遊喪鬧大陸客 7分鐘 熱爆網



狂鬧7分鐘 威脅不給住






旅遊事務署強調重視旅客權益,絕不容許強迫旅客購物,如有違規,絕不姑息。旅遊業議會主席胡兆英說,獲悉廣東衛視有關報道後,即時去信電視台及廣東旅遊局,要求提供有關旅行社、導遊以及肇事日期作跟進。旅行代理商註冊處及旅議會未有就事件收到投訴,相關旅客可致電2807 0707聯絡議會。

(The Standard) There'll be hell to pay By Vivian Chui. July 16, 2010.

Hong Kong's travel industry is reeling after a wild rant by a shopping-mad tour guide went viral on the internet and hit television screens across the mainland. More than a dozen television stations picked up a video posted online and have played it constantly during the past two days. Among them are Guangdong Television, Guizhou Television and Liaoning Television, which serve mass-market areas that Hong Kong looks to as sources of visitors.

The seven-minute clip of the female guide, nicknamed Ah Zhen, berating a group of mainland visitors as cheapskates and threatening to lock them out of their hotel rooms because they did not spend much at a jewelry store, provides a shocking view of what Hong Kong can offer visitors. It follows a series of complaints about visitors being strong-armed by tour guides to go shopping.

Travel Industry Council chairman Michael Wu Siu-ieng said last night that investigators have an idea of the guide's identity and there will be a meeting today to look further into the incident.

The video clip went on a mainland website at the end of March but was largely unnoticed until it went on YouTube this week. Ah Zhen is heard scolding the tourists in fluent mandarin after they board their bus. "Don't tell me you don't need to shop," she says. "So later are you going to say you don't need to eat? I will lock you out of your hotel rooms as you don't have enough to stay there. It's okay for you to stay poor at home, but when you travel outside don't be like this. In this world there is no such thing as a free lunch?"

She goes on to talk about how the visitors found money for their airfares and then chides them: "We don't do this for charity. Let me be responsible for charity. I donated 10,500 yuan [HK$12,027] for Sichuan earthquke victims." She then points to shops offering top- quality goods, before adding: "Why did you bother to come to Hong Kong?" She laments that the group does not look good against another group of tourists, who spent HK$137,000. "For a group of 24 people you only just spent HK$13,000. How can you just walk out of the shop like that?"

The man who shot the video said on a mainland online forum that he joined the Hong Kong tour on March 25 and the incident left him feeling bad.

(South China Morning Post) Welcome to HK ... now spend up, or else By Anita Lam. July 16, 2010.

The big attraction on mainland television is a slice of Hong Kong reality: a tour guide hurling insults at her charges for not spending enough. The guide is shown in a video clip berating members of a mainland tour group for scrimping in a jewellery store, telling them "It's OK to be poor at home" but not in Hong Kong.

Shown on more than a dozen television channels, the clip sparked an outcry on the internet, with people saying they would no longer dare visit Hong Kong. "It's you who owe me here, not me owing you," the guide says. "I provided you with food and accommodation but you people will not give. If you don't repay the debt in this life you will have to repay it in your next life." She adds: "It's OK to be poor at home, but you can't act like this when you are outside. Don't tell me you don't need [the jewellery], I say you don't need to eat either. Tonight I will lock all hotel room doors, because you don't need accommodation."

Travel Industry Council chairman Michael Wu Siu-ieng said he had asked for the names of the travel agency and tour agent from Guangdong satellite TV and the province's tourism authority so the council could take action.

(Ming Pao) July 16, 2010.

Our reporter consulted an tourism industry insider. Based upon the voice and the vague appearance, this insider believed that Ah Zhen is Li Qiaozhen who works for the Golden Win Travel Company. Our reporter called up Li Qiaozhen. She did not admit that she was the person in the video. But she was extremely vocal about mainland tourists condemning tour guides for forcing them to make purchases. "We don't force them to buy. When they sign up for the tour group, they should act responsibly ... you can see how much the tour group fees are ... you sign up for such a group, then you must go whatever is required. It is that simple. We did not force them to buy anything. We can't force them." She also said: "When they come, they know what they are doing. How much do they pay in fees? How many days are they staying?"

She said: "Everybody has to earn a living ..." "I did this for the sake of surviving, just like you calling me in order for you to survive ... I have to eat. It is very normal for me to tell them about making purchases." She was not happy about the media "hyping trivia" so that fewer mainland tour groups are coming. She also threatened the reporter not to write about her. "I will come and hold you accountable. I don't think there is anything wrong with what I did."

Afterwards, the reporter contacted the Golden Win Travel Company where Li Qiaozhen works. At first vice-president Tsui Kam-ming said that he had not seen the video and needed to speak to that tour guide first. When the reporter called him back later, he said that "the tour guide could not identified" in the video. He said that this tour guide had not complaints lodged against her since 2001.

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