
Single Release Date
The Catalyst - August 2nd
Album Release Date:
A Thousand Suns - September 14th
No puzzles or hidden messages with this one. We’re excited to finally announce that our new album, A THOUSAND SUNS, will be released on September 14th.
The lead single for the album is called “The Catalyst.” It will be released on August 2nd.
Beginning tomorrow, July 9th, we’re teaming up with MySpace and MixParade for “Linkin Park, Featuring You,” a contest which gives you the one-of-a-kind opportunity to be on our new album. We'll be giving you some audio from “The Catalyst,” and you get to take it from there; you can remix the parts, write something over them, or mute stuff and write something totally new. We may choose a remix of the song, and put it on the album…or, we may choose an amazing keyboardist, string quartet, guitarist, percussion group, or other musician, and invite them into the studio to play on one of our songs. No matter what instrument you play, you can win. We're open to anything good. All we ask is that you include any audible portion of any one of our stems in your submission.
Once you submit, the community (that's you) will vote, and the most popular stuff will rise to the top. Then, my bandmates and I will comb through the submissions, choose one winner, and they will be included on our album, A THOUSAND SUNS. Check out http://www.myspace.com/linkinpark for contest details.
I think I've said enough for now. Thanks for your continued support. We’ve got more announcements coming, so keep checking LinkinPark.com for updates.
Yay!!! New Linkin Park music soon, can't wait.
照片圖說,團員從左至右:鼓手 羅伯(Rob Bourdon)、貝斯手 菲尼克斯(Phoenix) 、主唱 查斯特(Chester Bennington) 、 主唱 麥可(Mike Shinoda) 、DJ 喬瑟夫(Joseph Hahn)、吉他手 布萊德(Brad Delson)
8/2(二)最新單曲『催化劑』(暫譯) 搶先公開
破天荒邀請歌迷共同享”樂”! 邀歌迷重新混音、編曲
新輯警惕世人重視大自然反撲 邀請歌迷一起來種樹
搖滾天團【聯合公園】(Linkin Park) 暌違樂壇三年多後,終於正式宣佈將於9/14將發行最新專輯「壯志千陽」(A THOUSAND SUNS)(暫譯),台灣華納音樂也會與全球同步發行!【聯合公園】破天荒邀請歌迷共同享”樂”!第一波新單曲『催化劑』(The Catalyst) (暫譯),搶先於8/2曝光,【聯合公園】也將邀請樂迷們一起來參加新歌混大賽,優勝者作品有機會收錄在最新專輯裡!多年來致力於救地球環保工作的【聯合公園】,也再次藉新輯呼籲世人要警覺地球暖化的環保危機,並呼籲大家可以種樹救地球!
【聯合公園】從2000年發行了他們的第一張唱片「混合理論」(Hybrid Theory),至今已經邁入第十個年頭。即將於9/14(二)發行全新專輯「壯志千陽」 (暫譯),並邀請歌迷們一同享”樂”!
除了首波新單曲『催化劑』將在8/2(二)MySpace網站(http://www.myspace.com/linkinpark) 搶先曝光之外,即日起也會於MySpace網站並同步舉辦〈聯合公園與你共同享樂〉活動!歌迷可從網站下載新歌的片段,將音樂重新混音或編曲後上傳報名,由團員決定最佳作品得主。該網站也是培育出許多優秀音樂人的發源地之一, 主唱Mike表示:「感謝歌迷們一路的陪伴,音樂是我們最重要的初衷,讓歌迷們一起參與詮釋我們的音樂,是我們想要回饋給歌迷的禮物」。得獎的歌迷將有機會受邀到錄音室錄音,作品也會收錄在9/14(二)將發行最新專輯「壯志千陽」(暫譯)裡,台灣華納音樂也會與全球同步發行!
多年來對於環保工作一直不遺餘力的【聯合公園】,非常重視地球暖化問題的嚴重性,也不斷的以音樂作品:例如上張「末日警鐘 毀滅‧新生」專輯,來提醒世人大自然已經開始反撲。【聯合公園】繼上次訪台感受到莫拉克颱風重創台灣所帶來的影響,透過其所成立的『Music For Relief(音樂救援)』慈善基金會捐贈兩萬美金來救濟的台灣災民以及幫助災後重建,有感於土石流的威脅,以及地球暖化日益嚴重,便呼籲歌迷們一起來種樹、或者是分享種樹的心得。只要在綠色音樂組織的官網(http://challenge.greenmusicgroup.org/)報名參加種樹活動,就有機會得到iPad等好禮,團員們也希望歌迷一起來重視地球環境問題。