(07/08/2010 My1510.cn blog)
At Baidu, there is a very popular forum post.

我來自未來 / 小滿中士

The title is: "I am from the near future; please enter if you want to know."
The content of that post is:




發貼時間:2010-6-13 12:04


I come from the near future. I know that many people with treat my words like a joke. I am willing to offer you some factual evidence.

The evidence that I provide is very simple. At the moment, the whole world has its attention on the FIFA World Cup. In the final game, the two sides shall be Holland and Spain. Holland will defeat Spain by a score of 2:1. Sneijder and another substitute player that you won't be able to guess will score the goals. I hope that these words do not reach South Africa before that game, because I am concerned that players will be affected psychologically and thus change the outcome of the game.

I shall be back one month later. At that time, I hope that you will be willing to believe everything that I say about the future!

Author: "X Came From The Future"
Time of post: 2010-6-13 12:04




As I write this essay, there are 8,509 comments and 500 re-posts. There are 2,520 fans who follow this author.

This is an amazing story! This author predicted the outcome of the World Cup final a month ago. So far, he has been proven right. The large number of comments show that people are impressed by the accuracy of his prediction so far.

We know that it is hard to predict the World Cup. Even famous soccer veterans like Pele and Franz Beckenbauer are frequently wrong, never mind plain folks like us. On a random basis, the chances of guessing the two finalists out of the 32 qualifiers is (1/32)*(1/31) = 1/992. If we eliminate the weaker teams down to a list of 10 strong qualifiers, there is still only a (1/10)*(1/9) = 1/90 chance. So this prediction by "X Came From The Future" is somewhat miraculous.



What about this person? Based upon the public Baidu information, "X Came From The Future" has written very little. In the comments to this post, he wrote: "If you want to know more about the future, you can try to leave your email address here. I can forward some photos and videos of Holland winning the World Cup. But you must delete them after you view them for reasons that you must understand."










Apart from the above, he made a new post on June 19: "I will be very busy during the second half of the year. Please be psychologically ready."

This is very ambiguous and seems to be intentionally confusing.

The most important thing here is the prediction of the finalists. Everybody wanted to know if there is someone who can really predict the future? If not, then how was he able to make good his prediction (so far)? ...

[Note: Nobody who left an email address has received photos/videos of the Holland win before the game actually took place. The audience statistics are now 210,314 comments; 6,912 re-posts; 38,706 followers]


結果我不但看到了B來自未來,C來自未來、V來自未來、Z……還看到了AV來自未來、領導來自未來、影帝來自未來……,甚至還有“X來自未來 ”(看出區別了麼?)。不幸的是我還看到了他們有一個統一的頭像:一個蔚藍的地球。原來“X來自未來”並不是唯一的一個,他應該是一個大家庭中的一員。雖然未來軍團的兄弟們也都有不同程度的預測,但真正保存下來的還是我們看到的那一個。原因很簡單,因為它剛好准了。





Was this yet another Internet promotional campaign for something or the other? Here is a comment to this blog post:

Firstly, this post by "X Came From The Future" has been drawing comments continuously over the past month. It did not start only after the quarterfinals. When the post appeared on June 13, it was already drawing attention. People were commenting on a daily basis. At first, they made fun of it. If someone was running a promotional campaign, they'd have to make 992 different predictions and make sure that each gets the appropriate number of comments on a continuous basis. I don't think that this is operationally feasible.

Secondly, this post began to draw a lot of attention by the time of the final eight. There should be many similar predictions, falling into 4x4 = 16 possible combinations. But so far only this post has received a disproportionate amount of attention. Nobody cared about the other combinations such as (Uruguay vs. Germany, Holland vs. Germany, Uruguay vs. Germany, etc).

Thirdly, logically speaking, it is enough to predict the finalists and the eventual winner. There is no need to predict the score and the goal scorers. This is now a much harder prediction task, so that there could not be parallel posts that consider other outcomes.

Therefore, I don't think that this is a promotional campaign coming from a handful of people. Over at the 2012 post bar at Baidu, there is a number of regular visitors. If numerous posts making different predictions show up suddenly, they will be noticed. It is not possible to manipulate this.

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