M.net Media
YG Entertainment
format: Audio CD *2
Release Date:2010/6/23

2010年1月29~31日、延べ5万余の観客を魅了したライブ・コンサート“BIG SHOW”実況盤。…とT.O.P.名義の新曲を収めたCD-2から成る2枚組。全21曲収録(一部日本盤収録の日本語曲もあり)。

01. 거짓말 - hitchhiker remix
02. 가라가라 고!! (GARA GARA GO!!)
03. 코에오키카세떼
04. 할렐루야
05. Strong baby – hitchhiker remix
06. Where u at
07. How Gee
08. STYLISH (THE FILA) - Perry remix
09. 솜사탕
10. 눈물뿐인 바보 & & I don't understand
11. 멍청한 사랑 & Oh ma baby
12. Remember
13. Stay
14. 하루하루
15. Heartbreaker
16. 천국 & 바보
17. 붉은 노을

01. TURN IT UP - T.O.P
02. 할렐루야
03. STYLISH (THE FILA) - Perry remix
04. 거짓말 - hitchhiker remix

T.O.P (탑) (Big Bang 빅뱅) - Turn it Up (턴잇업)

After focusing mainly on solo and Japan activities in 2009, Big Bang started off 2010 with a three-day concert tour at Seoul's Olympic Stadium from January 29 to 31. The group as always lived up to their name, putting on a Big Show to some 40,000 screaming fans. The 2010 Big Show Live Concert Album features 17 live tracks from the tour, including representative Korean hits Remember and Haru Haru, their recent Japanese singles Gara Gara Go and Koe wo Kikasete, and solo numbers Heartbreaker and Strong Baby. The live album also comes with a Bonus CD containing T.O.P's new solo Turn It Up, Big Bang's Iris theme song Hallelujah, and remix versions of Lie and Stylish.

Big Bang’s Tell Me Goodbye singles album released with official photosby GhostWriter on June 8, 2010

Three weeks ago the boys of Big Bang dropped the MV for Tell Me Goodbye and now the singles album for Tell Me Goodbye has finally been released in Japan. The album contains three tracks in total: 1)Tell Me Goodbye 2) Hands Up 3) Tell Me Goodbye Remix and each of the tracks are superb. I have a feeling this album will do very well on the Oricon charts.

Check out the official photos + behind the scenes photos from the Tell Me Goodbye MV along with the tracks below. Thanks to everyone who sent this in. Support the boys by purchasing the album at Yesasia.

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