Enrique Iglesias: Latino King of Pop?

Enrique Iglesias is crowned Latino King of Pop in the June/July 2010 issue of Para Todos magazine.

His new album Euphoria drops July 6. Several songs were produced by RedOne (Lady Gaga) including, “I Like It”, “Why not Me”, “One Day at a Time” (featuring Akon) and “Dirty Dancer” (featuring Usher). Here are some choice quotes from Enrique’s interview:

On his new album: “This album is unique in my career. Ten years ago, I wanted to do something half English and half Spanish, but there was no time and the record company was not prepared. Euphoria catches me at my most creative moment. I worked with only three producers and we are all friends, so it was a very relaxed setting.”

On where he plans to tour: “I believe that with the exception of Alaska, everywhere. (laughs) The album takes considerable effort for the whole team. It’s like having two girlfriends and the two must be given proper attention (referring to Euphoria having both half English and half Spanish songs).

On his love life: “In terms of my personal life, the sea is calm, with waves, occasionally a tsunami, but even in that, I was lucky to have found Anna [Kournikova]. She’s a great girl, smart and it’s our degree of independence and freedom that allows us to be so close.”

Enrique Iglesias - Heartbeat (Featuring Nicole Scherzinger)
Enrique Iglesias is getting ready to release his first bilingual album "Euphoria" on July 6th!! Current single "I Like It" is quickly impacting radio and is #70 on the Billboard Hot 100 with a big jump expected this week. Here we have the first new track to come off iTunes Countdown to "Euphoria." The mid-tempo pop track is titled "Heartbeat" and features Nicole Scherzinger. I love the feel of this track and look forward to hearing more from the album. Be sure to check it out, Enjoy!!

BUY Enrique Iglesias - I Like It [Single]: HERE
BUY Enrique Iglesias - Heartbeat [Single]: HERE

安立奎 Enrique Iglesias
Euphoria 幸福感應

★性感天王首張英文與西班牙文雙語大碟,與9座拉丁葛萊美獎得主Juan Luis Guerra合作單曲"Cuando Me Enamoro"成就歌唱生涯第21首全美拉丁單曲榜冠軍作★
★拉丁嘻哈新寵Pitbull熱情跨刀派對勁奏"I Like It"進逼全美熱門單曲榜TOP20★
★新世代流行天王亞瑟小子、小野貓性感主音妮可、流行嘻哈總統阿肯、締造千萬次數位下載銷售的波多黎各組合Wisin & Yandel跨刀合作的動感時尚大碟★

拋開煩惱束縛,盡情沉醉在永無止境的愉悅快感!性感巨星Enrique Iglesias/安立奎出道以來的首張英文與西班牙文雙語大碟【Euphoria】,將引你進入神魂顛倒的動感音樂國度!
出生於西班牙,在邁阿密長大的安立奎自90年代中期闖蕩樂壇以來,締造了全球超過5500萬張的專輯銷售,贏得8座拉丁音樂獎,5座全美音樂獎,1座葛萊美獎。專輯【Euphoria】由製作過Lady Gaga暢銷專輯「The Fame」、化名為RedOne的摩洛哥裔製作人Nadir Khayat,曾經為安立奎製作過"Bailamaos"、"Hero"等TOP10暢銷曲的Mark Taylor,以及與安立奎合作過多張專輯的製作人Carlos Paucar共同打造。安立奎透過這張專輯營造出一種讓人流連忘返的夜店fu,他的熱情歌聲在心醉神迷的流行電音、快意無限的嘻哈節奏與暢快淋漓的拉丁音樂簇擁下,顯得更加性感迷人。

【Euphoria】專輯裡的首支拉丁單曲"Cuando Me Enamoro",請來榮獲9座拉丁葛萊美獎的多明尼加傳奇歌手Juan Luis Guerra跨刀合作,這首揉合拉丁流行樂與多明尼加傷感歌謠曲風bachata的單曲,發行首週即強勢攻佔拉丁美洲與西班牙電台排行榜TOP10,隨後也成為安立奎歌唱生涯第21首全美拉丁流行單曲榜冠軍曲。在拉丁單曲告捷之後,安立奎隨即推出與2009年以全美熱門單曲榜亞軍曲"I Know You Want Me"席捲全球的拉丁嘻哈新寵Pitbull所合作的英文單曲"I Like It",這首結合流行電音、流行舞曲與拉丁嘻哈元素的作品,特地取樣流行巨星Lionel Richie演唱的1983年冠軍大作"All Night Long (All Night)"副歌段落,讓這首帶電的派對熱歌更添狂放不羈的快感。

專輯中還請到流行樂壇的動感天王Usher/亞瑟小子與媚惑全球的The Pussycat Dolls/小野貓性感女聲Nicole Scherzinger/妮可炒熱派對氣氛。亞瑟小子跨刀合唱的"Dirty Dancer"融合了歐式高動能舞曲與美式電子舞曲熱浪,亞瑟小子直說這是一首獻給全球跑趴辣妹的派對靚作。妮可跨刀合唱的"Heartbeat"在怦然心動的電子流行樂節拍中,流露出令人難以抗拒的低迴情感。


1. I Like It - feat. Pitbull 我喜歡 (與拉丁嘻哈新寵-嘻哈鬥牛梗合作曲)
2. One Day At A Time - feat. Akon 活在當下 (流行嘻哈總統-阿肯友情獻聲)
3. Heartbeat - feat. Nicole Scherzinger 心跳 (媚惑全球小野貓之妮可助陣)
4. Dirty Dancer - with Usher 性感舞后 (動感天王-亞瑟小子協聲)
5. Why Not Me? 為什麼不是我
6. No Me Digas Que No - feat. Wisin & Yandel 請別說不 (締造千萬次數位下載銷售的波多黎各組合Wisin & Yandel跨刀)
7. Ayer 昨天
8. Cuando Me Enamoro - feat. Juan Luis Guerra 墜入情網 (榮獲9座拉丁葛萊美獎的多明尼加傳奇歌手Juan Luis Guerra跨刀合作)
9. Dile Que 告訴他
10. Tu Y Yo 你和我
11. Heartbreaker 負心人
12. Coming Home 回家
13. Everything's Gonna Be Alright 一切都美好
14. No Me Digas Que No 請別說不

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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