Release Date Jun 15, 2010
Labels Arista (outside Canada), Nettwerk
Additional Info With DVD; Deluxe Edition

Sarah McLachlan - "Loving You Is Easy" (from The Laws of Illusion)

Laws of Illusion, beloved Canadian singer/songwriter Sarah Mclachlan's first studio album in nearly seven years, was recorded in Montreal and Vancouver under the watchful eye and keen ear of longtime collaborator/producer Pierre Marchand, and features the song "One Dream," which Mclachlan wrote for the 2009 Vancouver Winter Olympics' Opening Ceremony.

Main article

Touch (1988)
Solace (1991)
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (1993)
Surfacing (1997)
Afterglow (2003)
Wintersong (2006)
The Laws of Illusion (2010)

For her first studio album since 2003's Afterglow, Sarah McLachlan partners again with longtime producer and collaborator Pierre Marchand for a collection of new songs that are earmarked with the traditional McLachlan style: sweeping piano-based melodies set above a rich instrumental background that -- if conceivable -- sound even more luxuriant than previously. Much has happened with McLachlan personally since she last stepped foot in the studio -- the birth of her second child,the dissolution of her eleven-year marriage -- but here we are again as if nothing had changed: a new album, a revived, decidedly more massive Lilith Fair concert series this summer and that remarkable McLachlan voice telling tales of love and life.

"Sadness is painful. Growth is painful," McLachlan reflects. "It's the process of being re-born and that's where you grow and change. That's the stuff that I work toward. In my darkest days, I would tell myself, "This is good. I am growing from this and I am learning from this and I will be better because of what is happening." Lead single "Loving You Is Easy", a self-described "happy song", is a unbeat serving of spangled, Beatle-ish piano pop. "It’s been a roller coaster these last few years for sure,” she says. “A lot of emotional highs and lows. I did get a taste of finding love again, which is certainly what this song is all about. The delirious, overwhelming flush of new possibilities." Look for a deluxe version of Illusion that features a 30-minute in-studio "making of" DVD. TV appearances after the jump.

Sarah McLachlan / Laws Of Illusion (Deluxe Version)
就讓這絕美天籟 撫慰每顆為愛受傷的心...
◎找來合作超過20年的老搭檔Pierre Marchand操盤,第一主打〈Loving You Is Easy〉已在美加成人抒情榜引起騷動
散發清新脫俗的優雅氣質,倚著獨具魅力的空靈式唱腔,不僅是位傳遞天使之音的絕美女伶,更具備新世代獨立女性的自信態勢。擁有兩屆葛萊美「最佳流行女歌手」頭銜肯定的莎拉克勞克蘭,讓全球超過四千萬人沉醉感動,同時為了公益基金奔走,發掘樂壇女創作人的傑出才華,推廣兩性平權的Lilith Fair幕後推手,入列VH1頻道「百位偉大搖滾女性」名單第69席位、獲頒加拿大最高平民榮譽勳章!

打從電影『X情人』的摧淚主題曲〈Angel〉、『他不笨,他是我爸爸』劇中翻唱披頭四的〈Blackbird〉、改編兒童文學作品『夏綠蒂的網』主題曲〈Ordinary Miracle〉、美國各校園的畢業離別歌謠同為影集『CSI犯罪現場/賭城』襯樂〈I Will Remember You〉、賣作動畫『玩具總動員2』重點插曲〈When She Loved Me〉、VH1頻道優選「90年代百大經典歌曲」的〈Building A Mystery〉、一路到葛萊美「最佳流行女歌手」提名的〈Adia〉以及〈Fallen〉…都是莎拉最經典的傳唱名作,撫慰都會男女每顆曾經受過傷的心、勾起人生旅程中甜蜜的記憶片段,成為流行樂壇的一股清流。

為了專心當位稱職的母親,並且努力走出失婚陰霾,睽違7年之久,莎拉帶出創作新碟《Laws Of Illusion》重返舞台,仍是找來合作超過20年的老搭檔Pierre Marchand(Stevie Nicks、Rufus Wainwright、BT)操盤,滿溢大量的奇幻想像與失落情緒交錯其中,指引在充滿挫折的人生旅途上,學會點滴打造屬於自己的故事,誠如第一波自傳性的主打〈Loving You Is Easy〉,以飛揚的跳躍琴韻當根基,隨後層次鋪入不過分的電吉他和弦樂輔佐,已在美國和加拿大的成人抒情榜引起騷動;觸及與前夫結束11年婚姻關係的〈Forgiveness〉,穿繞莎拉漂亮的真假音轉換,動容聲線不斷衝擊心底的脆弱地帶;雖然包覆明亮節拍向前驅使的〈Love Come〉,卻附著一顆被愛傷透的心,令人感到萬分不捨;優美和聲與爽朗吉他撥奏誘導〈Heartbreak〉新式民謠風格現形,綻放最迷人的搖擺音網;在《靠近:20年絕美精選+新曲/Closer:The Best Of Sarah McLachlan》中率先曝光的〈Don’t Give Up On Us〉、〈U Want Me 2〉,一併超值珍藏。影音加料贈送:莎拉自家錄音室收音演唱新專輯5首歌謠畫面,全程以純鋼琴伴奏,及訪談實錄,再次讓莎拉天籟般曼妙聲韻,全面攻佔你的心防。

01.Awakenings 覺醒
02.Illusions Of Bliss 幸福的假象
03.Loving You Is Easy 愛很簡單
04.Changes 改變
05.Forgiveness 原諒
06.Rivers Of Love 愛河
07.Love Come 愛已降臨
08.Out Of Tune 失序
09.Heartbreak 心碎
10.Don't Give Up On Us 別離開我們 11.U Want Me 2 你也要我
12.Bring On The Wonder 等待奇蹟
13.Love Come (Piano Version) 愛已降臨 (鋼琴版本)


01.Loving You Is Easy 愛很簡單
02.Forgiveness 原諒
03.Rivers Of Love 愛河
04.Love Come 愛已降臨

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