UPDATE: Lindsay just Tweeted,
"I did not violate anything at all."
“My scram wasn’t set off-Its physically impossible considering I’ve nothing for it to go off-All of these false resports (sic) are absolutely wrong,”
she Tweeted.
Always a 陰謀conspiracy, eh Lindsay?
Linsay Lohan Boozing Almost Gets Her Arrested Again!
琳賽蘿涵已經獲得保釋,她被禁止食用任何酒精類飲料,而且必須戴上名為“scram bracelet”的監控手鐲,該手鐲將會對其是否攝入酒精飲料進行監控,她還必須每周至少一次提交隨機藥檢。
BREAKING NEWS: Lindsay Lohan 逮捕令(法院拘票)Arrest Warrant Have Been Issued For 違反Violating Her Scram Bracelet Aka Drinking & It Triggers The Scram To Go Off
Lindsay Lohan is a wanted woman -- Judge Marsha Revel has just issued a bench warrant for her arrest, and it's all about the SCRAM.
Bail has been forfeited for the previous hearing. The new bail has been set at $200,000.
We're going to break it down for you. Lindsay was on probation when she failed to appear in court last month. At that point, Judge Revel revoked her probation and set bail at $100,000. In return for bail, Lindsay promised to appear for a hearing on the probation violation -- set for July 6th. Because of the SCRAM incident, the $100,000 bail has now been forfeited. Instead of throwing Lindsay in jail pending the July hearing, the judge is allowing her to post new bail set at $200,000, so she can remain free.
Lindsay's SCRAM bracelet generated a report to SCRAM officials sometime after the MTV Movie Awards Sunday night.
Sources say the SCRAM data shows evidence of alcohol. The D.A. has confirmed our sources ... the violation is alcohol-related.
美國警方在星期四對琳賽蘿涵Lindsay Lohan發出的通緝令據傳已經被撤銷。
People時人雜誌報導: 由於2007的酒駕與吸毒事件,琳賽蘿涵Lindsay Lohan必須出席上星期四洛杉磯法庭的開庭,不過因為她在國外掉了護照無法回國缺席,導致被法官取消緩刑並發出了通緝令。這位23歲的女演員本來應該在5月24號出庭問訊並且如未能準時出庭及必須面對六個月的刑責。洛杉磯法庭法言人表示: 琳賽蘿涵Lindsay Lohan將被迫參加為期一星期的藥物測試還有配戴酒精偵測手環。