Release: May 16, 2010

1.傳奇 legend
2.滄海一聲笑 Living with dignity and smile

3.牧羊曲 Shepherd’s song
4.問情 Enquiring about love
5.畫心 Draw heart
6.笑紅塵 Facing everything with smile
7.枉凝眉 Bewailing in Vain
8.精忠報國 Devoted to mother land
9.不愛胭脂愛乾坤 A beauty’s like and dislike
10.千古絕唱 Eternal Singing


生於四川成都,八歲始隨啟蒙老師龍德君學習古箏譜。1985年考入四川音樂學院附中,1991年考入中國音樂學院,師從于李婉芬老師和邱大成老師,1995年以全班第一的成績畢業並考入中國歌舞團。 現中國東方歌舞團古箏演奏家,獨立音樂人,泰國公主常任古箏老師。常靜專注于唐宋詩歌的古箏音樂演奏與研究,有多張個人唱片出版。常靜擁有與世界一流古典音樂家與樂團合作的經歷,包括陳其鋼,湯沐海,法國國家交響樂團等。常靜也參加過眾多大型演出,交響音樂會,世界各地的音樂節,包括在北京頤和園舉辦的奧運火炬傳遞儀式。

The Chinese zither is one of the popular Chinese traditional musical instruments. Its tune is just so unique and antique which makes you feel like you were in ancient China. This instrument was popular as early as in the Warring States 戰國時代 (475 – 221 BC), especially in the state of Qin 秦 in west China.

Generations after generations, the Chinese zither or zheng, has evolved to what you see today. The instrument is rich in playing techniques. The performer plucks the strings with his/her right fingernails (either real or simulated), while her left fingers apply pressure to the strings to execute vibratos, glissandos, other embellishments and occasional plucking techniques. Sounding melodious and elegant, it is an important solo instrument now, and often in accompaniments as well.

Chang Jing 常靜 has composed her very own zither music in the modern ways. Hence a very unique combination of traditional and modern music, which is favorited by New Age genre music lovers. Chang Jing, born in ChengDu Sichuan Province, learned zither as early as the age of 8. She graduated from China music university.

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

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