Charice will be joining the cast of 'Glee'

Multiple sources have been confirming that 18-year-old singer Charice Pempengco will be joining the cast of Glee in an upcoming season.
From Inquirer.net:
"Yes, it's true, Charice will soon join "Glee," her Philippine manager, Grace Mendoza, confirmed to the Inquirer. "And not just as a guest, but as part of the cast in a new season."
百年難得一見的歌唱奇蹟 感動世人的高亢歌喉
震撼流行音樂界、詔告全球正式出道之同名專輯,空降告示牌雜誌專輯榜第8名,成為首位打進美國告示牌專輯榜TOP 10的亞洲之光!!
想在樂壇出道一圓明星夢,出名的方式有千百種,有人星路順遂幸運,拉拉裙帶關係、長相姣好就有唱片公司簽約培訓,辛苦一點的來個街頭賣唱、寄寄Demo帶,盼望星探找上門,再辛苦一點的就是不斷報名選秀節目,等待時機散發光芒,總有一天出頭天。而在21世紀,科技愈來愈發達的現在,透過網路一炮而紅因此出名也早已不是舊聞,舉凡自拍音樂影片的醬爆弟弟、樂團香草天空、OK GO、及最近的小賈斯汀Justin Bieber、甚至選秀節目出身的Paul Potts、小康妮、蘇珊大嬸..等,皆是拜Youtube所賜讓其才華散播到世界的每個角落,而Charice這位來自菲律賓、歌喉超凡的小女孩,絕對是藉Youtube成名藝人的最佳代表之一!
Charice,本名Charmaine Clarice Relucio Pempengco,3歲時,飽受父親家暴的母親便帶著她與弟弟離家獨自生活,為了維持家計,7歲的Charice共參加80多場大小型不等的業餘歌唱比賽,13歲踏上菲律賓歌手選秀節目『Little Big Star』的舞台,一度被淘汰又參選敗部復活,只得到第3名的名次,但Charice並未因此一炮而紅,淡出選秀兩年的她,一直到熱情的支持者將她過去的參賽影片上傳到Youtube網站,Charice這個名字才一路散播到世界各地,也因為這樣得到首次海外的演唱邀請,在韓國的Star King選秀節目與南韓團體Super Junior的圭賢合唱,並且因為這段演出得到美國名嘴艾倫狄珍妮絲親自邀約在其電視節目上演唱,Charice由海外再度紅回菲國,2008年在菲國發行銷售達白金的個人專輯,收錄Charice過去演唱過Whitney Houston、百老匯劇Dreamgirls等招牌歌曲。2008年,Charice在接受了每位歌手都渴望上的全美收視率最高的電視脫口秀節目【歐普拉秀】之後,人生有了最大的轉捩點,歐普拉被這位小女孩驚人的歌喉給吸引,將她介紹給曾替Whitney Houston、Celine Dion、Mariah Carey等天后製作專輯、發掘跨界歌手心靈捕手喬許葛洛班、麥克布雷的流行音樂超級製作人大衛佛斯特,將Charice簽入自家廠牌143 Records,將她帶到米高梅廣場、大衛佛斯特與好友們的音樂饗宴演唱會中露面大增知名度,更有義大利男高音安德烈波伽利親自邀約Charice到他生日演唱會合唱!2009年,Charice持續馬不停蹄地在各大公眾場合大大曝光,先與麥可布雷參加幾場奧斯卡金像獎的會後派對演唱,以17歲之姿登上道奇球場在將近6萬名觀眾面前獻唱,又與American Idol出身的David Archuleta錄製了聖誕歌曲,更在【鼠來寶2】獻出首次的電影客串、演唱Alicia Keys的「No One」!
2010年,Charice終於推出全世界都在期待的個人專輯“Charice”,這是她正式在主流唱片公司所發行的首張專輯,經過全新打造的Charice,展現出大女孩的成熟味道,專輯當然由恩師大衛佛斯特親自坐鎮製作人位置,其中「Note To God」一曲早在2009年Charice第三度上歐普拉秀時就已率先發表,是佛斯特邀請暢銷歌曲女製作人/創作人Diana Warren(LeAnn Rimes、Faith Hill)為Charice所量身打造的歌曲。主打歌曲「Pyramid」,則是與嘻哈專輯名製作J. R. Rotem旗下的英籍R&B男歌手Iyaz所共同合唱,輕鬆入耳的嘻哈節拍,記憶深刻的流行曲式,已創下登上美國告示牌熱門舞曲排行榜#7的成績。另外專輯的最後一曲則是由知名樂團OneRepublic主唱Ryan Tedder所寫,並與美國男孩團體Varsity Fanclub團員Drew Ryan Scott所合唱的「Did It For You」,是首中板、氣勢浩大的成熟情歌。Charice淋漓盡致的演唱功力在專輯中表露無疑,她用生命唱出那彷彿可以衝破天際的高亢嗓音,透過她嬌小的身體傳遞給所有聽見她唱歌的人,震懾了無數的聽眾,無怪乎專輯發行首周後即空降美國告示牌雜誌專輯榜第8名,超越Rain、李玟、松田聖子、宇多田光…等前輩,成為首位打進美國告示牌雜誌專輯榜的亞洲藝人!
Charice Pempengco是一位因 Youtube 而成名,迅速走向國際的女歌手。
Charice的母親和姨媽都是歌手,她父親在她3歲時發生家庭暴力,她 4 歲起,和她弟弟一同開始跟她們學習唱歌。即使她從沒有受過正統樂理、聲學訓練,她歌技絕對超越一般人水準。而為了負擔部份生計,她由 7 歲開始參加勒官那省大小歌唱比賽——她曾表示自己參加了超過 80 個歌唱比賽,表演經驗實在與年齡不成正比。
Release Date: 2010/5/7
Label: Reprise
01. Pyramid (feat. Iyaz)
02. Reset
03. In This Song
04. Nobody’s Singin’ To Me
05. Thank You
06. I Love You
07. In Love So Deep
08. All That I Need To Survive
09. Nothing
10. The Truth Is
11. Did It For You
12. Note To God
13. Breathe You Out
14. Are We Over
2005 年,她參加過菲律賓最大電視臺 ABS-CBN 的 Little Big Star 比賽(類似“全美偶像大賽”的節目),雖然在最後一回得到最高分,但只得到比賽第三名。後來,雖然也在菲律賓廣告亮相,但慢慢沉靜下來。
2007 年,她應邀到韓國表演比賽節目“Star King”,表演一鳴驚人,當晚演出迅速經 Youtube 傳播,點擊數逾百萬人次。美國音樂人Ellen DeGeneres 在 Youtube 上看到charice的表演,邀Charice到她主持的 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 表演,她也慢慢得到美國方面音樂人的注意。
在美國作了幾次表演後,2008 年她獲得 David Foster賞識。David Foster 先後為 比吉斯、麥可傑克遜、麥當娜、惠特尼休士頓、席琳狄翁、瑪麗亞凱莉、肯尼吉 等當製作人,可說是美國樂壇其中一位教父。他認同Charice的才華,迅速與她簽約,並把她看成明日之星。
David Foster不斷在不同公開場合推廣Charice,為她推出首張大碟以及她提供表演機會。在 2009 奧斯卡金像獎的禮後舞會中,David Foster是這樣介紹她出場︰“她今年16 歲。她會是你所能遇見其中一個最有才華的歌手!今晚,你將見證歷史,因為一年之後,她會成為地球上其中一個最偉大的歌星——我百分之百肯定。”
Charice releases her promo video for the May 11th debut of her first international Album.
Charice’s self-titled debut CD includes her single, “Pyramid” featuring labelmate Iyaz (who recently spent four weeks at #1 with his international smash hit, “Replay”).
The haunting and emotionally charged single “Note To God” was produced by the legendary David Foster and written by Grammy winner, Diane Warren. Charice performed the song as part of a special Oprah episode marking the finale of “Oprah’s Search for the World’s Smartest and Most Talented Kids”.
On first glance, Charice (Pempengco) looks like any other teenager: pretty, petite, filled with energy and a wide and engaging smile. But when the sweet-faced 17-year old opens her mouth to sing – with a profound, rich and soaring 10 decibel voice from every inch of her 5 feet 1 inch body – the audience quite literally gasps. And as 13 million hits on YouTube tell us, that audience is growing at a staggering pace. As Oprah Winfrey said during a recent Charice performance on her show, “You are a force to be reckoned with. That voice comes from something bigger than yourself. You’re pulling it up out of some place deeper than your little body.” Producer David Foster concurred and instantly signed Charice to his 143/Reprise Records.
Born and raised in the Philippines, Charice is no newcomer to the stage. Her talent was discovered at age 4 when her mother, a singer herself, noticed her daughter’s loud, rather enthusiastic version of “Happy Birthday” and decided to teach her proper vocal technique. By age 7, Charice was competing in local contests and belting out songs by Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Celine Dion.
In 2007, a web-savvy fan began posting a series of Charice’s performances on YouTube. These included her performances of “I Will Always Love You” and “And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going” from the “Dreamgirls” soundtrack – both of which were broadcast on the Filipino talent show Little Big Star. That led to a performance on the popular South Korean talent show Star King. Once that appeared on YouTube, she became an authentic internet sensation. Charice soon attracted the attention of American TV shows and appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. Several months later, she appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show bringing Oprah and the audience to tears when she sang.
Enter 15-time Grammy winning producer David Foster who invited Charice to perform on his David Foster and Friends PBS Show at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas alongside such star studded names as Michael Bublé, Celine Dion, Andrea Bocelli, Katharine McPhee and Josh Groban. When the David Foster and Friends show returned to the Mandalay Bay this spring, Charice received no less than six standing ovations. In between the two Vegas appearances, Charice went on to perform with Andrea Bocelli (“The Prayer”) in Tuscany and Celine Dion at her Madison Square Garden show in New York City. “It was a dream come true. She’s my idol. I felt like the luckiest kid in the world,” confessed Charice in People Magazine on her experience performing on Celine Dion’s stage.
Charice also made two subsequent appearances on Oprah Winfrey. Her most recent one included a heart stopping song by multi-Grammy winning songwriter Diane Warren which became an instant Top 10 hit on iTunes. Charice also has a featured role in the new “Alvin and the Chipmunks” movie.
Currently recording her debut CD in Los Angeles which is scheduled for a late fall release, Charice is also joining the David Foster & Friends national tour which begins in Chicago on October 21st. Next stop for Charice? “I want to sing AND dance with Justin Timberlake,” she laughed. Her 13 million fans would certainly look forward to seeing that.