SS501's new mini-album Destination released
by GhostWriter on May 24, 2010
Due to the leaks, it seems DSP Media has decided to release SS501's new mini-album titled Destination online. Digital sales has already begun on music portals such as Naver.
The new mini-album contains 6 tracks in total and you can listen to some of the tracks below.
After wrapping up their 1st Asia Tour Persona, SS501 jumped right into preparations for their new mini-album Destination. Collaborating again with American producers Steven Lee and Ken Lewis who worked on Rebirth, as well as Grammy-winning mix engineer Kevin KD Davis, the group has crafted another world-class pop album with four new songs. Taking a step away from the current electronic trend, SS501's lead single Love Ya is a grand and emotional mid-tempo piece with heavy beats and orchestral and piano accompaniment.The six-track release also features the R&B number Let Me Be the One, the dance song Crazy 4 U which SS501 unveiled earlier during their tour, and the Eurobeat-style pop number "Forever" penned by Young Saeng.
1.Let Me Be The One (그게 나라고..) (那個人就是我..)
2.Love Ya
3.Crazy 4 U
4.영원토록 永遠
5.Let Me Be The One (그게 나라고..) (Acoustic Ver.)
6.Love Ya (Inst.)
萬眾期待2010最新迷你回歸天碟 -- 『DESTINATION』
預購贈送 SS501最新超大型限量海報 (A版或B版兩款,依照預購版本贈送該款海報)!!
2010/2/10 umg 38 25 FT Island MBC DVD Collection
2010/3/10 umg 38 380 Wonder Girls 超級精選
2010/4/23 umg 37 23/24 4MINUTE 音樂唯一(改版)
2010/5/11 wm 20/25 ZE:A帝國之子 爆躍帝國(2版)
2010/5/14 umg 30/35 2PM 超級精選Taiwan Special Edition CD+DVD
2010/5/14 seed 20 F.CUZ NO ONE-亞洲豪華影音盤CD+DVD
2010/6/4 wm 30/32 ZE:A帝國之子 首張迷你1輯 :帝國新生 台灣獨占豪華限定A.B盤
2010/6/2 wm CNBLUE BLUE LOVE(限量進口2000)
2010/6/15 wm 365 CNBLUE "BLUE LOVE (台灣獨占紀念限定盤)
2010/6/15 wm 50 金賢重 【再見-尹智厚】歌迷見面會SHOWCASE 台灣精裝典藏盤DVD
2010/6/15 wm 95 SS501 The 1st Asia Tour Persona In Seoul 2009 台灣精裝典藏盤3DVD
2010/6/11 wm 85 進口SS501 Destination
2010/6/22 wm SS501 Destination
SS501 / DISTANCE~與妳的距離 日文正規迷你2輯 台灣限定A盤$260
SS501 / DISTANCE~與妳的距離 日文正規迷你2輯 台灣限定B盤$260
空降日本公信榜NO. 5、韓國團體第一團在日本發售隔日,不降反升爬升至亞軍的SS501最暢銷代表作!
兩種版本、兩種不同造型封面、除了《Distance~與妳的距離》,更各自收錄《Wonderful World》、《膽小鬼~怯弱的我》兩首歌曲!
首批限量贈品: A, B盤兩款合購,即贈「SS501五人合體首款厚紙質造型海報一張」,送完為止(21cmX28cm)
1. Distance~與妳的距離
2. Gleaming Star
3. Wonderful World
4. Distance~與妳的距離 (演奏版)
5. Gleaming Star (演奏版)
6. Wonderful World (演奏版)
1. Distance~與妳的距離
2. Gleaming Star
3. 膽小鬼~怯弱的我 (日文版)
4. Distance~與妳的距離 (演奏版)
5. Gleaming Star (演奏版)
6. 膽小鬼~怯弱的我(演奏版