BREAKING NEWS: Christina Aguilera Canceled Her Summer Tour Till 2011 Cause Of Low Ticket Sales Or Her Album Sucks,太逊了 She Does NOT Want To Do A Tour

Christina Aguilera has canceled (postpones) her upcoming U.S. summer tour. Her official reason is that the tour is merely being postponed until 2011 cause she needs time to rehearse, but some sources claim that it’s due to insufficient ticket sales. Regardless of the actual reason, the surprising move comes a mere two weeks before the planned June 8th release of Aguilera’s new album Bionic, which is currently at #12 on the I-Tunes pop albums chart as a pre-order. Wow this is a surprise wasn't expect this at all, but I guess she realize her album sucks,will flop, and have no fans supporting her anymore. So no need to promote it and have no tour.


These are the rumor reasons why Christina Aguilera canceled her summer tour till 2011 of course when she has "time".

1. According to People Magazine website, they said she has strained her vocal cords making her canceled her tour that she wanted to do badly for her "fans".

2. According to Live Nation, Aguilera announced the summer tour has been moved to 2011 due to prior commitments she had to make for promoting her new album, Bionic, which leaked online today, and her upcoming film debut, Burlesque, which is slated for a November releasee.

3. According to many websites its due to low ticket sales.

Those are the 3 rumor reasons that's going around on the internet right now explaining why Aguilera canceled her tour right before her album comes out in 2 weeks. If reason #2 is right then I smelled a pushed back and canceling in appearances starting with American Idol season finale this Wednesday night, Hopefully in the next 24 hours, we'll find out why Aguilera canceled her tour and what the true reason is and hope its not #2 cause she needs to do lots of promotion for this album for it to sell really well in the first week.

Christina Aguilera has canceled her summer "Bionic" tour due to lack of preparation time, according to the promoter.

"Christina Aguilera's summer tour has been moved to 2011 due to prior commitments that the singer had made to her film, 'Burlesque,' and to the promotion of her new album, 'Bionic,' " tour promoter Live Nation announced in a statement. "The singer felt she needed more time to rehearse the show and with less than a month between the album release and tour date this wasn't possible."
Read more: here

Christina Aguilera - Bionic

Label RCA
Release Date Jun 08, 2010

一刀未剪 大膽呈現。瓶中精靈變身前衛女王。打造2010全新話題大碟
5/25開始預購 6/11發行 預購贈品「激情變臉滑鼠墊」

◎化身電氣舞后的第一主打〈Not Myself Tonight〉,交付亞瑟小子、小野貓幕後金手Polow da Don操刀,快速挺入全美電台點播冠軍
◎葛萊美加持Tricky Stewart(惠妮休斯頓)、最具個性的Linda Perry(席琳狄翁)、奧斯卡+葛萊美+水星音樂提名M.I.A.、滾石雜誌「年度十大注目焦點」Sia、電子搖滾暴力女王Peaches、英國Synth-Pop代表名團Ladytron+Q雜誌「百大最具影響力人物」才女Cathy Dennis聯手打造

MTV「音樂界22位絕佳優嗓」、滾石雜誌「史上百位偉大歌手」行列中唯一年紀低於30歲的克莉絲汀,於1999年發行首張處女秀《Christina Aguilera》,入列搖滾榮譽殿堂「200張概念明確專輯」、告示牌「2000年代熱門200張專輯」名單,抱走葛萊美「最佳新人」肯定。第二張大碟《裸Stripped》,力求突破的全面搖滾解放,搶下第一座葛萊美「最佳流行女歌手」大獎加冕。2006年的《天生歌姬Back To Basic》,第二座葛萊美「最佳流行女歌手」得意入手!西班牙文專輯《Mi Reflejo》,不僅戴上世界音樂獎「全球最暢銷拉丁女藝人」后冠,更成為首位美國藝人拿下拉丁葛萊美的至高榮耀。

睽違四年的全新錄音室大碟《Bionic》,化身前衛高科技的未來女神形象,敲打出時髦的電氣聲響,克莉絲汀毫無畏懼的挑戰自我,引領音樂新潮流的突破再升級!把玩Electro-Pop的第一主打〈Not Myself Tonight〉,狂野滿點的揪出內心騷勁小惡魔,隨樂放肆搖擺熱舞,交付亞瑟小子、小野貓幕後金手Polow da Don操刀,快速挺入全美電台點播冠軍、流行+舞曲榜Top30之林;饒舌高手Lil’ Wayne力捧旗下說唱女將Nicki Minaj助陣〈Woohoo〉,塗滿鹹溼且令人臉紅心跳的畫面,磨擦出春意蕩漾的快感;奧斯卡+葛萊美+水星音樂獎提名、時代雜誌「全球百大影響力人物」的M.I.A.跨刀〈Elastic Love〉,張牙舞爪的吞噬Synth-Pop和Ragga律動;葛萊美加持的Tricky Stewart(惠妮休斯頓、瑪麗亞凱莉)掌舵〈Desnudate〉,替換英、西語文詮釋,灌入拉丁式的熱情頻率,血脈噴張的閃耀異色世界性感線條;最具個性的Linda Perry(席琳狄翁、紅粉佳人)量身訂作抒情動容曲目〈Lift Me Up〉,輔入弦樂悠揚伴襯,打造克莉絲汀的美聲極品;19秒的〈My Heart〉錄下老公和寶貝兒子可愛對話;找來曾列入滾石雜誌「年度十大注目焦點」之一的才女Sia合力撰寫〈All I Need〉、〈You Lost Me〉等小品,柔美琴韻穿繞迴盪,觸碰都會男女情愛分合的苦痛與喜悅各層面,激起片片感同身受的漣漪;〈I Hate Boys〉、電子搖滾暴力女王Peaches幫腔之〈My Girls〉,都是女性意識抬頭的主題歌。最後超載附贈Funky滿點的〈Monday Morning〉、饒舌嚐鮮的〈Bobblehead〉、英國Synth-Pop代表名團Ladytron+Q雜誌「百大最具影響力人物」才女Cathy Dennis聯手迷幻包裝〈Birds Of Prey〉、搖滾氣流竄升的〈Stronger Than Ever〉等5支豪華加值曲,再度秀上天生歌姬的過人天賦與企圖心,挑逗聽覺感官的新震撼!

Christina Aguilera is just two weeks away from releasing her new album "Bionic" and it has now arrived a little early. Her current single "Not Myself Tonight" has fallen to #57 on the Billboard Hot 100 but she hopes to recover with next single "WooHoo." As for the rest of the album Aguilera has teamed up with a variety of artists, writers and producers to make one what is one of her most diverse albums yet. Filled with upbeat and playful pop tracks that she for sure had fun with. As well as those power pop ballads that we've all come to expect from Aguilera. All together it makes for an interesting yet enjoyable effort. It's one of those albums where fans might need more then just one listen to get into. Overall I like what I'm hearing and with a couple more listens could really love this effort. Be sure to check it out and BUY YOUR COPY JUNE 8TH!!

1. Bionic
2. Not Myself Tonight
3. Woohoo (Featuring Nicki Minaj)
4. Elastic Love
5. Desnudate
6. Love & Glamour (Intro)
7. Glam
8. Prima Donna
9. Morning Dessert (Intro)
10. Sex for Breakfast
11. Lift Me Up
12. My Heart (Intro)
13. All I Need
14. I Am
15. You Lost Me
16. I Hate Boys
17. My Girls (Featuring Peaches)
18. Vanity
Deluxe edition bonus tracks
19.Monday Morning
21.Birds Of Prey
22.Stronger Than Ever
23.I Am (Stripped)

You know you really wanna (hey)
Wanna taste my (woohoo)
You know you wanna get a peak
Wanna see my (woohoo)
You know you wanna put your lips
Where my hips are (woohoo)
Kiss all my (woohoo)
All over my (woohoo)

All the boys think it's cake
When they taste my (woohoo)
You don't even need a plate
Just your face, ha (woohoo)
Licky, licky, yum yum (woohoo)
What a great guy (woohoo)

Now kiss all my (woohoo)
All over my (woohoo)
Kiss, kiss all my (woohoo)
All over my (woohoo)
Kiss, kiss, kiss all my (woohoo)
All over my (woohoo)

I feel awesome everywhere I go
Like a lil' boy up in the candy store
C-c-craving now get your hands on
Give it up before mama says no (ohohoho)

Imma let you get a little closer
Even though I ain't supposed to
I like it's strong when it's on 'cuz
I'm a little tipsy play along with me


P-p-pick your glass up, you're sippin' kinda slow
Wanna see just how you take it down low
Hurry up I wanna see a bit more
Take it off before mama gets cold

I know that you love me long time yeah
You wanna take it for a ride yeaah
I'm feeling bad and I like it
I'm a little tipsy play along with me


All my ladies up in the place
It's your turn
Give the fellas a little taste
Of how we work

I know I probably shouldn't but uhh I'm feeling good
I'm a little tipsy play along with me

Nicki Minaj:

O-okay yes we got that hm hm ninety ninety/nanny nanny
In the Mondrian hm hm in Miami
Who's galliano whip whip be yo manny
In the drip drip lick lick like a lolly
Ooarh left from Jamaica go a hurry in contour
Jimmy AI Tom Wally a New Yoaaarh
Keep me and Chrissy in Christian Dior
But that was before or for youou
My name Nicki, Little Daddy and you
You can turn anything you put your mind to
Way you French kissing fangte calero
Way you work your tongue I hire you


Wanna taste my (woohoo)
You wanna taste my
Wanna see my

All my ladies say (woohoo)
If you got a break (woohoo)
Let them get up here (woohoo)
If you gotta scream (woohoo)
Lemme hear you scream (woohoo)
But bitches keep it clean (woohoo)(haahha)

Christina Aguilera: Latina Magazine, June 2010
Christina Aguilera's fourth studio album Bionic will be released in just a couple weeks on June 8, 2010. The album's producers include Tricky Stewart, Le Tigre, Switch, Ester Dean, with songwriters Sia, Claude Kelly, Linda Perry and collaborations with M.I.A., Santigold and Peaches. The lead single, which some of you might have heard, is "Not Myself Tonight" hit airwaves on March 30, 2010 & you can bag it right now on iTunes. Listen to it on Christina's official website!


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