Record Label : Gold Typhoon (TW)
Release Date : 2010/5/12
01.Love Show (Show Trance Remix)
02.Excellent (Violent Electro Remix)
03.Particularly Thriving (Funky Breakbeat Remix)
04.Support (Back Up Trance Remix)
05.Let Us Live Together (Nu Jazz Downtempo Remix)
06.Run Away With It (Funky House Remix)
07.Rashomon (Euro Techno Remix)
08.Happy Originate From Ordinary
Taiwan dance king Show Luo is quick to evolve his styles, refining his showmanship with every album he puts out. His work rate is simply incredible. Picking up from the chart-topping success of his seventh album Luo Sheng Men, Show is currently on the road breaking new grounds with his 3D concert tour. Meanwhile, he also releases a remix album, which contains seven remixes of his singles such as "Hot Shot" from the album Trendy Man and "One Man Show" from Show Your Dance, plus the latest potato chips CM song "Small Things Turn Into Happy Things". The accompanying DVD offers 40 minutes of private footage shot last year during Show's brief stint in New York City, where he studied dancing, fooled around, and made the Ai De Zhu Chang Xiu music video.
01. 愛的主場秀 Remix
02. 箇中好手 Remix
03. 一支獨秀 Remix
04. 撐腰 Remix
05. 當我們宅一塊 Remix
06. 搞定 Remix
07. 羅生門 Remix
08. 小事變樂事 (新歌 特別收錄 樂事洋芋片廣告歌曲)
羅志祥 舞者為王REMIX混音極選
CD → 極選7首歷年強打混音REMIX + 1新歌「小事變樂事」
DVD → 40分鐘羅志祥紐約私密生活紀錄DVD一窺舞王私生活秘辛
贈品 → 8款首度曝光 收藏級 舞者為王POST CARD
羅志祥 舞王紐約私密生活記錄DVD
2009-2010舞王養成紐約紀實 一窺羅志祥隻身遠赴紐約拜師、練舞、瞎拼、吃吃喝喝、帶你雙層巴士遊紐約,以及「愛的主場秀」紐約MV拍攝全紀錄,領略國際級拍攝現場的頂級震撼魅力!
2010年05月15日 (六) 19:30
2010年05月16日 (日) 14:00
2010年05月16日 (日) 19:30
地點 : 臺北小巨蛋