Just yesterday I posted a new track that is set to appear on the soundtrack to "Sex and The City 2" due out May 25th!! Now we have what is set to open the film "Rapture" by Alicia Keys. The song is a cover of the oldtime Blondie classic mixed in with the theme of the show. Keys adds her own twist to it without changing too much of the original. The soundtrack is coming together nicely and I'm sure many of you are excited for the film as well.

Alicia Keys premiered her new video  ‘Un-Thinkable (I’m Ready)‘ on Vevo and BET today.

The Jake Nava-directed clip sees Keys tackle interracial dating ‘back in the day’ and Chad Michael Murray (One Three Hill) plays her love interest. The result is a moody video, which works effortlessly with the song’s lyrics ‘Could I make you my baby / If we do the unthinkable would it make us so crazy’.

‘Put It In A Love Song’ featuring Beyonce will definitely form a stark contrast. The video was scheduled to premiere last month, but has now been pushed back to later this summer.

劇情饒富樂趣、時尚、友情的《慾望城市2》來了,在這部熠熠生輝的續集電影中,再度跟隨著凱莉(莎拉潔西卡帕克 飾)、莎曼珊(金凱特羅 飾)、夏綠蒂(克絲汀戴維斯 飾)及米蘭達(辛西亞尼克森 飾)四位慾女逃離大蘋果紐約,展開另一場別開生面的趣味人生,繼續在她們繁忙的現實生活和愛情世界中引領風騷。



《慾望城市2》由該系列第一集導演麥可派翠克金恩自編自導,改編自達倫史塔所創的同名電視影集,角色塑造來自甘蒂斯布希奈爾(Candace Bushnell)的著作。這部電影由莎拉潔西卡帕克、金凱特羅、克絲汀戴維斯、辛西亞尼克森四位女主角以及約翰高柏特、克里斯諾斯主演,此外還有大衛艾根柏格、艾凡韓德勒、傑森路易斯、威利葛森及瑪利歐坎東加上演出。麥可派翠克金恩也跟莎拉潔西卡帕克、自達倫史塔及約翰梅菲一同擔任製片,陶比艾瑪李奇、李察布瑞納(Richard Brener)及馬克斯維西迪則擔任執行製片。

幕後創意團隊囊括第一集《慾望城市》中的幾位班底人才,包括攝影指導約翰湯瑪斯;製作設計傑瑞米康威(Jeremy Conway);剪輯貝倫鮑姆(Michael Berenbaum);服裝設計派翠西亞菲爾德;以及電影配樂亞倫齊格曼。

《慾望城市2》由新線電影聯合Home Box Office及Village Roadshow影片公司出品,達倫史塔自組公司製作,由華納兄弟影片公司發行,台灣將於六月四日上映。

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