Katy Perry - E.T. (Futuristic Lover)

As many of you may already know Katy Perry will be releasing her sophomore album this summer! Single "California Gurls" premiered just a few days ago and is already電台滿檔 impacting radio. Here we have a newly leaked track titled "E.T. (未來愛人同志Futuristic Lover)" that is set to be on the new album. It's a mid-tempo pop track with urban and electronic influences. I'm really enjoying the feel of the song and I'm for sure looking forward to the album. Check it out, Enjoy!!


甫被MAXIM雜誌遴選為「全球最性感女星」冠軍的美國歌手凱蒂佩芮Katy Perry,目前正在美國如火如荼籌備8/27全台發行的個人第二張全新專輯《花漾年華Teenage Dream》!挾著全球銷量狂破500萬張的首張專輯《花漾派對One Of The Boys》,以及葛萊美獎「最佳女歌手」兩次提名、全英音樂獎、MTV歐洲音樂獎、滾石雜誌讀者票選「最佳新進藝人獎」、全美青少年直選大獎等提名獲獎加持餘威,新歌〈California Gurls加州女孩〉上週五iTunes數位上線之後,經統計、該曲24小時之內即衝上美國排行冠軍,以及加拿大、葡萄牙排行亞軍,挪威、義大利排行季軍,以及澳洲、紐西蘭、希臘、墨西哥、芬蘭、奧地利、盧森堡等7國排行TOP 10!2008年夏天已經創造出一曲「夏日國歌」〈親了一個拉拉I Kissed A Girl〉之後,2010年夏天、凱蒂佩芮這首〈California Gurls加州女孩〉勢必再創個人紀錄,成為2010年的媒體和歌迷新寵!Hit FM也將在5/19(三)全台大首播這首充滿夏天熱力的魅力單曲!

本身就是〈California Gurls加州女孩〉的凱蒂佩芮,在談到創作這首新歌時表示,靈感其實來自「嘻哈教皇」傑斯:「記得有幾次在洛杉磯的派對上,看著我朋友們一聽到DJ放出傑斯的〈Empire State of Mind〉時大家就瘋了,瘋狂隨音樂搖擺、High到不行!當時我就想說,『但是我們不在紐約阿,我們明明就在加州,獨屬於加州的棕梠樹、陽光和琴酒呢?』所以當下我就決定寫首獨屬於加州的歌〈California Gurls加州女孩〉,希望大家一聽完就想訂機票來加州玩!」再加上西岸饒舌教父、同時也是同門唱片公司總裁的史努比狗狗Snoop Dogg饒舌獻藝,這首歌已經被加州政府約談、望成本年度「最佳加州代言歌」哩!

可謂結合美貌、身材、創作才華、演唱實力與渾然天成表演天份於一身的凱蒂佩芮,從出道迄今可說是時尚潮流雜誌的寵兒,上遍包括柯夢波丹、FHM、People、Glamour、Billboard、Nylon、Seventeen等雜誌,和未婚夫Russell Brand籌備婚禮的過程則是全球狗仔的最愛,凱蒂佩芮也創下了「史上第四位在首張專輯就創造了四首暢銷單曲的歌手」(創紀錄的單曲包括蟬聯全美熱門單曲榜七週冠軍的〈親了一個拉拉〉,蟬聯全美主流Tp 40單曲榜冠軍的〈忽冷忽熱Hot N Cold〉與〈在賭城醒來Waking Up In Vegas〉以及獨霸VH1音樂頻道排行榜冠軍的抒情曲〈想著你Thinking Of You〉)!2010年夏天凱蒂佩芮全新專輯《花漾年華Teenage Dream》全球熱切倒數中!歌迷也趕緊加入她的臉書(www.facebook.com/katyperry)和推特(http://twitter.com/katyperry)接收最新消息唷!


Katy Perry’s brand new single ‘California Gurls’ has now appeared in full. The track, which features Snoop Dogg, is the first song to be heard from Katy’s forthcoming second album.

[Snoop Dogg]
Greetings loved ones
Lets take a journey

[Katy Perry]
I know a place
Where the grass is really greener
Warm, wet and wild
There must be something in the water
Sippin’ gin and juice
Laying underneath the palm trees
The boys
Break their necks
Try’na to creep a little sneak peek
(at us)

You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
to the golden coast
Once you party with us
You’ll be falling in love
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We’re unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We’re undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

Sex on a beach
We get sand in our stilletos
We freak
And we’re cheap
So play the songs on the stereo

You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
to the golden coast
Once you party with us
You’ll be falling in love
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We’re unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We’re undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

[Snoop Dogg]
Tone Tan
Fit and ready
Turn it up cause its gettin’ heavy
Wild wild west coast
These are the girls I love the most
I mean the ones
I mean like shes the one
Kiss her
Touch her
Squeeze her

The girls a freak
She drives a jeep
The men on the beach
I’m okay
I wont play
I love the bait
Just like I love LA
Venice beach
and Palm Springs
Summer time is everything

Come on boys
Hanging out
All that a-s
hanging out
Bikinis, tankinis, martinis
No weenies
Just to get
in betweeny
Katy my lady
You looking here baby
(uh huh)
Im all up on you
Cause you representing California
(ohhh yeahh)

[Katy Perry]
California girls
We’re unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We’re undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
(West coast, west coast)
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

[Snoop Dogg]
(Californiaaa, Californiaaa)
California girls man
I wish they all could be
California girls
I really wish
You all could be
California girls
(Californiaaa, yeah)

Katy Perry has roped in Snoop Dogg for her shimmering new single ‘California Gurls’, an exciting snippet of which has recently surfaced online. You can listen to a looped and (heavily) tagged version below.

We are loving the summery 80s feel of this short clip, which some bloggers have likened to Ke$ha’s ‘TiK ToK’. Not entirely sure we agree – what do you think?

Katy Perry @ 2010 MET's Costume Institute Gala
Tuesday, May 4th, 2010
在紐約大都會美術館舉行的Costume Institute Gala,是時尚界的超級盛會。

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    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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