據南韓媒體報導,南韓偶像組合super junior將在13日推出第4張正規專輯。據南韓SM娛樂經紀公司透露,super junior成員強仁,基範及中國籍成員韓庚將不參與該專輯的宣傳活動。super junior曾在去年推出的第3張正規專輯《sorry sorry》僅在韓國國內就創下了25萬張的銷量。在此期間,super junior還在北京,上海,香港,曼谷,南京,馬尼拉等9座城市共上演了15場名為《super show2》的巡回演唱會,並動員了20萬名左右的觀眾。SM公司還表示,super junior將通過該專輯,向歌迷們獻上更精彩的演出。

Taiwan Super Junior fans wish Super Junior big success for their comeback!

Something special happened on May 5th as the large LED display of a departmental store in Seoul, 狎鷗亭Apgujeong showed a message from Super Junior fans, wishing their idols big success on their impending comeback!

This special event was made possible by Super Junior fans from Taiwan as they bought over a timeslot from the department store at 7pm on May 5th and displayed a message in Chinese that read, “今年五月! SJ 4輯大發!‘ which literally mean that they wish big success for Super Junior’s 4th album which will be out this May!

The date has been finally set for their return – Super Junior will officially be making their comeback on May 13th with their brand new 4th album. As predicted by many, the group will launch their activities without three of their members: 強仁Kangin, 韓庚Hankyung and 基範Kibum.

SM Entertainment revealed,

“Excluding Kangin who is planning to get enlisted in the army, Kibum who is currently focusing on his acting career, and Hankyung who is in middle of a lawsuit, ten members of Super Junior have participated in this production. Only those ten members will be joining the activities for the album as well.”

It would be an understatement to say this album is 高度期盼highly anticipated, especially due to the fact that fans have been waiting for over a year and half. However, the absence of three members seems to be pretty bittersweet for fans, especially since with the surprising announcement regarding Kangin enlisting in the army.入伍

Super Junior expressed, “We hope that Kangin will spend his military years well, and we believe Kibum that will deeply focus on acting and show the audience a better image as an actor.”

The boys also added, “We are in a situation in which we can’t even contact Hankyung in any way. We hope he can join us soon.”

Better be ready for the big day!

Another concept photo for Super Junior’s comeback revealedby maestro-J on May 5, 2010

Super Junior
Boys in City Season 3 - Hong Kong

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