Gummy debuts As A Man on Music Bank!
by shockimpulse on May 14, 2010
It’s been nearly two very long years but the R&B killer queen Gummy is finally back and is kicking her comeback off with her title track As A Man on Music Bank!
Two years and yet this YG singer has still got the smooth vocals skills of lulling a baby to sleep. One would think that after such a long time away from the limelight, a person would waver a bit, but not Gummy as she proves that she’s still strong.
Watch below to see Gummy perform her ever so cool track. This song has got such a beautiful and light melody that it makes you want to kick back, relax and snuggle with your blanket as you watch her belt out her powerful performance on stage.
CJ Music
Labels YG Entertainment
Park Ji-yeon (박지연)朴智妍
1. 그만 헤어져/Let’s Break Up 就此分手
2. Because Of You
3. 사랑은 없다 (There is no love)没有愛情
4. 남자라서 (As A Man)
5. 어떡해/What Do I Do 怎麼辦(電影 侍女 OST主演:全度妍 李政宰)
6. 구세요 (Feat. Bigtone)是誰啊
據悉,該專輯主打曲《因為是男人》是南韓YG娛樂經紀公司頭號作曲家teddy親自完成的一首曲子。把新鮮的hip hop beat和gummy的唱法完美的融合在了一起。 此外,這天,gummy還會在通過cy world播出的SKT livesession上,舉行show case演出,並與歌迷們見面。
Gummy unveils more official photos for comeback
by lawlietta on May 3, 2010
As I’m sure you’ve gathered from her Loveless album, it’s obvious that comeback soloist Gummy’s got the full package… after all, how do you say no to an elegant-yet-fierce woman with amazing vocal pipes?
As with her There is No Love music video, this YG lady has combined simple elegance and fierceness with a new set of official photos taken for Loveless promotions. We got a sneak peek at the album jacket photos a few weeks back, and today, new monochrome pictures were released through Gummy’s official webpage. Check out the shots here:
Although kpop’s King & Queen of Sexy have both made their returns to the musical world with lots of fanfare, Gummy is definitely holding her ground with Loveless as well. Rookie idols definitely had their year in 2009, but they’ve got to step aside with these big returns… Stay tuned as we continue covering Gummy’s venture back into the spotlight!
Gummy encouraged her mother to debut as a singer
by maestro-J on May 4, 2010
Through the interview, Gummy confessed:
I was the first one to encourage my mother to debut as a singer. … I didn’t want my mother’s terrific singing skills to go to waste. Helping my mother debut as an artist is the greatest thing I’ve done in my life. … My mother has better singing skills than me. My mother gave me the most strength when I was becoming an artist. I still think of her as my mentor. … Up until now, my mother lived through a hard life. I just want her to live happily by doing things she want to do.
Gummy’s mother will release an album with a title track called Women Too…, which will be released on the 29th.
It’s great to see some daughter-mother love. Best of luck to her mother and her future singing career!
Gummy releases As A Man music video & Loveless album!
by shockimpulse on April 30, 2010
After much teasing and anticipation, vocal R&B genius Gummy kicks off her comeback with the release of her Loveless album.
Many fans have been eagerly awaiting the return of Gummy and the music she has to offer, and boy did she ever deliver.
Gummy’s title track As A Man has a cool breezy feel to it and is almost refreshing to hear. With the combination of a beautiful beat and her even more wonderful vocals, you can’t go wrong. Check it out for yourself below!
Her title song music video for As A Man, starring Kim Hyun Joong and Jung Ryeo Won acting as a couple was also released on the same day. The music video has a pretty captivating storyline and you do wonder if they might consider making a drama out of it because they have so much chemistry between them!
FR:TWTS http://twts.1ercn.com