01. Don`t Stop Can`t Stop
02. Without U
03. 마자
04. 목숨을 건다
05. Without U (Explorer Mix)
06. Space 마자
There's no stopping 2PM! Korea's favorite beast idols caused hearts to race in more ways than one over the last few months with the resounding success of Heartbeat and the official withdrawal of former leader Jae Beom. 2PM keeps the roller coaster moving with a brand-new new single album fittingly titled Don't Stop, Can't Stop.
2PM is Without U but wins K-Chart again on Music Bank
2PM comes back Without U on Music Core!
by maestro-J on May 1, 2010
It’s been a crazy month for the variety programs, including music programs in the three main broadcast companies; MBC, SBS and KBS in the month of April.
MBC’s Music Core had a few canceled episodes throughout this month due to the naval ship tragedy and the MBC labor union strike. From delaying artists’ comebacks to having their promotional period lengthening, these unfortunate events affected many music artists.
And that included the boys of 2PM, who could have had their comeback stage last week on Music Core. Unfortunately, Music Core did not broadcast last week so the boys performed their comeback stage today! Check out their terrific performances of Without U and Don’t Stop Can’t Stop below!
The meaning behind 2PM’s new single album
by jeshicaa on April 19, 2010
2PM released their third single album on April 19th, and it is climbing up the charts in lightning speed!
Their album, Don’t Stop Can’t Stop already reached the number one spot on various charts, and is expected be a fierce competition for big names like Hyori and Rain.
Park Jin Young (JYP) produced this mini album consisted of six tracks. 2PM promised to show a manlier and more mature side than their last mini album.
Unlike the last mini album, 1:59PM, in which you could feel the lack of Jaebeom, Don’t Stop Can’t Stop contains six unique colors of the 6 remaining members.
Many kpop critics have said that this album will be a very important turning point for 2PM. The six members of 2PM are also aware of the importance of this mini album. They worked very hard to fill the empty hole left by Jaebeom, and one can see that in the product of their hard work.
A representative revealed that the strong and powerful feel of the first track, Don’t Stop Can’t Stop seems closer to 2PM’s color and that their title song, Without U seems rather weak. However, the more you listen to it, you may find yourself drawn to the title song.
2PM will begin their promotion on the 22nd. Will 2PM be able to break through Rain and Hyori? We’ll have to wait and see!
Jae-bum quits 2PM!
September 8, 2009
I apologize for saying my last goodbye this way. I feel very sorry to everyone because of this situation and find it difficult to face everyone on stage again. I feel sorry and can only apologize to everyone, especially to all my fans that have given me so much love. I will officially resign from 2PM, today. 2PM members, I’m so sorry to all the members for not being capable of giving them strength and leaving such a burden on their shoulders as an elder and leader of the group. However, I ask and hope that everyone will give them more support and I apologize once again for everything.”
Studio albums
Hottest Time of the Day (2008) (EP)
2:00PM Time For Change (2009) (EP)
The First Album 1:59PM (2009)
Don't Stop Can't Stop (2010) (EP)
Promotional singles
"10 Jeom Manjeome 10 Jeom" (2008)
"Only You" (2008)
"Again & Again" (2009)
"Niga Mipda" (2009)
"Heartbeat" (2009)
"Tired of Waiting" (2010)
"Without U" (2010)
Hottest Time of The Day是2PM 2008推出的首張EP
5/14 2PM 超級精選 Taiwan Special Edition CD+DVDNT 390
◎ 韓國超Hottest的野獸派男子團體
◎ 加收「Only You(Winter Special)」;DVD獨家收錄「10 out of 10」(10分滿分)、「Again&again」MV以及兩篇「10 out of 10」(10分滿分)Teaser
一天最熱的時刻,就是下午二點,這也是來自南韓的野獸派男子團體2PM團名中所蘊含的意義,超Hottest;是時時刻刻熱力滿分的歐巴!2008年由宰范、峻秀、Nichkhun、澤演、佑榮、俊昊、燦成七位團員在韓國音樂教父朴振英繼「GOD」之後,睽違十年所精挑細選推出的男子偶像組合,讓他們一出道就倍受矚目。藉由選秀而成為JYP的練習生,經過舞蹈、歌曲、B-Boying、健身、特技等各種嚴酷的練習,歷經篩選淘汰之後,七個人循同門前輩Rain、WONDER GIRLS之後,在韓國樂壇發光發熱!
「Hottest Time of The Day」是2PM推出的首張EP,主打歌「10 out of 10」(10分滿分)正意味著他們準備好以滿分的姿態進軍歌壇,打破一般的男子偶像組合印象,兼具唱功及舞功,自承是野獸派的2PM正式在眾姐妹的尖叫聲中登場。「10 out of 10」(10分滿分)就跟曲名一樣,讓大家為2PM打上滿分的10分,在師姐WONDER GIRLS也為他們拍攝宣傳廣告後,一鳴驚人!除了主打歌外,抒情歌的「Only You」也讓人感受到野獸柔情的一面。在2009年緊接著推出第二張EP「2:00PM Time For Change」,主打歌「Again&again」,洋溢男人味的力道十足舞蹈動作以及溫柔的歌聲,將2PM推向全新高峰之作!「Taiwan Special Edition CD+DVD」精選了「Hottest Time of The Day」、「2:00PM Time For Change」兩張EP並加收「Only You(Winter Special)」,DVD獨家收錄「10 out of 10」(10分滿分)、「Again&again」MV以及兩篇「10 out of 10」(10分滿分)Teaser影片,讓大家在按下PLAY鍵的那一刻,立即感受下午二點的熱力襲來!2PM is coming!
10 Out Of 10(10分滿分)
Only You
Only You (Winter Special)
What Time Is It Now?
Again & Again
I Hate You
Maybe She’ll Come Back
Again & Again (R&B mix)
10 out of 10 teaser A
10 out of 10 teaser B
10 out of 10 (MV)
Again & again (MV)