These were snapped a couple days back at the Sunglass Hut Flagship store opening in NYC.
Sunglass Hut是美國一間很知名的名牌精品太陽眼鏡專賣店
Here's more info about Coco:
Coco Rocha (born Mikhaila Rocha on September 10, 1988) is a Canadian fashion model.
She is currently engaged to interior designer James Conran. The couple are planning to be wed on June 9, 2010.
Rocha started her professional career in 2004, signing with SUPREME in New York City. Two years later, Rocha met fashion photographer Steven Meisel. Soon, she was featured in an editorial with Gemma Ward and Amanda Moore. The editorial kickstarted her career, landing her the cover of the February 2006 issue of Vogue Italia. The week after, she walked the Spring/Summer 2006 New York City runways for a handful of designers, most notably Anna Sui and Marc Jacobs. [Source]
WOW!近日名氣大響的名模Coco Rocha與去年才開始交往的室內設計師James Conran傳出訂婚的消息,當男友向她跪下求婚時讓Coco Rocha非常驚訝,她表示已經等不及開始籌備兩人浪漫的婚禮。
Coco Rocha在自己的部落格上說︰「我很開心的宣佈我已經訂婚了,Conran先生在上週向我求婚,我也毫不猶豫的Say YES!我這輩子都沒像現在這樣開心過,已經等不及和他度過下半輩子了。」
另外,針對最近媒體說她是胖子的新聞,身材纖細的Coco Rocha其實只穿美國size 4號,她同樣也在部落格上憤怒回應︰「這個禮拜的頭條新聞,標題居然是︰『Coco Rocha太胖了,不適合走伸展台。』但這是事實嗎?不是。我還是以模特兒的身分接到許多伸展台的工作,事實上,我現在過的比以前更忙碌了,過去幾年,我完全沒有增胖太多,但發育中的少女本來就還會再成長一些。」