Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight (Video Premiere)
Loved all the different looks and Christina is looking super super hot. Just seemed like there was a lot going on and it all happened really fast. I would have liked to see more of the dance routine. Either way the song has grown on me a lot and I'm excited for the new album. Can't wait to see what else Christina Aguilera has in store for us this year.
BUY Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight [Single]: HERE
If video loads slow, press the pause button and wait 1 -2 minutes for it to fully load and press the play button again
The video premieres in full on VEVO this Friday at 12 am!
April 29th, 2010
大約一年前,產後復出的美國女歌手Christina Aguilera曾出言譏諷當時得令的Lady Gaga:「我根本不知道她是男還是女?」直至最近推出4年來首張專輯Bionic,她穿著緊身PVC膠裙拍攝新歌Not Myself Tonight的音樂錄影帶,卻被英國傳媒指有抄襲Gaga之嫌,早在去年8月她在倫敦已著過同款膠裙;此外,Christina演出另一主打歌Keeps Gettin' Better的MV,當時穿著黑白直間衫並把衣領拉起遮掩半邊臉的姿勢,Gaga宣傳舊歌Just Dance時亦曾做過同一動作,難怪惹來抄襲批評。
Check out the second video preview: HERE
Check out another video preview from VEVO: HERE
BUY Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight [Single]: HERE
Labels RCA Records
Christina Aguilera keeps unveiling more and more of her new video ‘Not Myself Tonight’, but she’s doing it in a 滑稽諷刺burlesque kind of way – verrrry slowly. Anyway, this video snippet is so short, 眨眼之間blink and you might miss it…
Another still from Christina Aguilera's video 'Not Myself Tonight'
- Apr 29 Thu 2010 11:03
Sony Music 索尼音樂 克莉絲汀 Christina Aguilera gives us a short video snippet of ‘Not Myself Tonight’